Have I understood the difference between Left and Right Accelerationism correctly?
>l/acc: Capitalism is inherently flawed and contradictory, so if we push it hard enough, it'll collapse and something else (hopefully some form of Socialism/Communism) will take its place
>r/acc: Capitalism is really good at "eroding" or "melting down" existing society, even biology, so if we push it further humanity as we know it will end, and some form of posthumanity will come (for a select group of ultra-intelligent and/or ultra-rich people who grow Land's "face tentacles", while the dumb proles become "obsolete")
And what exactly is "unconditional accelerationism"?
Have I understood the difference between Left and Right Accelerationism correctly?
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There's different strains between left and right accelerationism just like there's different strains between forms of Marxist Leninism, Liberalism, Fascism, etc... But yeah, that's pretty much the gist of it.
I'm a generic accelerationist, but I guess of those two I'm more "right." I think struggle breeds strength and modern society/technology has removed natural struggle and replaced it with not much. I want to see the world economy collapse along with a technological regression. Beyond that, I don't really care. I suppose the ultimate goal for me would be that in a few thousand years without technology, humans will be forced to become smarter. I know evolution takes longer than a few thousand years but whatever
Liberalism and Communism have always been two sides of the same coin. They believe in the perfectibility of the individual, and they love to talk about how to get there. The difference is that the first is for upper-middle-class armchair shut-ins thinking they are gentlemen, and the second is for lower middle-class drunks who slum it as workers
The Millenium doesn't care which colors you wear
Left and right are vague terms. The nz shooter was right wing and he didnt think capitalism was good, he simply wanted to accelerate the breakdown of the social order so the native population would revolt against foreigners and elites.
do you hold any power from a societal viewpoint or is this just the revenge of a failed individual who can not cope with his position in the hierachy? honest question.
left and right acc are barely a thing, there's unconditional acc and not much else
>And what exactly is "unconditional accelerationism"?
capital acceleration is unstoppable and it doesn't really matter what form it takes: it will use capitalism, or it will use communism to industrialize russia and china, doesn't really matter
Take it to /pol/ pls
l/acc and r/acc are delusions conjured up by attempts to fit a radical idea into incompatible old model of left and right. u/acc is the interesting stuff
>the second is for lower middle-class drunks who slum it as workers
I'm in this post and I don't like it
smoothed it out a bit for you
>acc: Capitalism is really good at "eroding" or "melting down" existing society, even biology, and has generally escaped our control as it passes the point of critical mass
>l/acc: Capitalism is inherently flawed and contradictory, so if we push it hard enough, it'll collapse and something else (hopefully some form of Socialism/Communism) will take its place
>r/acc: Capitalism is will bring the future into existence, but only if we keep the damn Muslims out of my country
>u/acc: Fuck it, let's see what the future really looks like.
Is that really all there is to u/acc? Just accelerating for the sake of it, without stipulating the "condition" or goal you want to reach?
Well, it depends how you view power. Am I an elected official or CEO? no. Can I influence public discussion somewhat via the internet? Yes.
I suppose you'd say it's more the latter of your options. I don't think anyone who enjoys civilization would like for me to have power
His take on accelerationism is pure meme and is neither r/acc l/acc nor u/acc.
We are dancing around the term right now, melting down, this is deterritorialization. Consider the deterritorialization the took place between feudalism and capitalism. While a minor shift, capitalism at least made joining aristocracy more accessible to the plebs.
Accelerating deterritorialization is the name of the game. L/acc and R/acc, as has been already mentioned are just side shows.
So that's what "deterritorialization" means, the "eroding or melting down of existing society" that OP mentions? I've found that word a lot in discussions of Land, Deleuze and Guattari, but the definition on Google seems to be a somewhat different one from anthropology, not necessarily what D&G meant.
>u/acc: Fuck it, let's see what the future really looks like.
I like the sound of this one. I have no stake in society, not that they'd let me have one anyway.
I suppose that is a fine way to look at it. However, as I said, I do believe removing the artificial restraints of technology and civilization would allow nature to resume the natural development of humans. I think the ultimate end goal of humanity is a race of hyper intelligent anarchists but that's just what I want more so than a realistic expectation
Kind of. D+G essentially mean by territorialization an alignment with or endorsement of linear/constructive/concretive thinking and acting on the one hand, and the opposite of that on the other (deterritorialization).
That capitalism can easily reinscribe or resubsume the revolutionary schizo potential of the latter was, in Land's critique, an unthought of (or, really, underdeveloped) consequence of the theory
timothy mcvey looks like lovecraft too
Such things are not coincidence.
Bump for interest
>dude large business owner bad
>l/acc: uncontrolled movement of the members of stateless capitalist class and capital is the best way to achieve a better post-capitalist society, the coming of which which will retroactively justify the uncontrolled capitalism humans had suffered
>r/acc: uncontrolled movement of biological entities and culture is the best way to secure our genetic and cultural heritage, the flourishing of which will retroactively justify the uncontrolled dysgenics and cultural war of attrition our people had suffered
>u/acc: uncontrolled movement is a priori just
Anti-Oedipus is at least 25% anthropology; they do a detailed study of Lévi-Strauss in relation to Oedipalization