Finnegans Wake

>Finnegans Wake

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>Anything by Joyce

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Why is it that when i write like a retard, i get called a retard, but when james joyce writes like a retard, he gets called a genius?

Because modern critics are self-fellating morons. Nobody at the time thought it was good. In fact, they thought it was a prank.

Because pseuds get credit for understanding literal jibberish

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Looks like a pretty cool book to me

Oh, dupletious splendor want not for wasn't erst wind windons mish and houndox the lime and limers braxwast! Devls be ge ge ge ge and take the lillyy layerthet upturnedspikedplace om the post, yet though plaster hastererrd around postface. FUN! Fumpf fumplefed but put gen among neprpfilics, garged. Acksacksacksacks! Repnatent whitermore morgangsnt offt' vills.

While the book is difficult to comprehend I admire Joyce for seeing writing for what it is: a way in which one can realise their freedom aesthetically (and maybe even morally, but that's another discussion.) The reason he was able to write like that, however, was because it came at the end of a career in which he'd progressed through fairly typical early-modern realism through the height of modernism with Ulysses to a sort of complete transcendental conflagration of exploding the (arguable) ideological prison that language has increasingly become--a technical language, a cliched language, a standardised language which circumscribes our existence.

According to his intellectual intimates his goal in life was to reach 'freedom' through learning and expression. It's rather petty then to argue over whether or not you can understand it when it's the record of an artist revelling in the freedom offered him by his medium. If it doesn't at least convey some that freedom to you when you look at it, even if not detailed understanding, then I'm sorry for you.

>it's literally garbage!!!! even I could have done that!!!!!!!
no you couldn't have, faggot

>Beginigans sleep

Because James Joyce has the choice to write like a retard while you don't

Because Finnegans wake is genius. Nobody but Joyce could have written it, and it contains some of the best prose in the literary canon.

>night by silentsailing night while infantina Isobel (who will be blushing all day to be, when she growed up one Sunday, Saint Holy and Saint Ivory, when she took the veil, the beautiful presentation nun, so barely twenty, in her pure coif, sister Isobel, and next Sunday, Mistlemas, when she looked a peach, the beautiful Samaritan, still as beautiful and still in her teens, nurse Saintette Isabelle, with stiffstarched cuffs but on Holiday, Christmas, Easter mornings when she wore a wreath, the wonderful widow of eighteen springs, Madame Isa Veuve La Belle, so sad but lucksome in her boyblue's long black with orange blossoming weeper's veil) for she was the only girl they loved, as she is the queenly pearl you prize, because of the way the night that first we met she is bound to be, methinks, and not in vain, the darling of my heart, sleeping in her april cot, within her singachamer, with her greengageflavoured candywhistle duetted to the crazyquilt, Isobel, she is so pretty, truth to tell, wildwood's eyes and primarose hair, quietly, all the woods so wild, in mauves of moss and daphnedews, how all so still she lay, neath of the whitethorn, child of tree, like some losthappy leaf, like blowing flower stilled, as fain would she user, for soon again 'twill be, win me, woo me, wed me, ah weary me! deeply, now evencalm lay sleeping


wrinkle pepe btfo

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Finnegan's Wake

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Dumb frogposter


Nobody but me could have written that. It contains the secrets of the universe. It is a masterpiece.

Wow user, you got more?

I bought a copy at a Borders 15 years ago. A Tom Robbins book "Fierce Invalids Home From Hot Climates", which is far more entertaining than anything Joyce has written, mentioned it and got me interested enough to check it out. It's all just gibberish, really.

literal 90 iq post

I can visibly see your brain leaking out of your ears

nine degree burnt