ok this shit slaps
Ok this shit slaps
Other urls found in this thread:
Incoming butthurt in 3, 2, 1...
>Fight for the Nazis? Why would I?
He was a sick sick hateful man who only brought pain and misery in the short amount of time God allotted him. May he burn in hell.
Where can I buy it?
I heard he described the slavs as subhumans in the book but later during the 30s changed his mind about that?
Where can I buy it?
Nice try, Rabbi. He's up there smiling down on us every single day.
based redditor
He was a sick sick hateful man who only brought pain and misery in the short amount of time God allotted him. May he burn in hell.
I found it at my local bookstores, but I strongly recommend getting it online. I can't remember the name of the translation, but there's an English translation that doesn't feature any assblasted commentary by the publisher or translator to remind the reader that you shouldn't sympathise with one of the most powerful and inspiring men of the last 5 centuries
If it wasn't for what happened after, and its historic significance, this book would go down the garbage bin of history.
Poorly written, poorly structured, unintentionally funny.
He can't write for shit. The book would be better if it was ghostwritten by Twilight's author
just kill yourself
Its legitimately a good book. Although the second half is boring.
He didnt write it, he dictated it from his prison cell while Hess wrote it down. The whole book is one big speech essentially. Also translation from German to English is always dubious, its a very expressive language.
>still mad 80 years later
The Reich will rise again!
he thought ukrainian women would make good breeding stock
the stalag edition
Ford is also a good one. Thats the one I read, its got a great introduction and lots of pictures and annotations to guide you through the history, locations, and people in the book.
>Weakness must be hammered away. I want a brutal, domineering, fearless, cruel youth. Youth must be all that. It must bear pain. There must be nothing weak and gentle about it. The free, splendid beast of prey must once again flash from its eyes.
How could anyone dislike this guy?
He killed le jews
I recommend reading this
It expresses that sentiment but im far greater detail
Skip like halfway down the page the rest is a garbage introduction
So retarded that translators are allowed to print the book when 50% of it is their own shitty introduction that nobody wants to read
What a waste of good paper
Do you know what website you’re on lol
>He was a sick sick hateful man who only brought pain and misery in the short amount of time God allotted him. May he burn in hell.
Jew detected
I’m not gonna comment on the topics he discussed, but unironically the writing is quite shit. Maybe because I haven’t read the German version. The translations are shit at least
What a strange picture. Does anyone know the context? What kind of man would feel comfortable with so many eyes on him?
Oy vey, this is anti-semitic.
i wanna write a book called my struggle and its all about me coming out as a fag because no one let me into art school
>what is posing for a photo
You realise he didnt get refused they just said he had talents to be an architect and he took that advice
Why do so many people repeat this retarded thing about him being asshurt for not getting into art school
cause hitler was shit lol sorry your mans gay
He accomplished far more than you ever will and will be remembered for thousands of years
Does that upset you?
hell be the bad guy forever tho. and that definitely upsets you.
how many lies have been told about him ?
so many, and it all comes from nazis
He's not even the bad guy today
In 100 years I gaurantee you he'll be as praised as Caesar or Napoleon is
ahahahahahahah and my friends are why nazis are retarded. not even once.
You seem upset
NAhtzis , that tell me that you swallowed every lie about him , read ww2 even if its against him and think for yourself , even there narrative is laughable and you will see the truth
why would i be upset at retards thinking nazis are cool? youve been sucking each others dicks for years and have no concept of what the outside world is like. its actually pathetic
are you trying to say hitler wasnt a nazi
yes Hitler wasn't a nazi , do you even know what his party is called ?
Maybe if you're a retard
oh yes do go on, pls tell me about the nsdap
why do you sound like you're turned on by this
It's almost like he made shit up as he went along.
my sexual fetish is fucking retards, thats why they took me out of special ed
wtf I love Hitler now???
"The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.
Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck. I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying. Gradually I began to hate them."
One of the most powerful and relatable passages I have ever read in my life. I think about it often
okay retard
Mein Kampf is trash. It's not very interesting as a historical document and it reads like absolute dogshit, even in German. Reading one or two good biographies or some secundary literature is far more fruitful.
>ur dumb
whoah I never looked at it like that before
glad I could help :)
lol cope
read this biography bud
t. jew
You do know that Hitler started WW2 as a blood sacrifice to moloch right? How ignorant can one be?
Irvings Hitlers War is good
lol what shit writing
>smiling down on the jewish dystopia built on the ruins he left behind
Yeah, okay.
Isn't it a bunch of boring shit about "And then the NSDAP did this..." and petty party politics?
>German a very expressive language
I dont get it
So he's mad because his jewish buddies ni school would always win arguments ?
Nice ressentiment bro.
This sounds a lot lke what Schopenhauer advocates in his "Art of Bing Right".
Was Schopenhauer Jewish or are most jewish traits actually german traits ?
His experiences in vienna remind me of of this board and what I dealt with as a tour rat hippie when every retard I ever met in my life became a berniebro and then ascended to their planar form of calling 60 year old women dumb cunts on public facebook newsfeed articles
I am more sick of people using Nazism to death as meme to offend the non-existent lefties on this sites.
>he still thinks it's a meme
>he thinks its to "offend"
The days of 50 hitler posts and ironic mountain dew bottles are LONG gone zoomer scum. Also reminder even if emo kids were gay looking millenials were actually having sex, it was a loolk like 80s perms. You zoomy zooms are fucking castrating yourselves or turning gay out of pure autism.
>You zoomy zooms
boy do i wish i was a zoomer. i wasted my fucking youth and all i got was a feeling of wanting to off myself.
Literally objectively false. You're just incapable of separating the ideology from the work. It is a critical piece of history, and regardless of the evil national socialism and its leaders wreaked on the world, his book was written competently.
Unironically pseud literature
Its okay buddy I spent my early to mid 20s abusing an unbelievable amount of psychedelics and i'm hitched to my highschool sweetheart and just bought a new car. I still want to kill myself sometimes.
Seems like a good place to ask, but does anyone know where I get find "the battle for berlin"(the translated version) by Goebbels
Abebooks or just searching keywords with ".epub .pdf full text". How can you be too retarded to use the BASIC principles of the internet? Ebay? Have you even tried you stupid motherfucker?
thank you user
Pretty sure Shopenhauer was an anti semite, Hitler quotes him at one point in Mein Kampf.
No its half autobiography half manifesto
Everybody was an anti-semite back in the day thats nothing special
>hates hitler
>gets hail hitler digits
Based numale
He raised the NSDAP from obscurity to prominence in less than ten years. His philosophy, whether you agree with it or not, is substantially significant to his target audience - and therefore significant also to his detractors.
>I am more sick of people using to death as meme to offend
In all fairness, the term "Nazism" is the edgy insult intended to offend.
You're underselling it, he went from being a homeless orphan doing shitty labour work and selling paintings for food to becoming dictator of one of the biggest countries in Europe. Anybody who thinks there's nothing worth reading from a man who accomplished what virtually nobody else in history has managed (even Caesar and Napoleon were already minor nobles before their rise to power) is a moron and being dismissive of great historical importance. Its not a matter of hatred or love for the man, he is important to learn from.
They owned it though, Goebbels wrote the "Nazi Sozi" both of which are derogatory terms.
