Has there been a more lucid individual in history? His penetrating insight and genius is remarkable

Has there been a more lucid individual in history? His penetrating insight and genius is remarkable.

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wow look at this fellas. this guy made a controversial statement. let's all flock around him.

This is a pretty sloppy and transparent attempt to start a thread in which we all argue angrily, OP.

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Post your favorite Nietzsche:


O HEAVEN above me, you pure, you deep heaven! you abyss of light!
Gazing on you, I tremble with divine desires.
Up to your height to toss myself - that is my depth! In your purity to
hide myself - that is my innocence!
The God veils his beauty: thus hide you your stars. you speak not: thus
proclaim you your wisdom to me.
Mute over the raging sea have you risen for me to-day; your love and
your modesty make a revelation to my raging soul.
In that you came to me beautiful, veiled in your beauty, in that you
spoke to me mutely, obvious in your wisdom:
Oh, how could I fail to divine all the modesty of your soul! Before the
sun didst you come to me - the lonesomest one.
We have been friends from the beginning: to us are grief, gruesomeness, and ground common; even the sun is common to us.
We do not speak to each other, because we know too much-: we keep
silent to each other, we smile our knowledge to each other.
Are you not the light of my fire? have you not the sister-soul of my insight?
Together did we learn everything; together did we learn to ascend beyond ourselves to ourselves, and to smile uncloudedly:-
-Uncloudedly to smile down out of luminous eyes and out of miles of
distance, when under us constraint and purpose and guilt stream like
And wandered I alone, for what did my soul hunger by night and in
labyrinthine paths? And climbed I mountains, whom did I ever seek, if
not you, upon mountains?
And all my wandering and mountain-climbing: a necessity was it
merely, and a makeshift of the unhandy one: - to fly only, wants my entire will, to fly into you!
And what have I hated more than passing clouds, and whatever taints
you? And my own hatred have I even hated, because it tainted you

>SUPPOSING that Truth is a woman--what then? Is there not ground for suspecting that all philosophers, in so far as they have been dogmatists, have failed to understand women--that the terrible seriousness and clumsy importunity with which they have usually paid their addresses to Truth, have been unskilled and unseemly methods for winning a woman? Certainly she has never allowed herself to be won; and at present every kind of dogma stands with sad and discouraged mien--IF, indeed, it stands at all!

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Leave Nietzsche to me

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>Preaches blind devotion to manliness.
>"God is dead," cue every edgelord atheist asshole creaming their panties.
>Proposes to same person 3 times, always rejected. Never married.
>Suffers mental breakdown when he realizes he doesn't meet his own standards.

He's the patron saint of Yea Forums pseudo-intellectual idiots.

1. no
2. atheists can react however they want, but it's about the death of metanarrative, not a dab on muh religion
3. so?
4. he had brain cancer

Those are the conclusions you achieve by wrongly reading Nietzsche in a too literal way instead of a more abstract and metaphorical one, which is a thing you share with those "edgelords atheist" you do despise so much.

>not quoting in german

you're missing out on so much mate

I should be worried that I'm still hanging out around here.

German is my second language. Learned it while I was a kid. You would hardly notice an accent even thought I've never been to Germany. (English is my third language)

I first listened to it as an audio book, because I thought I might as well get myself an overview before reading it and it also filled the time while I was working out. I literary stopped running when I heard that part. It was that captivating.

>not getting the very first passage of the book

9/10 of Nietzschefags are anons not well read in 19th century lit so they attribute what he learned from others to the man himself

>Has there been a more lucid individual in history?
Unironically Adi Shankara, all of his commentaries are masterworks of thought

Perhaps it is you who doesn't get it.

