Please leave this board and never return if you agree with any of the following sentences:
>you read any form of genre fiction >you barely know your classics >you tend to believe that if you like a given work, it is justified on an artistic level >you think everyone's opinion should be accepted and respected >you speak a single language >you read contemporary versions of Shakespeare or Milton >you read for the plot >you read for entertainment >you rarely read nonfiction >you don't have a solid grounding in philosophy >you do not at least have some understanding of the Three Tragedians and Homer >you have little to no understanding of literature outside of your cultural horizon >you have little to no understanding of literature within your own cultural horizon (muh african authors) >you mostly read contemporary literature >you believe 'the author is dead' >you make your literary analysis proceed from ideology >you think intricate prose is 'pretentious' and that the author 'should just get to the point' >your rarely read poetry >you think Rhythm and Rhyme is just useless rules and laws restricting creativity >you have a hard time explaining why you like a given work >you have a hard time forming structured and relevant literary criticism >you tend to refuse to judge works for yourself, rather relying on the opinions of literary authorities >you rarely read for more than one or two hours straight
I agree with all except the first one: >you read any form of genre fiction Unless you don't know the fucking definition of genre fiction, which the rest of your list does imply.
Jack Parker
This copypasta always make me think of Ulysses, the dark-triad leaf on Twitter who probably thinks of pederasty as “high patrician culture, like muh Greeks” and would totally engage in fucked Pizzagate elite stuff if given the chance
Noah Rodriguez
>>your rarely read poetry damn almost made it all the way I'll see myself out then
Ryder Gonzalez
>>you read any form of genre fiction i only read nonfiction >>you barely know your classics i dont give a shit about "muh classics" or "muh canon," it means nothing to me >>you tend to believe that if you like a given work, it is justified on an artistic level what? i dont understand this sentence >>you think everyone's opinion should be accepted and respected no >>you speak a single language only english >>you read contemporary versions of Shakespeare or Milton i dont read either, period >>you read for the plot hell no. plotfags are brainlets of the highest order >>you read for entertainment nope. reading for entertainment is reading incorrectly >>you rarely read nonfiction see #1 >>you don't have a solid grounding in philosophy i am easily the most philosophically minded person on this board >>you do not at least have some understanding of the Three Tragedians and Homer i couldnt care less about muh greeks, they mean nothing to me >>you have little to no understanding of literature outside of your cultural horizon my "cultural horizon" is american, and american literature is overwhelmingly garbage >>you have little to no understanding of literature within your own cultural horizon (muh african authors) see above. i have an impeccable understanding of american literature >>you mostly read contemporary literature laughable >>you believe 'the author is dead' barthes was literlly right. sorry bud >>you make your literary analysis proceed from ideology i am beyond ideology >>you think intricate prose is 'pretentious' and that the author 'should just get to the point' not at all. i love it >>your rarely read poetry i couldnt care less about poetry. it means nothing to me. >>you think Rhythm and Rhyme is just useless rules and laws restricting creativity absolutely >>you have a hard time explaining why you like a given work not in the slighest. i can explain my literary preferences quite astutely >>you have a hard time forming structured and relevant literary criticism see above >>you tend to refuse to judge works for yourself, rather relying on the opinions of literary authorities opinions besides my own mean absolutley nothing to me >>you rarely read for more than one or two hours straight i read Yea Forums for about 14 hours a day
I may not read but where else am I supposed to post about how much I love jesus and jordan peterson and hate SJWs?
Easton Campbell
the bigger one is some youtube reaction video to a star wars trailer that /pol/ and its colonies spammed cause basedboys or somethin the other one is some youtube reaction video to some capeshit movie that /pol/ and its colonies spammed cause basedboys or somethin the smaller one is a joke that /pol/ and its colonies spammed cause basedboys or somenthin -- These threds show the sheer number of 2 month old posters holy shit
Landon Garcia
>you speak a single language Elitist >you make your literary analysis proceed from ideology Hypocritical >you think intricate prose is 'pretentious' and that the author 'should just get to the point' There's a fine line between intricacy and mediocrity >your rarely read poetry Just dumb. >you rarely read for more than one or two hours straight Elitist
Benjamin Price
i meant 1 month lol
Leo Campbell
Those are just the two different poles of faggot
Jaxson Allen
u forgot, >u should leave this board if ur an insuffrable faggot from reddit who cant handle other peoples diffrent opinion. What im saying is that OP is a faggot and should kill himself asap.
Nathan Perez
>that /pol/ and its colonies spammed cause basedboys or somethin I bet this loser unironically tells other people to go outside.
Lincoln Clark
sorry bro u lost the bet i dont go outside either gotta play my eroge
Isaiah Sullivan
but really did u see anyone talking about that shit on Yea Forums or /jp/ lol no insta ban only in /pol/ colonies
James Roberts
It was the mainstream that picked up that soiboi dishonest lefty aggot
Cameron Reyes
what do u mean mainstream i dont think i heard anyone talking about that in real life didnt see that anywhere outiside of /pol/ and its colonies either if u mean the cancer mainstream then yeah
Owen Williams
Based Novalis poster, please, can you repost this every day? The board is full of undergrad pieces of nothing who barely even read, tv posters and we need someone to remind people what high standards are. Thank you for giving us all an ideal to strive towards.
Michael Diaz
Cognitive dissonance, the lefties best friend
Jack Rivera
explain not even a lefty but ok
Christian Cox
>>you do not at least have some understanding of the Three Tragedians and Homer I just know the names, not much else. >>your rarely read poetry I don't like authors on my mother tongue >>you rarely read for more than two hours straight I don't have time with exams and stuff I guess this is it for me, I'll miss you bros.