Can you point to this? I have heard this mentioned - that they made a brief flirtation at co-opting the insult - but have never seen it myself. I am not familiar with any long term use in this respect.
you gotta be like a hard-boiled egg
t. hitler
Its pretty interesting seeing what they came from, a radical terrorist organisation, to the professional party Hitler morphed them into.
>Everybody was an anti-semite back in the day thats nothing special
Really because I think that's significant.
I read the Ford translation. Does anyone have a critique of it? Is there another version that I should also read to get a closer view? Is it worth struggling through the original German if I am barely conversant in the language? Is there a glossary of important terms for this text so I would know what to watch for?
>He killed le jews
Well I’m not Jewish so idgaf.
posting in a propadanda shit thread
>from a man who accomplished what virtually nobody else in history has managed
Stalin? Lenin?
Lol what?
Ford is fine but you can also read the Stalag if you want the official translation (allegedly). There are people who said the Ford isnt translated well but I didnt see an issue with it.
I haven't been able to feel upset in a post like this for a while.
Now why would someone be so horrifically upset about a great leader going down in the history books as many of the other great leaders of history? Why would Hitler not be seen as a lesser Napoleon or even a Khan? Because he makes you upset? Is that why?
This must be bait but Lenin was from a wealthy bourgeoisie family and Stalin literally rode on Lenin's fame and usurped power against Lenin's wishes
Seething 2bh
I've looked so hard for figures of history that I can truly admire. I've tried to find underdogs who rose from nothing to become great through their own accomplishments and it is so rare. You find stories here and there but almost always the actual outcome for the individual is not greatness, it's just fame. Historical leaders always came from successful families. Great scientists and minds also came from money. The heroes of homosexuals today are negroes who put on suits and complained until whites changed laws to force serving them.
Nothing compares to the story of Hitler and he will go down in history as one of the greatest men to ever have lived once the world is far enough removed from the war.
Nah. I definitely admire his conviction and what he accomplished as an underdog, but he did some undeniably terrible things. I went through a phase of idolizing Hitler when I realised that he isnt as evil as he's made out to be, but that reaction made me overlook the real evils that did happen. Things like Operation Reinhardt, and the medical experiments they did, I hate the Americans for the same reasons so it makes no sense for me to pretend the Nazi's are above criticism for doing the same things.
He is an objectively great man, ij the sense of his accomplishments, but not a very good man. If he hadnt been so expansionist Europe wouldn't have suffered the tyranny of liberalism for another hundred years. Fascism was on the rise everywhere and he could have just waited before taking the fight to the Russians. I cant reconcile his bad actions with the admittedly good things he did.
I still think men like Julius Caesar are far more admirable.
I respect that position but disagree. I think gas chambers and human experimentation bother you more than the Roman caste system and the colloseum because of your removal from those events.
Regardless, these are moral arguments and people can be absolutely repulsed by Hitler if they wish. I don't care about that but I do care when people deny historical future's greatness for irrational reasons.
Castes, throwing degenerates off rocks, and gladiator fights are based as fuck. Human experimentation is kind of fucked.
Look up Muhammad then. Gives me chills whenever I think about what he started as and ended up accomplishing
>Operation Reinhardt
Have you seen a record of an order to exterminate? I am unaware of any such thing. Much of this is exaggerated. In the Ukraine, when they needed to slaughter, they did so with rapidity and determination. There is no reason to believe that, if they desired to do this elsewhere, that they needed the complicated logistics train that accompanies deathcamps.
>and the medical experiments they did
Much of this is based on sketchy witnesses.
>He is an objectively great man, but not a very good man
This reads almost exactly like the Byron Acton quote.
>If he hadnt been so expansionist
The Slavs were expanding Westward. Much of what he claimed regarding the Czech Republic area originally being populated by Germans has been proven true due to the recent drought that exposed Hunger Stones in the rivers; many in the German language. Also consider that almost no one derides the Mongols for taking advantage of the power vacuum caused by the plague to expand into the same area previously. This is all smoke. Every civilization has had an expansionist phase.
>Fascism was on the rise everywhere and he could have just waited before taking the fight to the Russians
The Russians has 24,000 boxcars filled with munitions headed Westwards. The fight was inevitable. Hitler would rather have it fought as far from home as possible. There were errors related to this but the underlying principle is sound if it can be successful.
>I cant reconcile his bad actions with the admittedly good things he did
If any of this is related to Speidel's accounts then you should read Rommel's diaries. This will destroy your opinion of Speidel's narrative.
I agree. I do, however, try to temper my enthusiasm for excessive admiration until I get a bigger picture regarding the context of the situation. Many great men are likely long forgotten because they were never handed a watershed moment on which they could capitalize. How greatly would we remember Alexander if he had not inherited such a great army from his father? I am not contesting your example; just pointing to the fact that it is often difficult to separate the greatness of the man from the greatness of the moment.
Where can I find decent (by decent I mean split into reasonable sections) audiobook of this?
Genghis Khan
Even David Irving, the so called holocaust denier (by people who havent read his books evidently) confirmed there is documented proof of at least 1.2 million killings in Operation Reinhard.
>most of this is based on sketchy witnesses
They literally found a dissected jewish head in a jar lad
>the slavs were expanding westward
You got a source for that?
>every civilisation has had an expansionist phase
Ok, first of all thats a very broad and general statement, but more importantly it doesnt change anything about what I said
If he wasnt so expansionist there wouldnt have been a war. You can go through mental hoops if you want but in the end it really does just boil down to that. Hitler wanted Danzig, or more importantly land access to East Prussia for the upcoming war into Russia. He didnt NEED Lebensraum, that was an excuse for war. A cassus belli. He made it up for the sole purpose of expansion.
>the fight was inevitable
This is true but had he been attacked the allied countries were likely to have gotten involved on their behalf. Hitler was impatient because he was dying, thats why he rushed into war.
>if any of this is related to Speidel'a accounts
user its related to my reading of multiple historical accounts and history books on the period
If you sit there in the face of the mountains of historical documented evidence and claim that the holocaust is one big hoax and Hitler dindu nuffin then you're just being intentionally stupid.
I'm a fascist politically speaking, I have nothing to hide with what I believe, but I'm not going to celebrate a mass murder simply because it was people I find distasteful.
If he wrote Bismarck yaoi I'm sure it would do quite well on fanfiction.net
>They killed a bunch of people
I do not think anyone really disputes that. It was a war.
>They literally found a dissected jewish head in a jar lad
One head is not much evidence, in itself, of anything in a population of several million.
>You got a source for that?
Number one, the Hunger Stones that I mentioned showing a general trend of Westward expansion, displacing the Germans. Number two, the mass migration of Slavs into Austria precipitating WW1. This is all open information that you can source on your own.
>He didnt NEED Lebensraum, that was an excuse for war
That certainly is the popular line. Regardless, nationalism is a natural byproduct of multiculturalism, so the Communists deserved everything they got.
>the allied countries were likely to have gotten involved on their behalf.
The Allies were still turning the screws on Germany from WW1. They were never going to side with Germany.
>user its related to my reading of multiple historical accounts and history books
Much of which is likely influenced by Speidel's accounts and the surrounding obfuscation.
>If you sit there in the face of the mountains of historical documented evidence
Yes, I dispute a lot of the evidence - like the chimney and trap doors that pretty much everyone admits were made by the Russians. The Holocaust narrative with the deathcamps does not fit well with my knowledge of how conflicts work. The way the Germans slaughtered in the Ukraine is more substantial evidence wise, and just makes more sense for how the Germans would conduct other slaughters.
