Am I a good man?

>Am I a good man?
>What defines a good man?
>What is good?
Oh my god shut the fuck up jesus christ.

Who fucking cares? People do what they feel like doing in the moment, coming up with a bunch of rules for yourself is retarded and pointless. No one ever consults their list of personal ethics or societies moral expectations when they make decisions, no one. What a fucking waste of time, the reason I don't beat you to death with a rock and rape your wife is because I'm likely to get caught and rot in prison, it's risk vs reward. Not some made up mumbo jumbo cuck rules.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Imagine being a fucking psycho and thinking that everyone else is just like you.

Some people genuinely believe this though, possibly even the majority. It's difficult to understand. I assume if you repeat it enough it sticks.

There's also an evolutionary effect, the sadists and mass-murderers generally bred less and the societies they formed were outcompeted. Morality is a healthy meme 98% of the time.

uh that's gonna be a yikes from me sweaty

You honestly make decisions in accordance with dumb rules about morality and good?

Imagine being a fucking moralfag and thinking that everyone else is just like you.

Reversal is fair play. How sure are you that you know what people actually think, as opposed to what they're signalling they believe?

Although I'm not a moralfag, thinking like this leads to HOLOCAUST

I don't believe most people do things out of the goodness of their hearts. Why shouldn't somebody try and screw me if it benefits them and there is no consequence for it?

>The amoral egoist scociety of men would lead naturally to the death of Jews.

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Seeing as people end up like you if they don't care, I would say that everyone should care.

>Yeah amoral egoist is bad, thinking for your own self interest is also bad.
>I wouldnt support that type of behaviour so that way people can still do the shit that i want in favour of my self interest.
>B-But im not a egoist, i swear.

>no u
what a fucking faggot.
>How sure are you that you know what people actually think, as opposed to what they're signalling they believe?
Why does society make the rules that it makes? Where do morals come from? Why are they taught? I'm not a mind reader, but I know what I'm about and it's not at all what you're about, thank fuck. I don't steal cars or beat up the elderly because it's FUCKED UP not because I'm afraid I'll get caught, lel. Is it possible that I'm the only human in existence that thinks like this? I think it's highly unlikely. You're just a fucking depraved faggot trying to cope.
No, faggot. YOU don't. YOU don't do that. YOU don't have that compass.

You are an insufferable faggot, so were it not for those rules you would be in deep shit, laddie. Count your blessings (and teeth).

Clarification: those rules that keep you safe are a thing only because people don't have your "who cares" attitude.

I'm just saying that I would much rather live in a world where people question their morality and strive to be good, rather than a world where everyone I meet wants to smash my head in with a rock and rape my wife. I guess it's egotistical to want to have positive interactions with my fellow man rather than negative, but I'm willing to live with that. But looking at things a certain way, you could call every single action taken by every single human as egotistical. I just think it's a very sad way to the see the world.

>I would much rather live in a world where people question their morality and strive to be good
Why should anyone bother?

When I was a kid I'd steal money from all my relatives, I knew it was wrong but I did it anyway. I didn't feel bad, I only stopped when they caught me and punished me. If I wanted something, and there was no risk of being punished, I'd take it. I don't understand why anyone wouldn't. You wouldn't fuck an unconcious woman in the middle of the woods? Even if you 100% knew you wouldn't be caught?

No, I wouldn't. You're an actual psychopath. Please remove yourself from existence.

Rules are for big time fags. Fact.

Exactly. It's even in the original post, "society's moral standards". Who makes up society? Also, OP, if I was the only moralfag on earth, that already negates your original argument that NOBODY follows a moral code. Fuck, you're dumb.
Why should anyone bother?
Because they're not like you.
>When I was a kid I'd steal money from all my relatives, I knew it was wrong but I did it anyway. I didn't feel bad, I only stopped when they caught me and punished me. If I wanted something, and there was no risk of being punished, I'd take it. I don't understand why anyone wouldn't. You wouldn't fuck an unconcious woman in the middle of the woods? Even if you 100% knew you wouldn't be caught?
Yeah, you're a sociopath, my dude, and no, I wouldn't. You keep asking why. Why, why, why? And it's because you lack empathy. You have that defect. You're a sociopath/psychopath and people like you are the anomaly. The exception, not the rule. And you're severely outnumbered.

