Opinions on audio-books and the book Foundation by Isaac Asimov?

Opinions on audio-books and the book Foundation by Isaac Asimov?

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PSY-OPS, and I don’t care, I don’t care yet, working my way.

I really enjoyed the audiobooks. They are a bit aged, but very enjoyable. Im fa/tg/uy so the entire time I was comparing it to the age of strife from the 40k universe.

what is she saying bros

“...want these?”

Attached: 8A56F4BC-B243-4FF5-8729-A70CB3241B8A.gif (247x262, 468K)


I think what she's saying is "Oi" which is funny because that's what I would say to your lip reading

WHERE is that gif from?
Answer this and i’ll give you an in-depth answer on the asimov book.

No, it's "juicy"

It’s clearly «you want this?»

1st. Sauce on gif?
2nd. Only audiobook I've ever heard was I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream and only beacause it was read by the author. It was pretty good.
Too long since i've read Foundation, can't remember anything really

Shes cut off in mid sentence, so on second look it could also be “squeeze”, maybe “juicy”
“Oi” is a sound that can come out a mouth with any shaped lips.

I like som audiobooks, some are too cheaply made though

Attached: F341C348-B984-4F6F-A6CB-F41B7B84C9CA.jpg (738x980, 81K)


Based ty

I'd rather have yours, butterflea :3

Emilia is super cute, I'm glad her aneurysm didn't kill her.
>Opinions on audio-books
I often times use them when I need something to fall to sleep to or when I'm going on a /nightdrive/ with /o/ especially when they're audiobooks of of a book I've already read, but I can't really recommend them if you want to retain knowledge from a new book.
>Foundation by Isaac Asimov?
Foundation is great. I'm a Byziboo so Foundation and Empire has always been my favorite part of the Trilogy, but the collection really is a classic of Science Fiction that everyone who's into Sci-Fi should read.

"Do you see" Okay

Th-thank you

Attached: natalia_tena_natural_____by_niamor_prod-d4kqmp6.jpg (1600x2390, 451K)

I've been reading physical copies of the trilogy. They are really fun and go by quickly. Interesting to see how dated some of it is, and how some of it inspired our new fledgling tech. A tad bit repetitive, but that's because the short stories were published in magazines, so it's forgivable.
I like reading non-fiction books I don't want to study too hard when it comes to audio. Biographies written with a little energy can be really interesting, or it makes some more difficult reading pass by and wave over me as I do the dishes or drive. Better than podcasts that aren't really dense.

Foundation is fun, if slow at parts. I remember really enjoying them in highschool. My realization that all of Asimov's books took place in the same universe is a nice memory.