Yea Forums, what is the most thrilling novel you've read?
Yea Forums, what is the most thrilling novel you've read?
Tristram Shandy
>tfw he almost gets to the point
your mom by plato
Misery by Stephen King. Pretty good.
...el Ayuwoki...
Kreutzer Sonata
Gravity's Rainbow
Bleeding Edge by Thomas Ruggles Pynchon Jr.
The footjob part.
fuck u
What is the most rip-roaring book you've read?
Red Dragon
A Storm of Swords
Crime and Punishment. Porfiry fucking with Rodya was both comedic and thrilling.
Woah! Thats a really terrifying picture
In the Miso Soup
The fact that you posted that makes me certain you are serious.
The Pendragon Legend by Antal Szerb
The devotion of suspect X, Malice, Salvation of a saint.
I haven't read anything thrilling as far as I can remember. I really don't think that's what novels are for.
Depends on the novel, no? I think Thrillers might intend to thrill.