Why isn't Gene Wolfe considered the American Tolkien?
Why isn't Gene Wolfe considered the American Tolkien?
Tolkien's legacy is shit, when american writers want to give him a title they go for more prestigious but irrelevant comparisons like Melville
because the mases are stupid
Wolfe had integrity and didn't sell out
The publishing industry HATES Catholics.
Interesting take. Tell me more?
He is literally too difficult for the majority of scifi/fantasy "fans" who just want another spaceship propaganda book.
Look what they did to the only Catholic President
>inb4 'but the book depository was just a coincidence!'
What about Tolkien?
Have you seen what they've been publishing recently about Tolkien?
This desu. I remember reading that he writes all his books with the intention that not only can they be re-read but that they must be re-read.
Most people don't have the patience to read the book the first time, let alone the second.
I guess because of the new movie? I haven't paid attention to any recent Tolkien news.
Do you think that was because he was Catholic though? Seems more like it was because of his stance towards the Federal Reserve etc.
he just died. Give it a few years
Because he didn’t really write epic high fantasy. I suppose the Wizard Knight would qualify but it’s more is a sword and sorcery adventure than an epic. Even TBotNS is more of a Bildungsroman rather than an epic. There’s also the fact that Wolfe is a normie filter and uses modernist techniques in his works, which is something Tolkien never did and it in many ways the exact opposite of how Tolkien wrote. That’s fine though, because Wolfe is largely his own writer. Better to be known by your own merits rather than compared to someone else’s like fat fuck Martin
Where do I start with Gene Wolfe?
Catholicism and opposition to usury and finance capitalism are pretty much inseparable, desu.
This. Sci-fi and fantasy are mostly plebshit, which is why when somebody like Wolfe or Ursula K. LeGuin writes actual great literature in the genres most of the readers don't know what to do with them.
Start with some of his short stories. The Island of Doctor Death and other stories, The Hero as Werwolf, La Befana, and A Cabin on the Coast are good starting points, but honestly all of his short stories are top tier. Then move onto one of his early standalone novels. The Fifth Head of Cerberus or Peace are probably the best options. Then you can move onto TBotNS if you find yourself liking his style
Since he didn't write for money, he didn't give a shit about publicity. More interestingly, it didn't bother him to be writing in the science fiction/fantasy ghetto.
Most SF readers are too plebian to understand the scale of Wolfe's greatness, although many did. To the extent that they're not just engaged in a circlejerk patronage machine calling itself a literary establishment -- which again Wolfe had no need of -- most literary critics are too far up their own ass/clueless to independently evaluate an author's merit.
Nevertheless, enough intelligent people have read and appreciated Wolfe's books that his reputation will only increase.
>Where do I start with Gene Wolfe?
Either one of his short story collections (Best Of and The Island of Doctor Death are the most readily available, both good), The Fifth Head of Cerberus, The Wizard Knight, or just go balls deep into New Sun.
Is there a Gene Wolfe chart?
yeah, but I think charts are dumb.
read whatever you think looks cool desu. no problem starting with New Sun.