Fukushima -- er, I mean Kojima, must have read some Baudrillard to produce his masterpiece, right?

Fukushima -- er, I mean Kojima, must have read some Baudrillard to produce his masterpiece, right?

Attached: jswxMum.png (800x1000, 515K)

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Who's Fukushima?

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I wish you were banned for making this thread and for being an MGS fag, but there is no justice in the world

This, msg fags are the worst up there with jojo homos

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is this actually real lmao

epigenetics is real and feelings/memories are genetically passed down though

Snake Eater was aesthetic as fuck. Best overall package in the series.

He started with the Greeks.


Wow, if I was 12 this would be fascinating

it's pretty big brained stuff for a video game desu

So its fucking nothing you spastic memelord

Sure but that doesn't make it Yea Forums. It is still blatantly juvenile, like all anime and Japanese vidya.

>reading this without context
maybe if you played the game it wouldn't seem out of place

I played the game. I'm not an idiot though who thinks any of the games have good writing

maybe theyre not for everyone but i think they were emotionally impactful

Aren't MGS1 and 2 co-written by that other Jap

Yeah and gaymers think Legend of Zelda is deep. Their opinion on writing is literally worthless

Attached: zeldafans.gif (900x1165, 422K)


LoZ doesn't even have a story lol

Deus Ex Morpheus dialogue is better.

Attached: morph.jpg (702x702, 329K)

>probably watches tv sitcoms instead

>Fukushima went on to make absolutely nothing outside MGS and is credited mostly with making the codec dialogue
>There's video footage of Kojima writing the scripts by hand, such as in the MGS2 documentary
>Obsessed Yea Forumstards still unironically believe this picture