>if I was the only moralfag on earth, that already negates your original argument that NOBODY follows a moral code. Fuck, you're dumb.
Imagine being this stupid

>And it's because you lack empathy
Empathy is a massive meme also, idiot.

only sociopath/psychopaths are capable of being moral. empathy is a euphemism for being enslaved to social norms


Read Theaetetus and Sophist
Mr Protagoras

Have you never thanked someone for something? That is something you do only because society said it is good to do. Sure we are making shit up as we go along but if one hears something enough times the idea ingrains itself into that person, making the behavior almost automatic. Thus we inquire into what is moral in order to pound it into ourselves enough to make moral behavior automatic. But why do we desire moral behavior? Well because moral behavior is basically defined as behavior that is useful for living together in an efficient way. Meaning that the best way to get along with one another is to behave morally. Why do we want to live together? Well, because it makes survival easier and reproduction is easier in a colony. If you think living in society is harsh and unforgiving, you should try primitive survival.

Empathy is the ability to place yourself in someone else's shoes.
Fuck, nigger. I don't feel like reading all that shit and it's way too bright. I tell you what, if it's that big of a deal to you, just substitute "empathy" with "conscience". Fair enough?

>Have you never thanked someone for something?
I've said "thanks" and "thank you" but I don't think I've ever meant it. I can't recall ever feeling actual gratitude.

>Empathy is the ability to place yourself in someone else's shoes.

>only sociopath/psychopaths are capable of being moral.
retardus sapien goes full circle

You don’t need to mean it so long as you perform the behavior. Rescuing someone from a burning building out of compulsion due to societal pressures and doing it because you actually felt it was right still end with a person not burning alive.

>You're an actual psychopath.

>To receive a diagnosis of ASPD, someone must be older than 18. Their behaviors must show a pattern of at least three of the following seven traits:
>Doesn’t respect social norms or laws. Theyconsistently break laws or overstep social boundaries.
>Lies, deceives others, uses false identities or nicknames, and uses others for personal gain.
>Doesn’t make any long-term plans. They also often behave without thinking of consequences.
>Shows aggressive or aggravated behavior. They consistently get into fights or physically harm others.
>Doesn’t consider their own safety or the safety of others.
>Doesn't follow up on personal or professional responsibilities. This can include repeatedly being late to work or not paying bills on time.
>Doesn’t feel guilt or remorse for having harmed or mistreated others.

Now the rest of you take the test to see if I'm actually a sociopath or not.

I wouldn't rescue a person from a burning building, or from being raped, or if an old man fell over though. I say thanks as a conversation ender 99 times out of 100, I don't actualy mean "thanks for your help" I mean "thanks now go away".

Don't worry, OP. You'll grow up eventually. Those teenage hormones can be a bitch.

>Empathy is the ability to place yourself in someone else's shoes.
0 IQ what a retarded reply. understanding=/=caring. empathy breeds contempt for normalfags. god hates your gay feelings

I'm 27

Amazing op, in this thread you have demonstrated:
1: That you love slurping on semen juice.
2: That you have sevete brain damage
3: That you are irrational and an edgy thirteen year old.
Everyone is dumber due to this failure of a thread.

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You sound sociopathic alright. My turn:

>Doesn’t respect social norms or laws. They consistently break laws or overstep social boundaries.
Mostly false

>Lies, deceives others, uses false identities or nicknames, and uses others for personal gain.
Almost always false.

>Doesn’t make any long-term plans. They also often behave without thinking of consequences.
Partly false, somewhat true.

>Shows aggressive or aggravated behavior. They consistently get into fights or physically harm others.
Completely false.

>Doesn’t consider their own safety or the safety of others.
Completely false.

>Doesn't follow up on personal or professional responsibilities. This can include repeatedly being late to work or not paying bills on time.
Partly true

>Doesn’t feel guilt or remorse for having harmed or mistreated others.
Completely false.

Other possible symptoms of ASPD can include:

>being “cold” by not showing emotions or investment in the lives of others
Rather true but I've gotten better on this.

>using humor, intelligence, or charisma to manipulate others
Mostly false.

>having a sense of superiority and strong, unwavering opinions
Variable but mostly false

>not learning from mistakes
Isn't that true for everyone ? Let's say rather true.

