We should have a board dedicated only to Philosophy

We should have a board dedicated only to Philosophy.
Honestly, I'd rather have 100 threads talking about some ideas not related to any book than a thread dedicated to fiction.
I've been banned many times for making "off-topic" posts, that were just original philosophical ideas of mine.
Please, mods, take this idea to Hiro and make it happen.

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I +1 this but I do think that board will be more infested by troll threads than any other. If anything we should have a Yea Forums general like how Yea Forums has one. /litg/.

unless it is grounded in a book or an already established philosophy, shitters will just use it for 'lol niggers XD'

/his/ is supposed to be religion and humanities but the mods there ban anyone for posting non atheist religious threads or philosophy

Can someone post the virgin fiction vs the chad non-fiction, please?

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>morals are le spook
>Christendom is just retarded mysticism
>so slave morality of you
Looking forward to these 3 threads on repeat

I've seen comfy Buddhist and Islam threads with actual discussion on /his/ get pruned for no reason. The janny must be a seething atheist.

this /litg/ is the only optimal route


>morals are le spook
>Christendom is just retarded mysticism
>so slave morality of you
All true

How do I contact the admins?

if it doesn't get pruned it gets archived rather quickly since it doesn't get posts.

even this board discusses humanities more than the 'humanities board'

I'd definitely +1 a /ph/ board (Philosophy & Humanities)

/his/ Is gay because they only allow pregnant anne frank threads at this point. Total meme board.

Yea Forums gets better discussion. I’d rather mods just relax on philosophy here than make another board like his where it just gets filled with memes.

>I've been banned many times for making "off-topic" posts, that were just original philosophical ideas of mine
I feel like I should buy the mods a fruit basket.

>/ph/ board (Philosophy & Humanities)
I like this designation, has a nice ring to it

I agree with you

This sounds absolutely horrible. Does a Phil board mean all philosophy threads are bound to be you morons thinking you are smart without ever having read academic philosophy? No thanks. This is like /his/ not reading history books.

No one reads academic philosophy anyway

This thread is now hijacket by /hpg/Humanities & Philosophy General gang

Speak for yourself. I've head very enjoyable conversations with people who read contemporary books on here. It doesn't make sense to ruin a board just because a teenager thinks he's the next Wittgenstein.

>I've head very enjoyable conversations with people who read contemporary books on here
that's fine, you may continue to have mental orgasms discussing m-dern academics. The rest of us brainlets would actually like to discuss bare philosophy/humanities in itself, have comfy generals, maybe a shit post or two, etc

No one's ruining your precious board sweetie, if anything it'll contain Land/Kahzinskee cringefests from appearing in your visual feed.

id be surprised if more than a handful of philposters on lit could articulate kant's analytic/synthetic distinction or any other crucial idea beyond surface misconceived jargon

I'm not so sure. I think what we'd end up getting is just /r9k/ on weed nonsensically waxing poetic about their ronery penises like a bunch of stoned dipshits. Keeping /phil/ tied to Yea Forums at least puts pressure on OPs to keep the topic of discussion connected to actual philosophical texts.

You're right, to be honest...
I can already see that board full of literal potheads.

I worry about this. The worst threads on Yea Forums are by phil pseuds, so a philosophy board would carry that on.

>I've been banned many times for making "off-topic" posts, that were just original philosophical ideas of mine.
thank god.
who wants to read the philosophical ideas of a faggot like you?

That hypotetical board will be just atheists and christians trolling each other, Peterson and Zizek threads, Stirner shilling, Marxist crap and Pascal Wager copypasta....

There are a lot of philosophy or vague philosophy-related threads on Yea Forums at any time and I haven't seen any of them get deleted.

there could be trolley threads. i like those

>tfw lost the sick loopdaloop from my old harddrive dying
I think you're pretending we can have nice things.

>retard larping about philosophy board
>thinks that pic is Kant

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>We should have a board dedicated only to Philosophy
This 100%. It would also cure the tripfag disease we are afflicted with.

How ?

/his/ is such a trash place for philisophical discussion. It's so clearly filled with arrogant undergrads who've only learned philosophy from 5 minute YouTube videos. The average /his/torian posseses minimal knowledge of logical argument or dialectic, or even critical thinking skills. It seems they have no construct of their own fallibility.

