"Extreme" literature?

I have always been interested in "extreme" media (admittedly, mostly movies and music) and I realized that I actually don't know what extreme literature would be like, and don't really know of any examples, except maybe for pic related and some of the Burroughs novels.

When I say extreme, I don't just mean explicit, disgusting, gory, but anything that pushes the boindaries of its medium. Kind of like how both death metal and noise are both considered extreme music, but one does it thru explicit imagery, while the other is trying to push the boundaries with its harshness and inaccessibility. With movies, there's faux-snuff trash and on the opposite side, movies of people like Noe, or all of those days long experimental movies.

Now, since I spent most of my young years being retarded and playing vidya, my literature knowledge is pretty shit and doesn't extend too much beyond traditional school authors, so I'd like to turn to you for help.

What is there for literature? From both the explicit and exploitative side, and the "pushing of the boundaries of the medium" side? Can you rec anything?

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Come on, every middle class french boy has read Sade at 14, try harder.

Start with the surrealists

If you think Noe is on the opposite side of faux-snuff trash you're too retarded to read. Stick to guro hentai.

Mai-chan no Nichijou

Just say edgy you pretentious avant-teen

Yes, which is why I said my literature knowledge doesn't go too much beyond traditional school shit.

I was not making a point to its quality, but the production methods. Faux-snuff is trying to be as lo-fi and cheap as possible, while Noe uses various transgressive techniques like low frequency drones and quick flashes of bright lights. I don't care for his movies at all. Like I said, I'm not just looking for explicitness, but also creative ways to stretch the medium. A harsh noise-like maximalism in literature, or something.

Thanks. I'm also going to look into literary minimalism, as that seems to be pushing the medium to a kind of extremes as well.

Edgy is exactly what I don't want. I don't care for run of the mill splatterpunk with some rape thrown in. Read my post again.

Easton Ellis, Houlluebecq, Carol Oates

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mass murderer's manifestos

Pierre Guyotat, Eden Eden Eden

There's a fresh reading list from April on this subject

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>Someone actually updated a chart instead of reposting it ad nauseum
Amazing. Haunted's still a piece of shit though.

i can recommend Borowski book, its memoir about concentration camps, horrible subject but style is pretty lightweight, author killed himself about 20 years after end of war

Edgy carries a negative connotation.

Iron gates and Bluebird

Experimental work - look into My Tired Father by Gellu Naum, The Oulipo, and Pataphysics

Thanks frens, the most experimental stuff I've read so far was just Naked Lunch, so looking forward to look thru these.

If your willing for another, try out House of leaves. Its unique because everyone can have their own expirence with it, which makes it incredibly psychological, and also the mixing and mashing of many different things in literature.

Oh yeah, I am familiar with House of Leaves as well, I forgot to include that. I haven't read it yet, I have fucked up eyes so I'm waiting for them to improve before I start reading it.

Aw, poor eyes. Hopefully you get better soon dude.

Thanks, man. Not looking amazing, but not impossible either... I hope.

The Torture Garden

>removed Titus Andronicus
>added Haunted
kys all of you

Read The Kindly Ones

If by "extreme," you mean "least accessible" I would say maybe some esoteric foreign language philosopher or something.

Yeah I'm still mad Haunted and Babyfucker made all the myriad edits and cuts, but the rest of the list is pretty solid.