>Hitler dindu nuffin
Never once did I state this and it is disingenuous for you to try to pin that on me. They slaughtered a bunch of people - in efficient ways that make sense from a military perspective. It's the cockamamie stuff that makes no sense that rests on evidence proven to be falsified that escapes my belief.
Just take a look
Sincere question, do you think the people who worked in the crematory buildings and took out the corpses (and photographed them), and nazis who admitted to what was going on, and all the rest of the camp inhabitants who say they knew what was going on...were/are all of those people lying, or coached by Russians or the other Allies somehow, or under some mass delusion?
Nigga, in the Art of Being Right he also says in the introduction that he analyses and presents all of these ways, so everyone can see them in an actual debate and call bullshit.
Hitler's "Germany First" mantra is really misinterpreted. It's really no different from any other country holding a view that they deserve to hold pride in themselves.
is no less jingoistic and self-centered than:
>Deutschland über alles
The nationalism that Hitler was exporting claimed, at least on the face of it, that each race should consider itself the best race and take pride in who they were. It should come as no surprise that that is how he portrayed his own people, fully in line with the nationalism he was proposing. Anyways, your meme shows that they were not nearly as exclusionary for their own club as is generally presented; but even those not included were encouraged to make their own and take pride in it.
I'm pretty sure the USA doesn't run pogroms against its own people in the name of racial purity.
>that you can source on your own
I'm asking you for sources on the slavs planning a westward conquest, you didnt provide any (because there aren't any).
Burden of proof is on you not me.
>so the communists deserved everything they got
So you concede that I'm right
>they were never going to side with Germany
America was running war games for an invasion of Britain up until right before they entered the war. This implies America was planning on allying with Hitler until the Germans started losing. The more you know.
>never once did I state this
No but you're very clearly trying to sanitise him when I'm not even making radical claims here, i'm just stating the obvious things that are undeniable and saying you cant dismiss them.
I know full well how exaggerated the narrative of Nazi war crimes is. But that doesnt mean there are none. Truth in history usually doesnt fall in the extremes, its somewhere in the middle. Conflicts are very rarely, if ever, black and white issues. And WW2 is no different. We go on endlessly about Nazi war crimes while simultaneously downplaying British and American war crimes, as if those were simply necessary to defeat the great evil. I understand how frustrating this can be and I sympathise. But after a long period of being a /pol/tard idolising Hitler, I finally actually read some literature and some history books, rather than only being informed by Yea Forums and infographics. The Nazi's were not innocent, and Hitler was not innocent either. He called for the extermination of Jews in Table Talks. He says it very clearly, that if they are unwilling to leave Germany they will be exterminated. Goebbels states in his diary, that if the Jews are unwilling to become true Germans they should all be killed. He also later follows up withthe statement that, if the Jews (in Britain) enter into another world war against Germany then the only logical outcome will be the extermination of the Jews in Europe.
There's a lot of incriminating evidence, if you dismiss it you're just being intellectually dishonest with yourself to justify your beliefs.
There was obvious lying. There were lots of real bodies but their deaths were not necessarily attributable to the causes as portrayed by the prosecutors. People struck deals to save their hides in court. Keep in mind that the Russian prosecutor was murdered by his own people as a result of him not being able to keep Ribbentrop/Molotov from being disclosed during the trial. The charges against Dönitz had to be changed because the claims to support the original charges were taken wholly from Allied propaganda. Further, the British were guilty of doing what they claimed that he had done, while he was innocent, so they did not want to hash it in open court.
tldr; the trials were a shitfest
Nigga what ? Have you read Mein Kampf ? Have you read the part where he spends his time in Vienna ? He clearly states that Slavs are sub-humans
They sure did kill a whole lot of injuns. Ask any survivors how they view the treatment of their ancestors by the US government. They weren't so nice to the niggers either.
The trials were obviously a kangaroo court but again user, this doesnt mean all of it is fake. It was just exaggerated. They needed something to lock away or kill the Nazi leaders and begin their program of De-Nazification in Germany. Because if they hadnt the population was still extremely pro-Nazi and would have just gone back to being that way.
So they trumped up charges and used it to silence the Nazi leaders. They even put Rudolph Hess away for life for war crimes that he wasnt even fucking present to commit, lol.
I understand how you feel but you go too far.
There is so much bullshit surrounding this event, that a conclusion will only be there in a couple hundred years.
this sort of angry reddit-tier OMG HE WAS SUCH A BAD WRITER pretending to criticize the work for its writing is so cringe-worthy and retarded, especially coming from ppl who are reading translations
even if you aren’t a fan of the author, it’s clearly not a poorly-written or boring work. as if anything from that time could be considered poorly-written relative to the absolute trash-tier writing in our ‘prestigious’ and ‘enlightened’ NYT, the atlantic, etc
Yes and later he grows up also the entire political party was not 100% of his doing or opinions.
I really wish people in fascist circles would be more educated and honest. Its really frustrating trying to find people who actually engage with the ideas and understand the philosphy. Usually its just some fat American going on endlessly about muh white race and ethno states.
This is why third positionist politics isnt making a resurgence, because the only people interested in it are redditors and NEETs.
Sad times.
>this doesnt mean all of it is fake
Nice strawman. Point to where I stated that everything was faked.
user, he wanted to enslave the subhuman slav race to the aryan. He literally wanted to make them slaves. He didn't change his opinion about this ever.
>Yes, I dispute a lot of the evidence - like the chimney and trap doors that pretty much everyone admits were made by the Russians. The Holocaust narrative with the deathcamps does not fit well with my knowledge of how conflicts work.
Bro... Look what they did to Poland
Do you believe that the trap doors and chimney are authentic German craftsmanship? The Holocaust Memorial Museum disagrees with you if you do. Regardless, that is only two points of evidence that I claimed as being false, not "all of it is fake".
It's ideas are bad too. Nazism is basically just throwing a tantrum till you get your way
Odd political beliefs appeal to odd people.
This is how people in power with their beliefs popular want it to be.
The building was bombed and rebuilt after the war, this isn't a conspiracy, its printed on the plaque outside the gas chamber.
If the Holocaust Memorial Museum acknowledges this then how is it a false narrative?
I dont follow your logic. Are you saying no Jews were gassed? Because, again the so called famous holocaust denier David Irving might want to have a word. Even he admits jews were gassed in the "little red house".
So it is a bad book
>He was a sick sick hateful man who only brought pain and misery in the short amount of time God allotted him. May he burn in hell.
WTF I love nazis now???
Don't worry there are some of us out there.
Its true. By nature of it being fringe and "extreme" it attracts all kinds of fringe extremists. You encounter some real characters on places like /pol/. Like this pic related psycho.
I pray every day that a group of like-minded educated fascist men of action would band together and start trying to hash out a coherent ideal that we can unify and organise behind, and excluding the fringe crazies we naturally attract.
There's so many positives to fascism that were never even realised (yes I am making the "never tried" argument) and we've totally discarded great minds like Oswald Mosley because of simply what they are associated with. People should know that fascism isnt this great evil that it warped into during the war, its a truly beautiful unifying idea. It smashes the political and class divisions, it smashes capitalism, socialism, liberalism, absolutism, and creates a new monolith that homogenizes all with its imperial spirit. Imperial without conquering land, but leading the world by example as role models. Thats what fascism is truly all about.
