Top 5 books to change one’s life

Hey Yea Forums recent migrant to your board so please bear with me. I’m on my way to buy “The Alchemist” since its highly rated on several websites online. Please suggest 4 more books that could change somebody’s life entirely. Thank

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Other urls found in this thread:

Tao Te Ching
Meditaions by Marcus Aurelius
Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Niče

Collected ccru writings

KJV 1611
KJV 1769
KJV with red letters
KJV illustrated

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The Fall
Society of the Spectacle
Fanged Noumena
An ancient epic poem

The Bible
Ego and it's own
Unabomber manifesto

replace last 1 w al-qur'an and its good, o and swap Meditaions for Letters on Ethics by Seneca

>I’m on my way to buy “The Alchemist”
What a faggot

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A Mind For Numbers
How To Read A Book

>The Alchemist

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Also reccing Tao Te Ching and Meditations.
Hey OP take this; Forums_Wiki
and this

A Mind For Numbers -> How To Read A Book -> Atlas Of World History -> The First Philosophers

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>Ego and it's own

Ohh man that books is so overrated it's almost
embarrassing. I bought it 4 years ago and read everything. Nothing special about that book nor the person. I'm german btw so I know what he meant by "Spuk" and his whole concept. But it's ok to read it once I guess. It's good for a meme.

The Book of Disquiet by Pessoa
The Trouble With Being Born by Cioran
The Major Works of Thomas Browne
The Complete Works of Montaigne
Pensees by Pascal
Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu
The Logic of Sense by Deleuze
Process and Reality by Whitehead


The only list worth considering so far. Put How To Read A Book or The Book of Disquiet by Pessoa
with it and you're good to go.
Also user, buy used copies. Use Thriftbooks if you're american - if you manage to read these books then you'll probably get hooked.

The Bible
Euclid's Elements
The Iliad +The Odyssey
>The Alchemist
That book is shit. A mediocre beginning and a lmfao ending written by a hack.

The Myth of Sisyphus - A. Camus
General Introduction into Psychoanalysis - S. Freud
The Childhood of a Leader (short story) - J. P. Sartre
The Trial - F. Kafka
Self Observation - Red Hawk

Good list, but don’t read them in that order.

The Gospel in Brief by Tolstoy
The Gospel in Brief by Tolstoy
The Gospel in Brief by Tolstoy
The Gospel in Brief by Tolstoy
The Gospel in Brief by Tolstoy

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Behave, Robert Sapolsky
Meditations, Marcus Aurelius
In the Buddha's Words: An Anthology of Discourses from the Pali Canon
Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Nietzsche
The Bible even if you are not religious

Don't read the fucking alchemist lmao

The Fall is unironically Camus's best work.

Why do you use a photo of wittgenstein then?

All these pseuds hating on the alchemist are just sad people. It’s not bad for pop self help.

My advice OP? Read the alchemist, then the lord of the rings, then jump into Marcus Aurelius. After that, you have the option to read religious stuff ( google a flowchart for >how to into catholicism, western esotericism, Buddhism, etc...), philosophy (start with the Greeks), or fiction (I like Dostoevsky as an easy place to start yet still having some meat on it, don’t get memes into starting with Pynchon or Joyce).

Even more important though for your overall sanity is to get off Yea Forums forever. This place will just fuck up your development.

Just read 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos by Jordan B. Peterson
You don't need more in your life, it's so simple. Just read it and then you know way more about what to do with your life and how to feel about it. I'm so fucking tired of people asking.

Here is a really good book list, these are the books for your entire life. It took me 5 sec.


>having actualy read the bible

From which board did you come here?

Poetics - Aristotle
Les Miserables - Victor Hugo
Fanged Noumena - Nick Land
Siddhartha - Hermann Hesse
On the Edge: My Story - Richard Hammond

Why Fanged Noumena?


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Why do people continually recommend How to Read a Book. It's fucking trash, a complete waste of time.

Because of memes

Your life is trash and a complete waste of time.

Tao Te Ching
Letters on Ethics (Seneca)
The Enneads

>all these people suggesting the bible, quran

how religious & surprising

/pol/ - /fit/ - /x/ - Yea Forums

On a side note: Finished “The Alchemist” now It was profound for me atleast since I’ve been off books for a good decade or so. Are omens real? I believe so.

Side side note: on page 109 of “Tao Te Ching” thanks Yea Forums I’ve saved all your suggestions.

Side question: Are audiobooks still books?

Meditations will be my third book after Tao Te Ching. I agree about 4 chan, see: It lowered my IQ tremendously (not that I had much in the first place) but I’m liking this board much better atleast you lot read and not just dump memes

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>The Bible
>12 Rules
>Mind for Numbers
>How to Read a Book
I mean, yeah, these four will easily change your life, in the sense that they will permanently damage your ability to feel empathy, but I wouldn't recommend that sort of change desu

be gentle, we were all lost souls once

Hmm, now i'm interested.

What's wrong with how to read a book ?

>a book to teach you how to read a book
>but it's a book, so if you're the target audience, you don't know how to read it
plus the fact that even if you actually absorb the information successfully and you end up taking it seriously, it dampens your ability to empathize or even feel strong emotion at all


t. guy born completely normal who accidentally became a learned sociopath by reading those four books plus the Iliad and Odyssey

>are audiobooks still books?

No they’re porn vids

>The Alchemist

It's a brazilian meme.

Generally speaking, books only change your life because you were in some way receptive to that change. Anything recommended here is more or less a crapshoot.

Just read user, you will never know where it hit you from but if you continue on reading in about 2 years you'll find yourself with some author that you love that no one cares about. Please, never look at reading as a challenge.

Also, ask old people around you what you should read.

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My diary desu
Crime and punishment
My diary part 2 desu

Try to limit audio books, there's alot to be gained from slow reading of works, without noticing it you develop a better grasp of language.

I use audiobooks when I go to the gym, a single audio book can last me 2 weeks and it makes the gym more enjoyable, listen to them while doing something else, but don't listen to them while playing video games or doing something that isn't really useful.

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>>but it's a book, so if you're the target audience, you don't know how to read it
Seriously hope you're memeing

a book titled How to Read a Book is released
based on the title, it is intended to teach you how to read a book
since it would be pointless to teach someone something they already know, the target audience is people who don't know how to read a book
it is a book, so in order to read it, you have to know how to read a book
the target audience is therefore unable to consume the media, and the entire enterprise is doomed

it really should have just been released as a TV show or maybe a multi-part series on YouTube Red

I liked the Alchemist.
Most CS Lewis
The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran isn't a total life-changer but is wise
A lot of people like Jordan Peterson
Robert Frost isn't a life-changer but puts my mind at peace in hard times so I'll recommend him anyway

the fountainhead

I read the fountainhead and I liked it but it didn't really change my outlook on life. Could you please explain how it fundamentally shifted your worldview/life?

it will change ur outlook if u are one of the leftists who think that altruism is the philosophy of life, that people owe stuff to others just by existing.

Ah. I was already on the right, and the implications of the fountainhead's absolutist individualism actually worried me a little

Brave New World
Mein Kampf

The Iliad
The Daodejing

Don't buy the Alchemist, get the following instead:

Spivak's Calculus
Feynman's Lectures in Physics
Aristotle's Organon
Plato's Dialogues
Complete Shakespeare

Read and study it all.