>not being able to keep positive friendships and relationships
False, albeit not without difficulty.

>attempting to control others by intimidating or threatening them

>getting into frequent legal trouble or performing criminal acts
Completely false.

>taking risks at the expense of themselves or others

>threatening suicide without ever acting on these threats
False, lmao. What kind of pussy bitch ass behavior is that

>becoming addicted to drugs, alcohol, or other substances
False, I tried several drugs and I stand unaddicted.

ASPD can be diagnosed in someone as young as 15 years old if they show symptoms of a conduct disorder. These symptoms include:

>breaking rules without regard for the consequences

>needlessly destroying things that belong to themselves or others


>lying or constantly deceiving others

>being aggressive toward others or animals

Sounds like I'm the anti-sociopath. Also sounds like sociopaths are like particularly rabid teenagers who never grow up.

Your turn psycho-kun, do the rest of the test for us to confirm you're actually dangerous.

Everybody loves to convince themselves they're sociopaths or narcissists, in reality they're just boring

How is it a meme? Are you not able to do it? I generally do it by thinking about my mom or just myself. I'll give you an example. Friends and I drive to a gig. Retardo friend(goes to therapy and his shrink has actually told him he has psychopathic tendencies so this example is perfect) spills a bottle of honeyjack on the back seat. We find parking, chew him out, and tell him he has to get rid of the bottle. The retard right away wants to smash it on the sidewalk. We tell him no, not because we care for the sidewalk, but because we don't want to get busted (pretty public area). What's retardo do? Places the bottle right under the left rear tire of the parked car in front of us. Right away I'm able to place myself in that person's shoes. What if I went somewhere, parked my car, did my business, got back in the car, and just as I'm about to take off, my tire pops because some spiteful faggot decided to place an empty liquor bottle under it for no fucking good reason? How much of a bitch would that be? I'd have to call AAA and wait for them to come switch that shit and probably charge my card. What if I'm in a hurry? Now, I have AAA. What if I didn't? I'd probably have to call another more expensive service. What if I didn't have money for that? I'd have to leave it there over night. It was meter parking. Free because it was Sunday. What would happen by Monday? What if I got a ticket? What if it got towed? What if all that shit happened to my mom? That would be seriously fucked up. What if the person driving the car is somebody's mom? What if they're having problems right now? This is the last thing they need. Even if they're not. Nobody needs that shit. It's a major fucking hassle. I thought about all this and I told him to move it, so retardo moved it more to the center away from the tire and I reluctantly let it go. See, retardo only sees a car. An object. All he's doing is placing a small object under a big one to hide the former. It's no big deal to him. He can't see anything wrong with what he's doing. I don't just see a car, I see a person. A person with thoughts, emotions and senses just as vivid as mine. This is what I mean by empathy. Idk, man. Maybe it's just me but I don't see how it's a meme. I do it all the time.

Forgot to say False on the animal thing. Also i'd replace my "False" under the lying thing with "Partly true". I do lie out of necessity sometimes, but I don't like it.

Yeah I didn’t really expect you to. I was just using an example with dire consequences to prove a point. I don’t think we put enough social pressure on anyone to make them go into a burning building. But we do for other moral things. Have you ever held a door open for someone else? Givin change to a homeless person? Donated money when asked to do so at a cash register? These are all automatic moral decisions that illustrate how hammering in morality works. Again it doesn’t matter why you do it. As long as you do.

>People do what they feel like doing in the moment
like making posts you don't like? why are you making rules for what people should post?

>How is it a meme?
because being able to "place yourself in someone else's shoes" is a mental thing and not one rooted in pathos.

>being “cold” by not showing emotions or investment in the lives of others
>using humor, intelligence, or charisma to manipulate others
>having a sense of superiority and strong, unwavering opinions
>not learning from mistakes
I don't know
>not being able to keep positive friendships and relationships
>attempting to control others by intimidating or threatening them
>getting into frequent legal trouble or performing criminal acts
>taking risks at the expense of themselves or others
>threatening suicide without ever acting on these threats
>becoming addicted to drugs, alcohol, or other substances
>breaking rules without regard for the consequences
>needlessly destroying things that belong to themselves or others
>lying or constantly deceiving others
>being aggressive toward others or animals

>Have you ever held a door open for someone else? Givin change to a homeless person? Donated money when asked to do so at a cash register?
No, never.

