I'm fucking sad, bros. Moving out of my parents house when I finish college in a year...

I'm fucking sad, bros. Moving out of my parents house when I finish college in a year, not worth it to spend a lot of money on a nice bookshelf. Books are in the fucking bathroom. Anyone else has a really bad book space?

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Attached: libros baño 3.jpg (960x1280, 139K)

In the bathroom, above the toilet, now this is a new one, fucking onya mate

Based, fuck your parents

Some are below the desk in my room.

Attached: libros escritorio 4.jpg (960x1280, 170K)

Some are below the sink. Sometimes humidity gets on the pages.

i once stored a few books in the fridge...

The only thing I own resembling a bookshelf is this tiny thing I bought with the money I earned selling phone cases on Facebook.

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Why do I love you so much OP?, Hope you find it bearable after you move out, good luck to you and everything you plan on doing with your life. I also have a shit bookshelf

My GF and I had to move in a hurry when our cunt of a landlord raised the rent too high, most of our books are still in a storage unit wrapped in a tarp - we feel your pain user.

Forgot picture.

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Thanks man, good luck to you as well. What is your set up?

My mom told me to put them in boxes or sell them. She hasn't read a book by leisure since grade school. She does not understand.

This burns me

Why don't you just build and paint one? Doesn't cost a lot and completely doable if you put the effort in.

Lack the skill but you're right, the internet has everything I need to learn how to build one. I should put an end to this bullcrap. I will try my best to finish one by the end of next month. Will update.

Was this really your only option?
Even stacking them on the floor would be better. I've seen books get permanently warped from being exposed to humidity over a long period of time.

Good luck mate, it will be a lot more satisfying creating your own, I did and felt really accomplished and had some extra dosh in my pocket.

I live in a big house and my mother cleans it all by herself, she's really particular about a room looking nice and clean, books on the floor wouldn't be okay by her standard, I would just come home and find them stored somewhere.

Fucking awesome for you, man, any guides you would recommend?

Muestra tu edición del Conde de Montecristo

>el judío internacional
>dan brown

>letting humidity get to your books

nice books, but why can't you put them in storage boxes of some kind? Thats what I do. I don't have bookshelfs nor do I have space for them so I just store them vertically in storage boxes. You should do the same so they don't turn trapezoidal by leaving it on its side like on this pic . People have told me to set marks to organize my books but I don't and according to your pics it'd be best to do this than leave them in the shower where their going to collect up a ton of moisture and maybe even tear if you use them after.

Attached: storagebox.jpg (1000x1000, 28K)

cant you guys get an ikea billy bookcase for like $50 ?

My setup

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based and Nat Soc pilled

Algún pedo hijo de tu puta madre?

If you shit facing the wall the back part of the toilet is a great book stand while reading

When I was in college, I would put all my books in a cardboard box. All my DVDs and Blu-Rays would go in a different cardboard box.

>le judío internacional

>las aventuras de la langosta célibe

I sorted myself out and I know about the jews, can you say the same, user?

I've read the Tannakh, Josephus, Maimonides, Moses Mendelssohn, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Sex and Character, the text of the Sykes-Picot agreement, historical accounts and census data on the Holocaust, and SY Agnon. I don't keep any of those texts on a towel rack over my toilet.

Why do you own three, maybe four, copies of gulag archipelago?

He uses them to clean his room.

>Ah! the evergreen manchildren of America. What endlessly fascinating impotents!

Because, I can, and when you can, you will, even if you can’t, still try

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You can also not have them.

user, you can’t tell me what to do

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I just tell you what not to do, although in a binary system this is exactly the same.