ITT babys first overrated garbage

ITT babys first overrated garbage

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lelele contrarian

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based retard

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>Yea Forums likes shadow of the torturer now

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But you're being ironic right now


Who let this redditor in?

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You can tell by the pictures the average mental age of Wolfe readers lmao

>he takes meme pictures seriously

Comparing it to ulysses was A JOKE.

I have no idea why this gets so much acclaim, it’s mediocre at best. Is it because Oprah liked it?

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You can always tell a pseud by the way they hate certain books that superficially match the pattern they think they're supposed to hate. Then they see other people praising the book and assume they must be memeing.

I'm not a huge fan but I think it succeeds at what it tries to do. The beginning is charming, the ending is good. It does not copy a similar, older book, afaik. It can be boring, especially in the middle part (let's say 100 pages in), but even then it appears clearly enough that the feeling of disappointment depends on the usual expectancies we have towards a novel (which this one doesn't fulfill), rather than on the book itself.

>lit thinks it good
Now I know not to read it. Thanks

Gundam seed?

Have sex.

Farewell to arms
Wind up bird chronicle
Child of god

hes the kind of moron that killed Yea Forums

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Swap huckleberry finn for pickwick papers, Tom Sawyer for The Anabasis, and The little prince for Frankenstein and this would be a better list than what Yea Forums normally throws at newfags


I never got around to reading
>Fahrenheit 451
>Tom Sayer/Huck Finn
>Tale of Two Cities
>Little Prince
>The Old Man and the Sea
Are they actually worth reading?

b-b-but it's good for genre fiction!

Funny that normies haven’t read any of these

Yea Forums is so funny. You can literally just pick a revolving lineup of books, start hating on one, and the rest of the board follows suit like complete and utter middlebrow brainlets. That's what I did a few years back with DeLillo, an author formerly beloved on this board

I also haven't read half of these but.

It's ok. Pretty short so probably worth the read. There are some passages I enjoyed a lot but some that were meh.
>Tom Sawyer/Huck Finn
Read Tom Sawyer if you're interested in comfy shit. Huck Finn is more on the societal commentary side. Both are fine.

>A Tale of Two Cities
Haven't read this in years so my memory of it isn't great, but I'd say it's worth reading at least once in your life. As you likely know, the author was paid by the word so there are parts of this that really become a slog due to how bloated the prose can be.

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Fahrenheit is mediocre at best. Little Prince and the old man and the sea are literally short stories so you should just go read them and form your own opinion. Haven't read the others.


I don't know man, Xenophon isn't that good. I'd say he's only remember literally because he's an ancient writer who survived. At the very least he's second class to basically any other popular greek you could recommend. Might as well just get a guy new to lit to read homer, plato or herodotus instead.

That's just basic human psychology, not Yea Forums specific. Desire for companionship and group acceptance overrides everything.

do people unironically dislike books? I thought this was a literature board for everyone to share their love of the art, not argue over preferences. every book is worth reading. every book has value. if you hate one, call one a meme, call one overrated, call one babby's first, then you by extension hate literature

> don't waste my time with a horrible book full of verbal diarrhea
> wtf u hate books man

t. wants to feel special for having read this shit

literally zero books like that exist

I see xenophon as good starting point for greek lit, that’s all

No idea

Fahrenheit: Somewhat. If it doesn't catch your fancy, no reason to take the time away from something that does.
Twain: Sawyer is comfy kid stuff, didn't much care for Huck Finn, but I've very much enjoyed his Joan of Arc recently.
Can't speak to the others, but Tale of Two Cities is on my list.

Those are the only books normalfags have read unless they got through middle and high school using cliff notes.

Yea Forums never liked TsoT

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