Sociopaths do exist though, I think OP might actually be one

>Sociopaths are just hardcore RPers that are trying to cope with how boring they are

You better watch out. You might burn your hands on that hot opinion if you aren’t careful.

Do you not know how to change a tyre?

Jesus fuck, what a vagina. If you run over glass and the tire pops, you open the boot and change it you pussy. You don't call some guy in a fucking tow truck to do it for you.

This. Unironically.

You'll have to be more specific retard

make me

*unzips penis*

*isn't made*

I armchair-diagnose you as Sociopathic (but not psychopathic) of the conniving subdued (or low-aggressivity) variety. There's probably a funny hat you can buy on the internet to commemorate that.

How do you feel now that you inner experience has received the stamp of an honourable institution ?

>How do you feel now that you inner experience has received the stamp of an honourable institution ?
The same as this morning, I feel slightly more superior than usual I suppose.

I do, but what if the person driving the car was a woman? What if the car I was driving didn't have a spare or a jack or a wrench? It was in fucking downtown, there's no fucking tire shops around there. I'd have to get dropped off at one, which costs money for Uber or Lyft, alternatively bus. Buy the tire, get a lift back to the car. What if they don't let me in the car with a fucking tire? I'd have to take the bus carrying a fucking tire. Alternatively I could call up a friend to go out of their way to come all the fucking way downtown and give me rides to and from the shop. Now they're also being affected. Even if I had everything, tire, jack wrench, I still lose the fucking spare I had because of some faggot. It's a pain every possible way. Is thinking of possible contingencies really that hard for you, you bitch ass, nigger ass, brainlet moron?

Also, you know what I just realized, nigger? It was fucking 11 by the time we got there. No tire shop's open that late. If the person driving the car ran over the bottle and they didn't have a spare/were a woman, they'd be fucked.

>Is thinking of possible contingencies really that hard for you, you bitch ass, nigger ass, brainlet moron?
The only time I take other people into account is "If I do this, will one of these annoying cunts attempt to initiate conversation with me?". If the answer is yes, I'll go out of my way not to put the bottle under your wheel arch. If there's no one around I'm throwing it wherever I feel like. To clarify, I'm not avoiding someone calling me out or saying mean things, I'm avoiding ANY social interaction at all. It's the thing I hate the most in life.

I'm pissing myself laughing at you now, you fucking emotional cumrag.

Sure you are.

Do you get laid at all? Friends? Legit questions.

>Do you get laid at all?
No, but I don't ever leave the house unless it's for food. Occasionally a fat girl at a petrol station or a fish and chip shop will try to chat me up but I play dumb and leave as soon as possible.
Never had any, don't want any.

>Am I a good man?
>What defines a good man?
>What is good?

Etymologically, latin word "bonus/duonus/duenos" (good) is related to "bellum" (war) and "duellum" (duel).
Slavic word "дoбpo" [dobro] (good) is derived from "дoблecть" (valour) and is cognate with Armenian "darbin" (weaponsmith) and German "tapfer" (bold, daring)

So... Have you ever raided/pillaged a settlement or, maybe, killed someone in a duel? If not, then you are definitely not a good man.

Empathy isn't just understanding, moron. It's understanding another's emotions from their frame of reference. Making the differences between the self and the other less distinct.
In other words, placing yourself in their shoes.
>god hates your gay feelings
I'm expected to believe you believe in god, you demoralized faggot? lel.

OP here, apparently I'm a low functioning sociopath because this is me almost 100% (I don't have kids or shoplift because that would put my comfortable leeching at risk)

