Just bought this, what am I in for?

Just bought this, what am I in for?

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the dune

the sand

A whale of a time

sand, worms, space muslims
a better plot than GoT

Like imagine an author wants to write a sophisticated and convoluted political plot line but doesn't read any Japanese literature or historical works. Like not even fucking manga.

Unsophisticated intrigue. No, actually the intrigue is non-existent. All the characters act in ways that advance their agenda in the most direct and obvious way at most all points. Yet how sophisticated the plots are is constantly mentioned. Star Wars has more interesting intrigue.

So I think it's overrated.

I honestly couldn't keep reading the series, does it get better?

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he was a political journalist, just because he wasn't a fucking weeb doesn't mean he didn't know what he was doing. You have no idea how cultural influence from all over the world was in it.
Dune even has dutch history in it.

>Star Wars has more interesting intrigue.
Starwars is the king arthur story in space with Dune world building influence. Starwars is as cliché as it gets.

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It's literally Star Wars (original trilogy)


It's an alright book. Entertaining but not deep or anything, even by genre standards. The first half is court intrigue and the second half is an adventure story. I has some cool ideas but doesn't do much with them, apparently these things get expanded in the sequels which I have not read.

Sand worms.

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A bunch of weirdos who drink their sweat and piss.

I need to read Dune sometime. Heard it was good.

Is Paul a gary sue?

literally a load of convoluted bullshit for the first half of the book, then it settles down.

the book is about a mighty emperor, if for you any powerful character is gary sue, then yes, but then youre a brainlet

It's not that good. It's just an edgier proto Star Wars with sex, more drugs, and space muslims.

It's the source were Lucas stole all his ideas for star wars
The books are good and far more superior than starwars.

Yeah but all that shit is cash.

Got about 1/4 the way through then gave up. Just could not get into it.