Just finished Don Quichotte. The 3 first dubs will decide my next books. Book series and meme non fictions books are not allowed.
Just finished Don Quichotte. The 3 first dubs will decide my next books...
Anime posters are shunned on Yea Forums.
We prefer the pronunciation of Don Quicks-Oat here anyways.
Infinite jest
Canterbury Tales
Don't entertain him or participate in this thread.
The Bible
>meme books not allowed
Fake thread. You’re just going to dismiss whatever you don’t want to read
Only non-fiction memes.
Shut up, wanna be hotpocket
Please no gravity's rainbow I don't want my vacations to become a meme.
All the king's men
Gravity's Rainbow
The Russian Revolution - pipes
But the meme trilogy are genuinely good, fun books
If this is dubs then GR
So it is real.
>OP was never heard from again
This is a good thread.
dont forget Finnegans Wake
critique of pure reason
>Don Quichotte
Is that the name of a dish at some Mexican chain restaurant that serves brunch?
>infinite jest
>gravity's rainbow
Good fucking luck!
I need to come back saturday for Ulysses.
Fuck you, Yea Forums.
Wait I forgot pic
The Mabinogion
Huarte - Examen de Ingenios