>dude literally crazy lmao

Nietzsche predicted WW1 & 2 guys. Let's give a hand to him about that. He predicted this enormous catastrophe and distortion of values that would befall western culture because of how scientific and enlightenment values would conflict with ancient, ancestral, tribal attachments. He was well versed in evolutionary theory and other cutting edge developments in science. Despite being an atheist he spoke about the death of God as a warning, as a broader metaphor for the decay of an old order blown to a million sparks by empirical knowledge that greatly exceeds and contradicts it. He anticipated a kind of civilizational skepticism that could be filled by any will to power that sought to take advantage of it, and feared a world where scientific knowledge would combine with tribalistic barbarism, a condition that could only be avoided with the advent of the superhuman, who learned to sever the chord of history and become master of the present and to confront all that this life entails without illusions.

the lobster has found you Jacques

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and yet...

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Here was where Nietzsche parted with an entire generation of unabashed optimists, who vied enlightenment values as a pure good. He saw that even the purest products of rationality could interact harshly with the brutish, instinctive animal that man was, and tried to countenance the contradictory facts of the progress of knowledge and science with natural inequalities .Much of the human race would continue to be willfully ignorant, petty, and prone to make an idol out of their own weakness, to create tiny gods out of their vanities and preferences, while empirical knowledge would expand into an inexplicable continuous vacuum, intelligible only to those with a unique level of consciousness.

It's often said that Nietzsche is an elitist, and that some facets of his thought point towards the triumph of an aristocratic, dominating class that had every right to impose their will on the lower class. This is a complete bastardization of his thought, however, because what he was merely pointing out was the realization that enlightenment values could not be the ultimate goal of intellectual development would only dawn on a select few because most of humanity is in the thrall of a beastial will

If anyone is a fedora, it's all the philosophers, according to Nietzsche in that passage.

Here was where Nietzsche parted with an entire generation of unabashed optimists, who vied enlightenment values as a pure good. He saw that even the purest products of rationality could interact harshly with the brutish, instinctive animal that man was, and tried to countenance the contradictory facts of the progress of knowledge and science with natural inequalities .Much of the human race would continue to be willfully ignorant, petty, and prone to make an idol out of their own weakness, to create tiny gods out of their vanities and preferences, while empirical knowledge would expand into an inexplicable continuous vacuum, intelligible only to those with a unique level of consciousness

The more profound and complex the world grew, the harder it would be for humans to realize our collective nature—that this was, after all, an entire world full of the highest potentialities, of the richest potentialities—and that we were not a fixed and static species, which could be brought into existence any way we wished. He saw in this a way of life that not only allowed us to enjoy ourselves, but that also offered a genuine sense of purpose, a path to a true immortality.

And those others learned from others, so what you're saying is rather pointless. Or are you really suggesting that Stirner was the first to say what he did, for example?

He contradicts himself at least once per page, if not once per paragraph, remarkable indeed.

he got right almost everything except the great mid-day

>tips mustache

Is there any certain order I should read this guy in?

Imagine being this stupid.
Why should we take an incels advice on winning a woman?

chronologically, but you should also first read some Greeks, at least something from Plato or Epicurus, and Meditations by Marco Aurelio, if you don't you take the risk of believing that everything Nietzsche said was unique, as some user said up in the thread

He's not giving advice on how to win over women.

The reabsorption of semen by the blood is the strongest nourishment and, perhaps more than any other factor, it prompts the stimulus of power, the unrest of all forces toward the overcoming of resistances, the thirst for contradiction and resistance. The feeling of power has so far mounted highest in abstinent priests and hermits (for example, amoung the Brahmans)

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>Do I counsel you to slay your instincts? I counsel you to innocence in your instincts.
This is an anti-Christian sentiment, by the way.

give me some good 19th century lit that would show me where nietz picked up some of his thot.

Yes, and those others aren’t hailed as super genius renaissance men who figured everythingout.

pic related

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I love how, whenever you point out that a lot of this guys stuff doesn’t really hold up to modern scrutiny, people deflect by saying it’s either metaphorical or basically lower themselves to just asking you to trust him, ironically like the bible

Read Galton, de Gobineau, Emerson, Carlyle, la Rochfeoucauld, Schopenhauer