Fascism resembling anything nazi or right wing simply won't be palatable this century by any means. The only real way to promote fascistic ideals would be to start an underground organisation with selective entry. A new nation would be snuffed out quickly unless you could secure shady connections with US/UN politicians.
And some kind if ethnic/racial bond is very important for an optimal fascistic society.
I'm not talking about Nuremberg. I know people personally who have told stories about being in Auschwitz and the selections and gassings of their fellow prisoners (very old people obviously, lol). Regular people, survivors, say that everyone knew about the gassing, especially from stuff leaked by the Sonderkommandos, Most of them aren't famous, haven't been involved in legal proceedings, only open up to family or people very close to them. Were they coached?
Are the low-ranking Nazis who worked in camps and claim to have seen this stuff firsthand, decades after Denazification and Nuremberg, lying?
Yeah obviously. But rebranded it could work. We cant use old symbols or slogans, nor should we. Fascism is about the future not the past.
And no I strongly disagree with you that ethnic or racial politics has anything to do with Fascism. Fascism was against this kind of division just the same as class division.
Being anti-Immigration and wanting to preserve your race is fine, but dont make it the basis for politics. The biggest pitfalls of National Socialism and late Italian Fascism were the materialist racism. You cant be anti-materialist and also place great importance on biological race at the same time.
When it comes to the race I fully support Evola's view that the only race that we should concern ourselves with is the race of the soul. Race just like all materialist concepts are subordinate to the spiritual society we want to create.
I mean, in the holocaust skeptic version, there's just a ridiculously huge number of seemingly unrelated people involved in the cover-up. Too many. My friend's grandma is probably not involved in faking the holocaust. Someone else's old Nazi grandpa is probably not involved in faking the holocaust.
>Fascism is about the future not the past.
lol that's rich
Sorry, I thought you meant Nazism my bad.
Nazism was certianly somewhat romanticist of Germany's past but I wouldnt call it a romantic movement
It was extremely anti-liberal but still quite different from the absolutism prior to the french revolution, it was a pretty new concept similar to italian fascism, which shares a lot in common with futurism
Nazism was all about riling up the backwards farmers over muh clay
I think you're being disingenuous
What do you think Nazi even means lol
>Genghis Khan
he only achieved as much as he did purely because of horse archers
It's fucking evolutionary to have a stronger bond with your own ethnicity and proliferating people more like yourself forms the foundation of unity in a fascistic society. Inherent racial trust can be replicated and even if it couldn't, the history between races is too great for them to work together under a fascistic system. It is comical to imagine blacks not demanding reparations for the perceived injustices that make them unequal.
Just look at the modern world. Cities are diverse because people are jammed into the big rat race, reluctantly tolerating each other to grind the capitalistic machine. The only thing that binds these people spiritually is their consumerism. Race is the complete opposite of the material.
>and excluding the fringe crazies we naturally attract.
Can any movement whatsoever be created like this. No matter the ideology or idea of a movement it always depends on fringe groups that bolster the numbers. The trick is to keep the direction the movement is going from taken over by fringe groups, like what happened with Occupy Wallstreet
You're missing the point. I'm not saying you cant aim for a homogenous ethnicity within your borders, but if you are echoing Nazi race theories as the basis of your politics then you're completely missing the essential. Your society doesnt become better by virtue of it being biologically of the same "group" that you have defined. Like Evola said the race of the soul is far more important. The soul of western man isnt pure so why would racial purity even matter? Tackle the biggest issues first.
Biological race is subordinate to Fascism. Its not even spoken about in the literature at all. If you have a nationalist totally unifying state power then restricted immigration and nationalist tendencies naturally follow, but I dont believe in mass deportations as a solution, people will natually self segregate when the state stops trying to integrate races together.
We live in a multicultural world now its not something we can change with the flick of a switch. We need to deal with the reality besetting us. The Germans couldnt even justify deporting a tiny minority of Jews how the heck do you suppose the Americans can justify deporting 50% of their entire population? It would cripple the country so badly that it would never recover and it would be absorbed or conquered by a foreign entity. You cant afford to weaken yourself like that especially these days.
In Europe I still have faith that we can solve the mass immigration question peacefully as I dont think the situation is quite as bad as America. But even still its largely of secondary importance.
What is far more important is destroying the system that created these circumstances in the first place, the rest will follow naturally. People are like memory foam once we stop getting warped out of shape we go back to the default.
Yeah racial homogeny does make it better. You must be black if you don't want racial homogeny, they're the only people who don't want to nationalize and you don't have to wonder why.
Do you just not read my posts or what?
Your propaganda you mean
You're exactly the kind of retarded /pol/tard I described, grats.
>Your society doesnt become better by virtue of it being biologically of the same "group" that you have defined.
It literally does.
I'm saying that fascism cant be implemented. I don't expect any nation to propose racial policy because its so unfeasible.
And people self segregate when they're given freedom. How will people self segregated if you have campaigns trying to encourage unity between members of the state? It's the exact same problem corporatism has. You just end up forcing everyone together. Again, it's moronic to think blacks don't have a chip on their shoulder so great there is constant rivalry.
Fascism requires conformity. It is nature to work for your tribe and up until only very recently has your tribe been anything but your ethnicity.
No it doesnt. Aristotle lived 2 thousand years ago when the concept of a multi-cultural nation didnt even exist, the concept of a nation at all didnt exist, much less the idea of race as we think of it today. Pulling a quote out of a book doesnt disprove what people like Evola have written extensively about.
The amorphous blob of "white race" doesnt mean anything at all qualitatively. You're probably an American.
If you removed all your brown undesirables you still have a whole bunch of white undesirables who are spiritually brown. Some of the biggest opponents to beliefs like yours are white people. How do you reconcile that with your statement?
You are also ignoring the rest of my post just like that other retard. I wish you would read it in full before giving a knee-jerk response. I AM in favor of preserving ethnic borders, I just dont think its as important as you do. Multiculturalism is a symptom of a much greater issue. Solve that issue, the rest follows.
>How will people self segregated if you have campaigns trying to encourage unity between members of the state?
Because people naturally do? The fascist state wouldnt be trying to mix people together into a melting pot user. Its not egalitarian in the slightest.
>It's the exact same problem corporatism has. You just end up forcing everyone together.
Wait what? What do you think Corporatism is?
>Again, it's moronic to think blacks don't have a chip on their shoulder so great there is constant rivalry.
Promoted and fueled by the government. If you think blacks are the problem you're very naive.
>Fascism requires conformity. It is nature to work for your tribe and up until only very recently has your tribe been anything but your ethnicity.
Please show me the fascists who said this. Gentile didnt, Mosley didn't, Mussolini didnt. Only Hitler did.
You are still missing the point too.
>The amorphous blob of "white race" doesnt mean anything at all qualitatively. You're probably an American.
Not at all. I am from a european country and as you correctly pointed out just saying whites or blacks is wrong and leads to nothing but peak american retardism.
And yet the understanding of ones peoples was existant even back then. Why do you think the Greeks who shared a common history, culture, language and genetics were able to band together against the persians?
You guys are just being the exact kind of person I described. You clearly dont understand fascism you conflate it with modern white nationalist views which it has nothing in common with. I wish people like you would stop discrediting this ideology with your revisionism. I want to discuss the transcendent ideas of fascism that inspired the movements of the 20th century. Not these materialist ideas about the white race and ethno-states that have nothing to do with fascism.
Racial theory is not popular these days, it wont be supported by anybody, you cant achieve populism that way, you cant solve the issue that way, you are just having a reaction to the symptom of a system that you yourself are a product of. You need to be pragmatic and understand the crowd mentality.
