Thoughts on socially irresponsible librarians?
Thoughts on socially irresponsible librarians?
Dewey Decimal is a shit classification system.
616 looks like a bag of laughs
>working for basically nothing to ensure free access to books/electronic media for the public at large
>provide public spaces of learning with no cost of admission
>promote reading culture and physical books in increasingly atomizing, digital society
Yeah, those classic socially irresponsible librarians. They're the bad guys
t. bitter that my local library is closed for renovations this summer
sorry user, hope it opens again soon
Like school teachers, all librarians need to be fired and then the replacements must be paid well.
imagine staring at this fucking chart looking for your taboo topic of choice instead of just using one of the computers to search for it
more the topic at hand though, regardless of how you feel about any of these topics, how can it be considered socially irresponsible to direct people to books about them?
There was a time when librarians were helpful guides with the best interest of the reader in mind.
When was that? Why aren't they now?
LMAO @ america
>instead of just using one of the computers to search for it
>his library can afford computers
lucky you
Yeah there's no way that's not wall to wall fucking.
>Helping people find information about difficult situations in life
Based as always. Now SHHH.
I'm going to school to become librarian and this actual gives me inspiration. Good on the librarian in the pic.
How would learning things via reading be socially irresponsible? I'm so confused.
what is this boomer body changes meme? has any kid ever really started to panic when they get boobs or hair under their arms? lmfao.
I wouldn't want to put the average fucking star wars with popcorn reddit-tier librarian into the position of having to conjure the simulacra of empathy from the bottom of their empty Clintonian bugman soul.
If it were necessary, I'd much rather read about a tough topic in a book ostensibly written by someone with expertise or experience than have to wait patiently while some failure of a human being feigns understanding me or my circumstances.
>LGBTQ is under 306.76
>not 616.89
all public librarians, and public libraries in general, are detestable.
I guess you prefer private libraries?
In America many parents don't teach their kids anything about puberty until they reach it so they really do freak out over body changes.
libraries of private universities are great.
Ive seen Infinite Jest in these sections before. I guess it makes sense because it deals with a lot of those things
That is not true.
That was probably just me. I have a habit of going into libraries and relabeling and shuffling their copies of IJ where I deem fit
It's very true. Not just America, it's a conversation that is difficult to have thus it many times doesn't happen. And they will many times leave it to the school to teach, not to mention the implications associated with religious schools broaching the subject.
do american kids freak out not knowing this? Like wtf I never had a talk or some gay shit but it seemed pretty natural. I mean a boner isn't a big deal because you start getting semis at like age 6. Do american kids freak out when they grow a foot taller from age 5-9 or some shit?