/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General

>Post books that you can curl up with and read by the fire
>What are you currently reading and how is it?

Monthly Reading for May: There Are Doors by Gene Wolfe

Monthly Reading books: drive.google.com/drive/folders/15ZwgDZVXB-nLqjbgcqgntZDyTddd0eqP


Science Fiction:

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SF&F author listing with ratings and summaries:


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I grabbed a few fantasy books from a second hand shop recently pretty blind (quickly googling aggregate ratings on my phone in the store but no more research than that) but got burned super hard on the first one I read, The Blue Sword by Robin McKinley, which was fucking disabolic My First D&D Campaign level trash.

I've got Daughter of the Empire, Tomoe Gozen, The Weirdstone of Brisingamen, The Warlord of the Air and The Girl with Ghost Eyes left.

Please tell me at least one or two are decent.

sanderfag a hack

3rd for Allah


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Haha fuck you buddy

Is this actually any good or just a meme?

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Seconding this.
Something like The Broken Sword but in a Celtic setting, I guess. Anything related to Celtic myth will do though.

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We're against Bakker here.

Piece of advise, stay away from any nerdy chicks who are into the whole celtic/irish/gaelic aesthetic and fantasy.
You know what I mean, broads with celtic knot tattoos, "trying to learn gaelic!", and weirdo neopagan types. They are all insane harpies and the lefthand of satan.


He is a degenerate.



This conversation is over, citizen.


I've only met one like that but she really was a bit... off, so you might be onto something.

>Birdboi posts a summary of his novel on /tg/
Who wants to laugh at it with me?

Alan Garner is pretty legit. Dunno about the rest.

No one sane cares, faggot, give it a rest.

You're a bigger autist than birdboi. Get a life.

Ignore and report, guys

Unironically my favorite grimdark series. But you either love it or hate it. It’s not for everyone.

>written by a Canadian
How grimdark can it be?

What's the difference between SF and fantasy? What's the definition of each?

>hahaha Americlap jokes so funny. Canada hahha. America fuck yea amirite guise?

Whether your elves are hippies or not.

The difference doesn't feel as clear now with all the different subgenres that each has spawned, but as far as I can tell, if the driving force behind the unrealistic events of the story is magic then we're talking about Fantasy, and if it's Technology then it's Sci-Fi
This is a pretty half-assed and very generic explanation though, I'm sure someone else here can do much better.

It was just a jape, friend, calm your autism.
I'm not even American.

I always thought fantasy = completely alternate world, sf = an extrapolation from the real world along a technological or scientific dimension.
So something like Star Wars is actually a fantasy that just happens to be in space.

So if I took a sci fi novel and replaced every mention of earth with urth it would become fantasy?

This is what I meant with how the difference is not that clear sometimes; I have always considered Star Wars sci-fi but now that you mention it, some people could call it Fantasy, and that's according to the "definition" that I gave you myself.
It's been a while since the last time I saw anything Star Wars related, can The Force be considered a type of magic? Sort of?

Sci-Fi in its purest form deals with the hypothetical impacts, or moral implications, of future/alien technology, or scenarios only made possible by future/alien technology. I don't read much fantasy, but to me it seems that fantasy usually focuses on characters, and how they are affected by living in whatever magical/wonderous world they live in. That's why people often call Star Wars fantasy that just so happens to be in space. Star Wars does literally no discussion of technology, and is really just about a young farmer meeting an old wizard, learning the ways of magic, and defeating the empire of evil.

Are the Warhammer fantasy books any good? I want to read something with KNIGHTS in it.

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Yes! that's what I meant

Pretty grimdark.

Is it fun?

It's biggest crime, like a lot of epic fantasy, is being a complete fucking bore at times. I can deal with the edginess and nihilism cranked up to 11, but when you have a naked sorceress with a magical sword battling an ancient, gigantic dragon and it somehow ends up being a fucking slog to read? Unforgivable.

>Sci-Fi in its purest form deals with the hypothetical impacts, or moral implications, of future/alien technology, or scenarios only made possible by future/alien technology.
This isn't true at all. Sci-fi, in its "purest form," is no different from fantasy. What you described is only a different take on sci-fi.

No. It takes itself WAY too seriously.

That sounds like an accomplishment in and of itself.
I haven't read it, and probably won't, how did he manage to make that scene boring?

What is your honest opinion about Alastair Reynolds? Just getting started with science fiction but apparently he has some stories about space travel and exploration, right? I'm interested in that.

>how did he manage to make that scene boring?
Well it went on forever and a lot of it was dedicated to the character's inner thoughts instead of the actual action and making it interesting. I don't even remember how it ended; I just became so bored by all of it.