If you want to preserve your biological race and have a racially pure nation then destroy democracy, egalitarianism, humanitarianism, capitalism, liberalism, individualism. These are the causes. Voting for Trump or [insert "nationalist" party here] doesnt do anything. Building camps or deporting people just solves a symptom, it doesnt fix the problem. I cant be any more clear than this.
The Greeks constantly killed each other for hundreds of years and their dis-unity is what allowed the Persians to make so much headway. The society of ancient greece isnt comparable at all to modern society. They didnt have mass multiculturalism, we do. We need to deal with it like sensible adults and not with these pie-in-the-sky fantasies about ethno-states that we can just materialize out of thin air. You have a very large mass of unhappy people to deal with first and a system of immense power and wealth backing it. Whats the plan? Whats the greater goal of your society? What happens when you have your ethno-state? What is the sticking point that will attract the common people to your cause?
what book is this?
>We need to deal with it like sensible adults
What single group worked seamlessly for multiculturalism in the USA for the past 100 years? I do not need to work within the framework that someone else is forcing on me.
Do you have a Latina gf?
lmao fuck off kike
kill yourself you self-important cocksucker holy fuck
>They didnt have mass multiculturalism, we do
Nice ontology
Only because he hated seeing Slavs in what he considered a rightful German city.
Was it autism?
Is it really any different from lamenting that California, a state once very white, is now essentially Mexico?
The hunger stones reveal that Germans were there previously; something against which many still contend. His claim that Germans had once dominated the area was part of the "evidence" of his "neurosis".
So Israel is justified
>plan to starve at least 10 millions of them
>50% casualities rate among slavs prisonners
He sure loved them
Hitler only existed to outlaw antisemitism
wow what a stupid post
Baptized and confirmed into the Catholic Church and went regularly to confession. He might be in purgatory but he is certainly not in hell.
As justified as hitler
>reddit hates nazis so 4channel larps as nazis
>reddit hates pedos so 4channel larps as pedos
>reddit hates incels but there is no larping required
>Yea Forums Live Action Role Plays on the internet as the things they have actually been for over a decade because reddit became the new gaia online in 2012
okay reddit
you seem to take internet memes and national socialism very seriously, my reddit friend.
>changed his mind in the 30's
He must have changed it back then given he killed 20 million of them.
okay reddit
I would say that I'm rubber and your glue, but your'e not actually made out of glue are you? You're made out of reddit incarnate. What you would have me believe is your hands and vital organs are actually subreddits devoted to pictures of small animals and articles about Elon musk. The things you claim are dreams and personality traits are nothing more than upboat algorithims and ads targetting middle aged men to convince them to buy reddit gold for a post that says "Fuck Anti Vaxers" Yes it's all very clear to me that your are not a man at all but in fact the manifestation of reddit itself. And for that I pity you.
didn't read LOL
>make retarded "I hate Yea Forums but here i am xDD" post
>you're trying to hard reddit
okay reddit
nice try reddit, but you already lost this round. Better luck next time when you're not fresh off the boat from reddit.
you could be a bot and it wouldn't make a difference. I'm gonna go mow my lawn kiddo try not to get too worked up over the internet hate machine.
I already mowed your lawn, redditor. Your wife gave me an ice cold Mountain Dew Baja Blast for the nice job I did.
Oh really? Cool. I guess I'll just spend the rest of my afternoon fucking my wife. Thanks, incel.
Oh don't worry I took care of that for you as well.
False; I'm merely a jew-lover. So I guess yes, you're claiming random people all over the world are lying to this day, even in their private lives...and sometimes, only in their private lives. Including unrepentant Nazis themselves.
I mean, they used gas in "shower rooms" in Action T4 and even in the Einsatzgruppen for a brief period, but it's totally ludicrous, of course, to think they'd bring it to another setting that already had a lot of medical oversight and even more people to process. Definitely a hoax. Unrelatedly, I made you a Pickelhaube
Again you could just be a bot
Not a bad ploy user.
Lawn took less than 2 hours, I've got the pattern figured out now. HH :^)
Cleaner image but still not the original
Whatever. Waste of air. Keep LARPing with your white nationalism see where that gets you. Its failed for 80 years straight.
Its not a single group its the entire government structure and everything backing it. Stop trying to conveniently pigeonhole the problem into one scapegoat.
Unfortunately human memory is quite faulty in many ways, so it's possible many people around the world remember something that never happened. A thorough investigation of physical evidence would likely confirm much about the tragic events of the holocaust, however such is not truly allowed. 20some countries have made questioning the event illegal. Which is troubling on its own, but especially so because the official story has occasional been forced to change as various truths comes out (eg. Yeltsin releasing Soviet evidence) This makes the whole episode look questionable, even though it may not be. The phase "truth does not fear investigation" is good propaganda at the least.
I dont really care about "white nationalism" because all of the city bugs are the ones who will suffer from their myriad of predicted cataclysms. I can however call a spade a spade. This is all essentially sophistry. You're just a faggot dude. Dial it down.
And you're embarassingly uneducated. You should go back to /pol/.
Nice dude tell me more about the thesaurus recommendations for "stupid" you obtuse phallus sucking turd muncher. You act like a faggot dude. Cut it out.
Oh look a lefty post of no substance
The US government sterilized indigenous women through the 60s.
>a lefty
I'm a fascist you moron
Dont you have some wojacks to post
i didn't read a single post in this thread and i'm better for it
>Dont you have some wojacks to post
this is what actual projection must look like
>ethnic bond is just materialism, not true multicultural fascism
>racial policy is exactly like Trump's candidacy
>racism isn't popular.... unlike fascism....
>deporting people doesn't fix a problem, just a symptom
Are you Jewish?
even if you don't like the Jews, you can't possibly believe that genocide is the answer. it's like saying we should kill all bees just because you got stung by one
yikes dude. antisemitism much? have sex
More like hornets. This simile is so close but so wide open and shitty you could almost be a false flagger from /pol/. In fact, you are! Shoo nazi
I'm not even Antisemitic, just pointing out that Antisemitism should never go as far as actual murder
>Its not a single group
Name another group that seamlessly contributed to the cause of multiculturalism. Name the group to which the author of the slogan on the Statue of Liberty belongs.
Try reading something that actually slaps
I mean, it is curious.
It does. I particularly like the metaphor of arguing with jews being like slime that will run through your fingers and recollesce as it was before if you ever point out their tricks. Applies to many a person today.
People are happy when innocent children and women are burned alive in their homes because the victims are a citizen of a nation that was was declared on.
Yeah just state control credit and the jews will starve
I'm alive because Hitler saved my grandparents from jewish bolshevik labor/death camps.
I don't know who this author is. I'm going to look him up right now. You people seem to like him alot.
Is there a best "final edition" of this?
>Could not find "final edition", did you mean "final solution"?
Honestly , I read parts of it out of morbid curiosity and didn't find much to write home about. Hitler was a midwit, a least when it came to his intellectual worldview. He comes off as buttbothered.
I did remember one like that stuck out to me, and despite my disagreements with Hitler, ill admit a broken clock is right twice a day .
The line was to paraphrase the observation that a seemingly ordinary person can rise to the occasion and behave extraordinarily in times of crisis or in times when they are truly tried. Seems like a legit enough point, and uncontroversial taken but itself.
