The sailor who fell from grace with the sea

Anyone read this? It's $5 free shipping on book depository

I like most Japanese writers, but I know Mishima is a sodomite and somewhat demented. Is this worth reading?

Attached: mishima.jpg (325x499, 27K)

It is beautifully written and it is quite twisted but I think it's definitely worth it for $5
also it makes me horny

Does his sodomite faggotry come through much?

I read The sound of waves and it was ok, but you could tell in the passages where he goes into long description about women's breasts that something was fucked up.

I find sodomites are sometimes disconnected from the primordial drama of life because they cannot feel romantic love for women. But I know this book is about unhinged teenagers so a sodomite might have interesting insight to that

i just read it a couple weeks ago.
honestly i didnt really like it that much.
For one i found his overuse of ocean metaphors a bit forced and sometimes cringy (there is this line of describing the womans tongue during a kiss like seaweed moving in the currents or something like that).
Additionally most of the main character are not really that well developed.
It has a nice idea, but it feels to me like it does not really go in depth.

i mostly liked the twisted side of the book, but if you dont like that sort of stuff i would pass it.

Then again its 5$ and an easy read, you can finish it in a day or two, so you cant do much wrong.

>but if you dont like that sort of stuff i would pass it.
I think at this point I prob will. Something about Mishima throws me off.

He seems fucked in the head, not in a cool way either.

The first chapter almost reads like a short story and its climax is insanely good. The rest of the book almost doesn't live up to that.

>I find sodomites are sometimes disconnected from the primordial drama of life because they cannot feel romantic love for women.
What the fuck loving thots is the primordial drama of life now? Not the meaning of this existence, the origins of it, the purpose and the fact that we're all going to die without solid answers to these questions, not knowing whether we will get them in an afterlife? Who cares about women seriously.

>I like most Japanese authors

I like most American authors

If BUTTERFLY is looking at this and you’re in your thirties, you will spend the whole day rubbing your pussy on things (not allowed to finger)

It's great.

You seem to be underage, user. If you're not, you express yourself like a child. Get out or grow up.

>people who have never even read Mishima now know about his boy-lusting homo ways
My work here is done. I will BULLY Mishers from beyond the grave.

Dazai is better. Don't bother with Mishima

It's both beatiful and terrifying, ignore the faggots above, give it a try.

Who cares. It's a beautiful book and his violence is accentuated by his tenderness for the human body

Yes it’s pretty good, if you like most japanese writers you’ll like it

The ending made me mad and sad :(

Literally kill yourself, and no.

What’s his best work? I’ve already read no longer human

I finally found Sun and Steel for few bucks, it came from Leckhampton Library at Corpus Christi College..

All of Dazai's works are good. Setting Sun is his other novel, the rest are short stories. Read Villon's Wife for despair, Canis Familiaris or Otogizoshi for humor.

god your posts are fucking embarassing

The kids all talk like adults

Kids have a habit of feeling like they know more than their peers and especially adults. The way they speak to each other is sophisticated and mature to them. Every time they interact with adults they clam up.

They're not supposed to be normal kids. They're all LARPing, especially the leader.

sodomites spotted

>What the fuck loving thots is the primordial drama of life now?
You had to strawman my statement with the word "THOTS".

The relationship between man and woman is fundemental to human life. If you are an incel, that is going to mean something about your identity and experience. If you are a happily married man, the same.

The main imperative is reproducing, even implying that woman's existence is meaningless to men is cope and butthurt

>The relationship between man and woman is fundemental to human life.
No it's not. Fucking them and reproducing is, and we had a wonderful institution for that called marriage with a clear definition of tasks. All women are thots.

Fuck your patronizing bullshit about being an incel, even if I do admit your crap about the relationship with women being meaningful or interesting or deep in any sense, how is it more dramatic than dying without knowing what was the meaning of life and what comes next? The answer to that has never been provided by women, so we can rule that out.

literally name five good books that weren't written by a demented sodomite

Anybody know where I can get a Japanese vesion of it for free?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

try the library, if that fails order it from amazon and tell them you didnt receive it

You can get it for free from the library. I do recommend it. It's a fine novel that you should be able to finish in an afternoon.

Actually just finished it this afternoon. Definitely striking and left an impression on me. Makes me want to read more Mishima. I really liked the themes of the male psyche and Honour/Glory. The intergenerational attitudes towards creeping westernization is nice. The chief and his band of boys almost strike me as some sort of Nietzschean philosophy.

What are some other good Mishima books? I definitely want to read more of his work

temple of the golden pavilion

Let's consult the Internet for my 5 dollar purchase. Just stfu and read it you brainlet.

Really enjoyed that book, would highly recommend.

>I really liked the themes of the male psyche and Honour/Glory
You would love Runaway Horses then. But you should read Spring Snow first

The movie adaption was kino

Attached: sailor.jpg (480x360, 22K)

>Mishima is a sodomite and somewhat demented.
The book has a bit of that, yes.

Some niceT&A as well

Confessions of a Mask and his analysis of kabuki are both interesting

it’s good, surprising to me that his homosexuality is off-putting to you since you both seem to be fascist creeps