>Someone who is happy to go about their day doing nothing. Watching tv, taking a stroll, sitting and people watching. They can live without earning money by scrounging off relatives (if they are still in touch) or loaning money until their benefits come through - which they then spend all at once not bothered they will be skint again for weeks. They wont work as they dont see why they should. Best of all is to get a bf or gf with whom can supply them with their food, beer and weed. Making you feel sorry for them with their woe is me and my ex was so horrible or mad or an alcoholic or violent, bla bla. They wont be in touch with their family, they talk about them with distaste and they usually hate their mothers. They wont take responsibility for their children, claiming to love them but wont make any real effort to see them or go to court and do it properly. Yes, most wont be living with their child/ren as they cant hold down relationships. They are also loners. They dont have proper friends. They know people but they dont have a social life. Low functioning socios tend to be boring with not much of a personality and I think its because they are a bit thick or they cant form their own opinions as they wait to see what yours is to try to mirror you. Also they will ramble on about rubbish that makes no common sense to you or I. They tend to be socially awkward not really able to join in and contribute valid points to a conversation in front of your friends, you cringe at what they might come out with when they start to say something. They make silly choices in life that again makes no sense. But they think they are right! You will also catch them staring at you, blank dead eyes barely blinking just giving themselves away that they’re not all there.

>They also shop lift, get arrested for the silliest of crimes like refusing to get off a bus or arguing with the pub landlord or just cause scenes for amusement, getting drunk, take as many drugs as they can (just so they feel something) and sod any consqences. They just live for the here and now, day to day. They do generally enjoy aggresive confrontation and it is important to them to look good (help draws in the next host and makes them look like a normal functioning member of society)
>Basically a day in the life of a low functioning socio is boring as hell to us normal people because they dont really feel joy or happy or sad or anything. When prodded they only feel anger, rage, resentment and jelousy and when they explode they bring up ridiculous things that have no baring on the “argument”, they just sound little silly little children, I suppose thats what they are. Anyway other than anger etc they flatline.

You know what you have to do.

Kill myself?

Can't, never felt the need to.

What the fuck are you even saying? Feeling someone else's emotions isn't pathos related?

>Who fucking cares?
You apparently. You probably asked some questions which had answers you couldn't deal with, and this is how you cope. Just do everyone a favour and put a bullet in your brain.

>Feeling someone else's emotions isn't pathos related?

Empathising someone is becoming detrimental for your survival. Neuroeconomics and shit already learn how to treat you subpersonally. You'll be fucked if you cling to your empathy and intuitions.

>only sociopath/psychopaths are capable of being moral. empathy is a euphemism for being enslaved to social norms

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Empathy is an "autopilot" mode for a specific environment. Change the environment, and it'll lead you to a crash.
And the environment is rapidly changing now.

Will look into this. thx.

>What a fucking waste of time, the reason I don't beat you to death with a rock and rape your wife is because I'm likely to get caught and rot in prison, it's risk vs reward.

>I run a utilitarian calculus to decide whether I want to rape your wife
>beep boop

America was a mistake.

I'm not American though.

I live in the UK, was born and raised for a few years in Ireland and feel attached to neither country.

You should move to some shithole in south africa, because that seems to be the kind of place you want the world to be. I'd bet actually getting your skull smashed by a rock will change your viewpoint quite fast.

>I'd bet actually getting your skull smashed by a rock will change your viewpoint quite fast.
Nope. I don't believe in do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I believe in do unto others whatever you think you can get away with.

I wish I could get away with paying niggers to fuck you in the ass.

That's pretty gay, I'm not into you watching either.

And you basically just validated my belief system. You wish you could hire niggers to fuck my ass but you know you'd get in trouble if you did, you're not not doing it because it's wrong. Check mate.

That's fine with him. As long as people do what they want, he wouldn't mind getting fucked by nigger dicks. In his ideal world, he would be getting fucked by nigger dicks every day.

The key part of what I said was "whatever you think you can get away with". You're free to try to rob me and I'm free to gouge your eyes, punch your throat, stomp your testicles or bite a chunk out of you.

A mugger is unlikely to go to the police.

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>I'm free to gouge your eyes, punch your throat, stomp your testicles or bite a chunk out of you.
I think you've been watching too many movies. This is so edgy it physically made me cringe, and holy fuck that is a first, because you actually seem to have lost touch with reality.

I'm never gonna play it, what's so good about it?

>I think you've been watching too many movies.
When your life is threatened in a fight, you go for the vitals and the extremely painful areas. The eyes, the throat, the testicals etc. It's what they teach Royal Marines, grab the throat or ballsack and pull as hard as you possibly can.

Great, albeit a bit graphomanic, lore and dialogs.

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>this thread

Some people view the world in radically different ways from others, deal with it and grow up.