I downloaded the epub to my kindle white but amazon prevents me from reading it due to it being “dangerous and/or inflammatory material.”
The Jews really don’t want people finding out the truth.
By letting tgem taking over half of europe?
I hope this is bait.
No, it just seemed like the introduction was implying that there were frequent updates - which presumably stopped at some point.
How about"
>if the newspapers are not screeching about you on Monday morning then you did not do your job on Saturday night
MK is full of these zingers.
That's actually cognitive dissonance though, the jews not remembering the argument?
Why should it be bait? What are they even trying to catch?
He's implying that people all over the world suffer from collective false memory about an event that happened to them.
I've seen dumb deniers argument but this one actually surpass the "6 millions couldn't have been gased". Its very stupid.
They do remember. They are just faking it.
Why should the truth not be able to stand on its own merit? Why would it need laws to protect it? Only lies need laws to protect them.
so hitler was just butthurt his 124 IQ narcissist ass got btfo by by his 145 IQ big-brained kike buddies?
Deniers aren't honest.
See the guy claiming collective delusion, this ridiculous "muh 6 millions couldn't be gassed" argument or this constant uses of the same three non-historical book (at least one of them was written by some aussie passing himself as a jew iirc) while implying that what is written in them is the truth.
Hell, I remember some Anne Frank debunking pic which was full of bullshit debunking that were twisted truth.
Denier are either stupids or lying, why shouldn't you punish them from spreading their mental illness? You're obviously a slimy asshole yourself, notice how you quickly shifted the subject to "muh holocaust is a lie because I can't say it didn't happen".
Also, some of those anti-denying laws covers all genocides. Guess the armenians never suffered in the Otoman empire. Why don't you talk about that you armenian shill?
Your great man theory of history is causing you to think much too highly of a man, who like all men, was merely a product of his time.
What you'll learn in this book is how to misdiagnose your social disease and misdirect your contempt toward the innocent members of your community which will ultimately kill you, like a cancer patient taking too much radiation therapy because he cannot admit his own limits and refuses to heed an impartial, historical prognosis.
What an accomplishment..
>Hitler was a bad [insert something]
Yeah he did a lot of things wrong and was ultimately a dilettante lol
It's almost like you're doing exactly what he described at this very moment.
Except he hasn't presented an actual argument lmao
Collective delusion does happen though.
Witness reports even for recent events is quite unreliable. Nor are any of the witnesses the people who were gassed, because those people died. Mostly we have witnesses who were in camps and heard a bunch of rumors.
I'm not denying the holocaust. I'm saying many specifics about it are confusing. And leaving those things confused helps those who would deny it.
How were a million people cremated in a few converted bread ovens in a year, if modern cremation equipment working 24/7 could only cremate about 80,000. If they were less thorough, there should be tons (literally) of bone fragments, and acres of ash fields. Where are they? And not just for the deniers, what about the relatives who want to pay their respects? Or give last rites (since almost half the people killed weren't Jewish)? And where are the reports from the millions of nonjewish survivors? I've never heard from them. Those people will be gone soon.
Your plan to stifle investigation makes the future more dangerous. Get the evidence now while it is available, as generations pass it will only become easier to deny, is this your goal?
>Collective delusion does happen though.
Sort of like what Germany did under Nazi rule, nicht war?
>And where are the reports from the millions of nonjewish survivors? I've never heard from them. Those people will be gone soon.
>Your plan to stifle investigation makes the future more dangerous.
No, it doesn't. Can you write without all the pseudo-danger warnings?
>Get the evidence now while it is available, as generations pass it will only become easier to deny, is this your goal?
Uh...no? Is your goal to sound unhinged?
>deniers aren't honest
>human soap and lampshades is
>they're only Nazis!!
Maybe? I guess we'll never know since it is illegal to find out.
Does the disingenuous have an argument?
>it is illegal to find out.
What no it isn't. Outside of Germany itself anyway!
22 countries i think
>You need to investigate the Holocaust to prove how crazy the Nazis were
>Does the disingenuous have an argument?
That's what I'm wondering. He constantly tries to load every sentence with an impending sense of doom, which makes me think that he wants me to feel uncomfortable so I'll agree out of fear.
It's against eu law to question the veracity of holocaust claims
So much for being progressive lefties?
Yes, that is how knowledge works. Myths are the stories without reference to evidence.
...agree that we should investigate the holocaust? Is this how people deny things now?
I worded that poorly, the point being there is plenty wrong with Nazi society even before considering the reeducation camps and slave labor.
See? This is what I'm talking about. The facts that soaps and lampshade are constantly brough up by excited deniers only show the intellectual dishonesty of your community. A quick search show that human soaps were already a rumor in WWI and that the only accusation of human lampshade (against a single nazi by a single man, might I add) were disproven by the tribunal of Nuremberg itself. Yet those two rumors are constantly paraded as proofs of the lies of the holocausts. This fact is all you need to write off deniers as the baboon they are.
But let's address >Witness reports even for recent events is quite unreliable.
That's including nazis in the mix.
>I'm saying many specifics about it are confusing
Only because you are dumb or dishonest. I'm thinking you're the latter.
>How were a million people cremated in a few converted bread ovens in a year,
See? You're already lying. The ovens were specially ordered for the mass disposale of bodies.
>if modern cremation equipment working 24/7 could only cremate about 80,000.
Another lie. Not only do multiples reports give us a good idea of the daily capacity of the ovens, not only modern humans cremations ovens aren't made for mass burning and have to follow a bunch of regulations but your 80000 is pulled out of your ass. You give no indication as to what kind of cremator and how many. But you'll surely retort that modern cremator can't burn a body faster than 2h to which I'll reply that we already could do it in 1h in 1880. Of course, this could be a lie created by time-traveling jews, or maybe they predicted they'll need to write books about creamations to cover a lie 60 years later.
>there should be tons (literally) of bone fragments,
Pretty sure there is and you can just google them.
>and acres of ash fields
Yeah, ashes is known for staying in place, especially whe, it's dumped in river or in fields.
>And where are the reports from the millions of nonjewish survivors? I've never heard from them.
Litteraly 5 seconds on google.
>Your plan to stifle investigation makes the future more dangerous.
Even if millions of evidences existed you and your kind would just ignore them, as I proved.
People don't usually know this but when Hitler was released from prison, the book was reprinted in Austria the reaction was immediate and was so overwhelming that the Het Malbe, or "Het Meister Wannstein," went bankrupt. In December of 1933, Hitler went for an audience at the German Embassy in Moscow, where he announced "the Jewish question" would be addressed by him in his Berlin speech. Soon after a conference occurred in the Munich Palace (later to become home to the German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck and Nazi leader Adolf Hitler).
The speech was in a language that was far more anti-Semitic then the language in which the Het Malbe had published its controversial article. In the speech, Hitler stated that the Jews of Europe were a very wealthy and cultured people; indeed, he called them "Hulk Hoganites" which was coined due to both the original Hulkamania era and the recent reboot of it . The name comes from the Hulk's alter ego, he wears a helmet (or gas mask) but does not use it, he wears a mask from the future like he would on Earth . This is a very odd name and I have to wonder how well-received it is in a country like Mexico where people are known as "hulkies" all over the place . There are a lot of people in Mexico who I believe are very close to "Hulk Hogan" although they are actually referred to as Hunk Bully . However, I am confident in stating that it's an entirely different matter than I first imagined when I first heard about these. One of the reasons for that is an issue with my understanding of how the word "bull" is understood in the US. If you hear, for instance, "bull" on the street in Mexico you would usually translate it into a phrase similar to, "he is going to kill me if I don't give him my money back". Well this time, this time someone actually said it, in Spanish.