>I've been banned many times for making "off-topic" posts, that were just original philosophical ideas of mine.


The most abominable one seems to only post in philo threads. The butthurt inflicted is savage & necessary.

The first /ph/aggot

I've had good philosophy discussions here and have gotten some great book recommendations as well. Of course, it was amidst a sea of shit, like everything else in this underground disc golf enthusiast forum

I've seen great threads get killed while the fucking londonfrog and butterfly threads go on for fucking ages, it's bullshit

Unfortunately that's not the case


Retard why not make /phlg/(Philosophy Literature General) on this board right now?

Literature is philosophy

>disc golf
Loud chortle from me on that one

based and Orpheus-pilled

Abominable... Haha..

Read his work. You haven't a clue. In fact, point out any single aphorism from his work and I will explain it to you. He is a hero. Why can't you people see that?

The philosphy of literature is fine but we mean the general philosophy that becomes hair-splitting.

I assume you're referring to butterfly. She would just stay on Yea Forums because she's not stupid and actually reads. A /phil/ would be where all the idiots who don't read / just listen to podcasts would flock to.

A tripfaggot that has never started a thread? Yeah. Stellar example.

If it isn't explicitly based on some philosophical text, it probably doesn't merit discussion.
So just make better threads op

/his/ is bad, it’s one of the few boards that actually feels like reddit

For the love of god yes

The problem is the lack of people who can discuss these things on any meaningful level. The board would just be infested with /his/ and /pol/ drivel and that would drive even the rest of the good posters away. The book part at least works as filter.

On the other hand, having a containment board might drum up the quality of this one. Everyone can agree that there's been an increase of off-topic threads over the last few years, so maybe it's about time we finally had this split in order to save the board.

8 chan has a philosophy board, it´s pretty good

We should have a board dedicated only to Rene Guenon and Traditionalism.
Honestly, I'd rather have 100 threads talking about some ideas not related to 'profane thought' than a thread dedicated to fiction.
I've been banned many times for making "off-topic" posts, that were just disussing the metaphysical implications of differing approaches to transcendental spiritual realization.
Please, mods, take this idea to Hiro and make it happen.

you faggots should just go to some subreddit

>she's not stupid and actually reads.
News to me. She scolded someone for reading Hegel because she thinks reading too much philosophy makes you unoriginal or something. She only reads niche anarchist crap, which has its place but doesn't tempt me to call her well-read.

1. It would be flooded by /pol/tards
2. It would kill Yea Forums, since 95% of the discussion here is about non-fiction, usually philosophy
3. Philosophy is literature
4. Your shower thoughts are not philosophy or literature

It will just be filled with teenage retards who watch debate streams and read wiki articles and reckon themselves political theorists. Not to mention the inevitable influx of /pol/.

>your shower thoughts are not philosophy or literature

they are to me :(

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you remind me of those who want to make threads on Yea Forums about music. give up.

Who said anything about well read? The problem this board is having is that it's becoming full of people who don't read books and actually holding the act of reading books in disdain, and it's evident by the fact that more and more I'm seeing people recommend podcasts and Youtube channels before the name of a book is mentioned.

Based take. So sick of edutainment desu.

I think forcing the philo posters to share a board with the literature posters fosters a healthy diversity. It's similar to the way mathematicians are forced to share /sci/ with engineers. A board that contains no heartfelt animosity toward itself is doomed to a slow death.

If we stop being able to constantly attack each other for - arguably - valid reasons, we will attack each other for no purpose but wasting time, and the quality of overall discussion will sink. Total idiots will be able to post and make threads without ever being called faggots.

Locking the philosophers in with the literati means that hostility is useful, and can serve a purpose. Relocating the philosophers to their own enclosure will not decrease the hostility of either population. It will simply make that hostility less useful. Which will lead to excessive sincereposting. Which will lead to an atmosphere of reduced capacity for actual criticism. Which leads to boredom. Which leads to a reduction of effortposting. Which leads to a board slowly dying, as anyone with anything interesting or original to say, or books to insist upon, or specialized knowledge in general, will gradually stop posting.

You may rattle the bars of the cage as much as you please, but were I a moderator I would never permit you to escape. What you imagine to be freedom is simply a more boring and intolerable cage.
