Novel of the Decade

Novel of the Decade

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Wow, more shlock catering to neolibs that succeeds because of Jewish nepotism, big wup!

you have to go back

>"If you're reading this on a screen, fuck off. I'll only talk if I'm gripped with both hands"
Holy edge, batman. Is this ironically shit, or is he serious with that opening?

What are you talking about? That statement is based and redpilled.

it's bad and ridiculously edgy

>triggered Amazon kindle neo-lib user


does this retard actually think his book is clever and funny? a twelve year old could come up with better humor than this

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>2 1/2 stars on amazon
didn't harold bloom say he really liked this book? is he just sticking up for a fellow tribe member or is it actually good? why is the score so low?

If I ever saw you in real life, I would grab your kindle out of your pedophile hands and the beat the shit out of you with it. Watch out bud.

This novel was bad. I was fucking pissed. I saw the bad reviews and felt a smile on my lips, "plebs" I said, and clicked order. I was ready, my asshole was spread wide open for Cohen's great big sloppy postmodern cock. I was ready for the new harder to swallow DFW come to revitalize the literary art and BTFO Silicon Valley and the entire history of information technology. I was willingly to lie to myself and just pretend I liked it, I wanted it that badly.

well it was just a pile of stale and boring fucking shit

Yeah that's cringe as hell lmao

i dont use e-readers you idiot

Then you're even bigger cretin for defending e-readers.

tribe member. harold bloom has some pretty bad opinions along with his good ones.

im not defending anything you illiterate moron, im giving j cohen shit for his edginess. the fact that he is talking about e readers is immaterial. he could have made an edgy comment about flamingos and i would have still given him shit.

I tried reading it a while back and gave up at the part where they organize a party for some "fauxgrammers". Opportunity costs. I was bored to death. Should I try again, is there anything at all interesting later on?

>>I'm not defending anything
>proceeds to defend himself


its a manner of speaking, amigo. its ok if you no habla ingles, esta bien no worries
ah, pulling out the big guns, are we?

The Fix was better.

Joshua Cohen...a good Irish name, to be sure.

Not OP, but seriously, what's the best novel of this decade, Yea Forums?



Dropped the moment I saw his (((surname))), kikes have no souls, therefore nothing worth reading will ever come out of their tribe. Leonard Cohen was the only jew that had soul, still I believe he stole it from somebody.

t. self-hating Jew

Even if I was that wouldn’t make my statement incorrect

Oh yeah, Jew praised by Jew York Times, like pottery


kafka is a genius do you are incorrect

He really cuts straight into the heart of the information age.

Attached: Book of Numbers.png (473x823, 177K)

>There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his slayer of boners
Honestly, his prose over all is not bad, but why does he have to do this stupid edgy shit? This is literal 12 year old humor. Does he actually think this is funny?

Type A by Towel In.

He was a masterful fiction writer no genius.

im not splitting hairs over where we draw the line of genius, so ill just agree with you

damn, this is awful. trying way too hard.

from what ive seen on the amazon reviews that's a common complaint. basically he tries too hard to sound "literary" and clever