While I am not 100% sure my knowledge on this topic is complete, I have no intention of leaving Mexico. I am currently studying Spanish with a friend. I will be posting about my Spanish learning journey (yes, I am studying it)! I am sure you will think I am doing well on my goals now, but no. I have been trying to teach you Spanish for five or six yrs now. It took another 5 years to get to the point where I can do it without needing much money .
The story of my father’s career. One day, a few good friends asked him for something – maybe a job. Well, he knew he had to make a quick buck and leave his home to begin running a small fishing business in the small town in the North west of Europe. This is about when it all started and the whole thing started to snowball. My dad was at the library. He wants to do a movie and I ask him if he needs anything. He says:
"Yes, sonny. I'd like a snack." So, I get some meatballs and a hotdog for dinner. I love my meatballs especially because they resemble the meat of one of my mom's buns. And then he says:
"Oh yeah? My step-mom wants a hotdog too."
Calm the fuck down and collect your thoughts. You have lost coherence.
ironically it was what most effectively illustrated to me why I would not want to follow hitler.
Its not like it was totally unearned.
>You have lost coherence.
is this what schizophrenia is like
Stalin was born in a vassal state, in a poor region to an abusive alcoholic shoemaker father. Not only did he mange to significantly help in the overthrow of the monarchy but eventually came to rule USSR, despite his many personal issues. In addition he modernized the whole army as fast as possible and helped stop nazis while also pushing the soviet interests. There are very few bad things he did, one of the biggest being his support for a guy with anti intellectual views on crop genetics
Tldr : stalin had harder life than hitler but accomplished more
>hitler's father is also his grandpa
everyday more lies. For a while I was even convinced he had kids.
>280 replies
>up for several days now
I need to quit this board
I'm not a scholar of the holocaust, just a regular person. I expect I have some things wrong, that's why I have questions. And I'm learning, I used to believe the lampshade thing for example.
I understand if you're a jew upset someone might have such questions. But I think you are dealing with it poorly, and not treating the problem seriously. If it helps any, my jewish great uncle was recently named by the New York Times as one of the people who controls Hollywood.
Let's just focus on the bodies, as I still have questions. It was 1.5 million at Auschwitz? Even efficiently cremated it seems we're talking about many football stadiums of ash. And it is the four ovens you see pictured sometimes? I did pull the number out of my ass, as you say. In fact I calculated it myself. Let's do so again here and you can show me my error.
So 4 ovens, 24 hours a day for the year and a half burned a body per hour? 4*24*365*1.5=52,560?
Besides being a gruesome schedule, this number seems far too low. You must have something different in mind? I've heard they might shove in four at a time, but besides messing up the efficiency of the burn, this number is still far too low.
Your entire post. Where you were addressing me, you add a bunch of derogatory stuff that is unrelated and untrue. If you had hit the mark then I would have judged the offshoot as insightful. You mention something out of the blue about Anne Frank without enough context for me to know whether or not you are shitposting. Stating that it is reasonable for when side to be allowed to contest evidence, but not the other, is ridiculous - especially when you consider that much of the evidence has been found to be misrepresented, such as the lampshades. It was a big war. The Jews were enemies of the Germans. Many Jews were slaughtered, as were many Germans - amongst others that generally go unacknowledged. The war is long over. The files should all be opened and all evidence should be exposed to robust criticism.
Can you actually not understand what's being said in that post?
That is what hulkamania shitposting looks like.
isn't it funny how Napoleon and Hitler shared certain similarities when talking about rise to power but one goes down in history as a polarizing figure and the other as literally satan?
>I expect I have some things wrong, that's why I have questions.
Not the person you're arguing against but what was your education?
>And where are the reports from the millions of nonjewish survivors? I've never heard from them.
You seriously never thought of looking up nonjewish accounts of surviving the holocaust?
Stalin was a literal criminal that robbed banks LMAO
>It was 1.5 million at Auschwitz?
Not him and, in fact, I am one that many might call a denier. I am an oldfag and I am ready to consider the 1.5 million number. The problem is that the original number was 4 million and they are not done accepting the downgrade yet, and how it would affect the overall death toll. I was called a denier for decades because I did not believe the 4 million number. The lower number tends to lend credibility that the majority of deaths in the camps were due to typhus as claimed by the Germans. The Germans slaughtered brutally and efficiently outside of the camps. The current narrative seems to be focused on the fact that every death was a murder. Looking at other conflicts, many times non-combat related hygiene and sanitation issues kill more troops than fighting. There is no reason to assume that something similar may have happened in this instance.
>You seriously never thought of looking up nonjewish accounts of surviving the holocaust?
Not him but that would interest me. I would like a clean break, though; no Jewish co-author or publisher. I found the Jewish perspective in "Inside the Concentration Camps' to be enlightening. The disclaimer in the beginning did not do enough to assuage my disbelief in the conflicting testimony. Anyways, I heavily recommend it, for both the mass of interviews and the dialectic that it reveals. Much that is written on the topic uses this reference as a source.
>you add a bunch of derogatory stuff that is unrelated and untrue.
I'm sorry, but
>much of the evidence has been found to be misrepresented, such as the lampshades.
You don't even say how they were represented. There was indeed rumors of lampshades made of huma skins (as nazis had harvested human skins for a bunch of experiments) but trials by the allies (aka jews puppets) showed that it was bullshit. This information is very easy to find, hence me calling you dishonest.
>You mention something out of the blue about Anne Frank without enough context for me to know whether or not you are shitposting.
Fair enough, here's the picture. I consider it a very good representation of the mentality of deniers or skeptic or whatever you call yourself.
>I understand if you're a jew upset someone might have such questions.
I'm not, I'm just pissed at people trying to manipulate such an event to fit their worldview. It's like claiming that the roman empire never existed and that if it did we would have found remains of it by now.
>If it helps any, my jewish great uncle was recently named by the New York Times as one of the people who controls Hollywood.
Litteraly what does it has to do with this? I don't doubt jews are overepresented in Hollywood. They could be putting up Shoa propaganda every month it wouldn't change history.
>Even efficiently cremated it seems we're talking about many football stadiums of ash
I get what you're referencing but football stadiums really aren't the optimal way to mesure the volum of ashes. There was some /his/ pictures about this. I didn't save it but basically, ashes doesn't take this much place.
>I did pull the number out of my ass, as you say
Glad you admit it.
>And it is the four ovens you see pictured sometimes?
Not at all, in fact, it's probably a single oven with several muffles, so that they could burn more bodies at once.
>Let's do so again here and you can show me my error.
No need
>but you can't burn a body in an hour
Of course you can dummy:
>In the summer of 1874,
the first formal cremation of a British person caught public attention.
The first wife of the politician Sir Charles Dilke died in childbirth aged
26. Her body was embalmed and taken to Dresden for cremation.
Among the witnesses were Eassie and the Dilkes’ son Ashton who reported
that the cremation lasted one and a quarter hours and the ashes
weighed three and a quarter pounds (letter in Cremation Society minute
book, from Ashton W. Dilke, 13 October 1874). The Dilke cremation was
a cause célèbre both in Germany and in Britain (White, 2002; Parsons,
>The problem is that the original number was 4 million
Litteraly wrong. That's the polish version, and it was considered wrong by western historians.
Why do you lie?
>There is no reason to assume that something similar may have happened in this instance.
Well, at least a part of of your post is right.
My education with regards to the holocaust is entirely rumor. Any school's world history I had always ran out of time somewhere around WWI. I have a degree in philosophy and though it included a few history courses, they were not WWII related. (More like history of Chinese science)
I have not looked much for any information on this, because I hardly care. I also didn't really care to find out when I was there, about the genocide that killed quarter of the population of Cambodia. What I'm concerned about is that newspapers have started naming powerful Jews. I'm concerned because I've read democracy on fire, and economically dominate minorities in a democracy get genocided.
Either way some numbers are confusing. As is a bunch of other stuff. Some parts being wrong, and being unable to investigate, makes the whole look wrong. I'd rather it be smaller and true than be used as a tool by a dangerous group.
I didn't say "can't", I agreed and did some math. Which you still have not resolved for me.
That's because Napoleon literally was satan.
>America was running war games for an invasion of Britain up until right before they entered the war.
Doing war games is not the same thing as actually planning to go to war
>Some parts being wrong, and being unable to investigate, makes the whole look wrong
You litteraly can investigate it, what the hell are you talking about. That's even why differents historians have differents estimates.
>Which you still have not resolved for me.
I did but let me walk you through it. The document linked you to show that once every ovens would be installed in the camps they'll have a capacity of 250*3 +800*5 +800*2 or 6350 per day, which give you about 2.3 million a year. This isn't even the full number of ovens that got installed in Auschwitz. That's where the 4 millons number come from, the pole simply took the optimal numbers from the nazis own documents. 1.5 million is perfectly possible.
>when the conept of a multi-cultural nation didn't even exist
Another cause of revolution is difference of races which do not at once acquire a common spirit; for a state is not the growth of a day, any more than it grows out of a multitude brought together by accident. Hence the reception of stranger in colonies, either at the time of their foundation or afterwards has generally produced revolution; for example, the Achaens who joined the Troezenians in the foundation of Sybaris, becoming later the more numerous, expelled them; hence the curse fell upon Sybaris. At Thurii the Sybarites quarreled with their fellow colonists; thinking that the land belonged to them, they wanted too much of it and were driven out. At Byzantium the new colonists were detected in a conspiracy, and were expelled by force of arms; the people of Antissa who had received the Chian exiles, fought with them, and drove them out of their own city. The citizens of Apollonia on the Euxine, after the introduction of a fresh body of colonists, had a revolution; the Syracusans, after the expulsion of their tyrants having admitted the strangers and mercenaries to the rights of citizenship, quarreled and came to blows; the people of Amphipolis, having received Chalcidian colonists, were nearly all expelled by them.
Aristotle - Politics
Until recently to deny nazis committed the Katyn massacre, that is discuss evidence your investigation has found disproving it, was illegal in many countries including France. Is this the only one, or the only one that advantaged Yeltsin?
>250*3 +800*5 +800*2
None of those seem to be minutes or hours, what are the units? Also the provenance of that document concerns me.
>Malgré ces attitudes officielles commandées par la nécessité de s'entendre ou de composer avec l'URSS, les travaux publiés par plusieurs historiens réfutent la version soviétique du massacre, comme ceux de Józef Czapski (Terre Inhumaine, 1949), Janusz K. Zawodny (Death in the forest, 1962), Henri de Montfort (Le Massacre de Katyń : crime russe ou crime allemand ?, 1966), au point que Jean-François Revel, dans La connaissance inutile53 reproche à Claude Lanzmann d'avoir publié en 1987 dans les Temps modernes un article qui nie la responsabilité soviétique à Katyń alors « qu'elle a été scientifiquement établie par les historiens »
Seems like french had no problem denying nazis did it. Thus, I'm calling bullshit on the rest of the country.
>None of those seem to be minutes or hours, what are the units?
Did... did you read the documents?
>Also the provenance of that document concerns me.
Ah, of course it does.
No I did not read them. I might later. None of this is particularly important to me. However your answers are generally hostile and useless. This is why I don't just ask my family. Why not just tell me the units instead of expecting me to have read a dull 100 page document in an hour? A spy wrote a biased document (you already admitted the numbers used were chosen to be the worst possible) then wasn't published for 50 years. Doesn't really seem like scientific rigor.
not the guy you're arguing against but....
>instead of expecting me to have read
Not him, but I have Politics and Poetics on the shelf. Can you point to generally where that is located - beginning, middle, end?
Go back to TRS or whatever dumbfuck hangout you retards go to nowadays
Why don't you read it and tell me? I have plenty of more important, more interesting things to read. Assigning a bunch of reading in an argument is just a way of putting people off. Even here.
But they weren't running war games against Germany
>Why don't you read it and tell me?
KILL YOURSELF. I will be reading this document, FOR MYSELF. You want to know what's in it? READ IT.
Because time heals wounds.
Napoleon was an excellent propagandist as well.
But even initially he was known for his ruthlessness, opening fire on civilians with grapeshot for instance. Or having women publicly shamed by stripping them naked and having them stand in public for 2 hours. He also was veey anti-semitic, but people dont seem to understand why he emancipated them. It wasnt out of the kindness of his humanitarian heart I tell you that much. It was in hopes of making them french and destroying their jewishness.
>I'm asking you for sources on the slavs planning a westward conquest
My proof is that, when given the opportunity, they actually did it.
It's really mediocre. Hitler's issue is that he acts like he'd created a utopia when in reality all he'd done is censor and/or kill everyone who wasn't happy with his regime.
>Hitler's issue is that he acts like he'd created a utopia when in reality all he'd done is censor and/or kill everyone who wasn't happy with his regime.
Mein Kampf was written in the 20's.
Ha, no. I think now I'll just assume it false for the rest of my life. You should apologize to that other user for destroying his evidence.
That's it. You're done. Peace. Man, if you had a SINGLE idea of who I am, hahahahaha. Love Yea Forums. Love anonymity. Love posting alongside crass plebs.
>That's it. You're done. Peace. Man, if you had a SINGLE idea of who I am, hahahahaha. Love Yea Forums. Love anonymity. Love posting alongside crass plebs.
Maybe in a few years you'll realize the greatness of Yea Forums is, I really don't know who you are, no matter how absurd your ego makes you act.
I really don't know who you are, no matter how absurd your ego makes you act, maybe in a few years you'll realize the greatness of Yea Forums is...
>However your answers are generally hostile and useless.
I've answered almost every points you've brought up.
>No I did not read them
So you doubt the source before reading it. Perfect.
>Why not just tell me the units instead of expecting me to have read a dull 100 page document in an hour?
It's a 30s read. What the fuck.
>you already admitted the numbers used were chosen to be the worst possible
Those were high estimates by the peoples who built the ovens. If you want I have a document which put the number of body burned at 4750~ per day but hey, it's probably another biased document.
We must be talking about different links. Which is yours? Still could've just given me the units though.
>but hey, it's probably another biased document.
Also still kinda hostile.
Mot the user you're arguing against but I am the user you'll be crying about. Stop bitching about tone, this is 4channel. You have no right to civility here.
It’s a good primary source for ww2 and it’s causes. As an ideology it’s a mixed bag.
It's more convincing. Also you don't need to tell me about board culture, I've been here since you were suckling at your mammie's teat.
you clearly haven't read it kike
Sure, Incel.