I finished the first book of Book of the New Sun, didn't enjoy it much - things sorta just happen to the narrator and he glides through it all effortlessly. It's cool how you find out the torturer's tower [spoier]is made from a spaceship[/spoiler] but in the end it's a meaningless detail. Is it worth continuing, does it get better?

(fuck spoiler fail)

I finished the first book of Book of the New Sun, didn't enjoy it much - things sorta just happen to the narrator and he glides through it all effortlessly. It's cool how you find out the torturer's tower is made from a spaceship but in the end it's a meaningless detail. Is it worth continuing, does it get better?

Any good stories bout farmers doing some farming

It's too late user, I saw it, I saw the whole thing.
Book of the New Sun is now forever ruined for me.

It definitely gets better.

>in the end it's a meaningless detail
At the end of the first quarter. It's called "The Book of..." rather than "The Books of..." for a reason. The dreamlike qualities are maintained, though he does face more challenges later on. I suggest you at least give Claw a try if you don't mind the style because shit gets way crazier and it's the sort of series where all the details are very important.

Is the Wheel of Time good or just a meme?

Book of the New Farm hahaha would be gud

I loved Alistair Reynolds. It's one of the better hard sci fi. Revelation space has an excellent story. can be long winded at times though

I’ll be honest it doesn’t sound that bad.

Are you rebbit users going to ask this every thread?
Fuck off.
Find something new to meme.

>Daughter of the Empire
>The Warlord of the Air
Farmer in the Sky by Robert Heinlein

Warhammer fiction (both Fantasy and 40k - idk if there's any Age of Sigmar fiction, because it's an abomination) is 80% worthless drek, 15% decent stuff you can enjoy, and 5% great stuff. The trouble is finding the good shit. I've only read a few Fantasy series, so I can't really help you with your knight fetish, but maybe the anons over on the Warhammer containment board (that is, /tg/) can help you

I'm the user that slogged through House of Blades, and decided to try Unsouled
It's far, far better, so far - even if that dedication at the beginning made me cringe
But while I'm here, what's something similar to the Goblin Emperor?

Try xianxia

>wHy CaNt ScIeNcE FiCtIoN jUsT bE fUn!?!?!?!?!

>"""denying""" (You)s
>m-muh Reddit, in fucking 2019
Imagine being this dumb and autistic.


Sci-fi is best when it follows or only loosely bends the laws of physics
Anything else might as well be f*ntasy which is awful

Books with a similar atmosphere/setting?

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>iDeA HuRt ThRoG bRaIn WhY nOt FuN lIkE sTaR wArS!?!?!

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Dumb wojakposter

[Tl notes: I guess he is referring to the saying that if one remains a virgin after 30, he would become a wizard. Damn, I’m getting close to being a wizard]

just ctrl + s for spoilers newfriend

>Daughter of the Empire
Couple people here like it. First book of a trilogy though.

SciFi projects possible futures, Fantasy explores alternative and mythological pasts. Y'know, classically.

Cherryh wrote a couple. The Ealdwood Stories.

I kinda want to get the illustrated Earthsea omnibus, but some people say that only the first 3 books are good.
Would you agree with that, /sffg/?

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>thinking because it's the current that you are going to be accepted
Rebbit trash.

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Hard sci-fi fags need to noose themselves .

Opinions on the Hyperion Cantos? I really enjoyed the first two books, not super sure about the sequels. Kind of stalled a third of the way into the third one: not really a fan of the 'prophesied super-messiah' trope.

Fuck off with your plot contrivances and space magic

Tehanu disgusted me, wasn't interested in continuing after.

Knock yourself out m8, I'm just pointing out that it's fucking retarded to partake in high-school tier turf wars, even more so because Yea Forums stopped being muh sekrit club fucking ages ago.

>muh human understanding of physics and forces is all there is
>no other knowledge can't exist
>muh reality is firmly explained

I don't care if normies know of us, but I will not conform to their expectations, nor their PC status quo. And that includes me accepting rebbit, or it's users.

Well tough shit faggot, non-autists don't give a shit if someone posts in several different websites, and there is literally nothing you can do to stop people from posting here, regardless of what other places they come from.

Where do you think we are?

A place polluted with non autists, desu.

>stop recognizing me as a contaminant
>just let me fit in already


The series is shit after the first two books. Personally I think even the second book is a significant decline in quality from the first, although it's still fine.

Never read it
What's so wrong with it?

>aNyThInG tHaT iSiNt StAr WaRs Is BoRiNg TeChNiCaL wRiTiNg!!!!

She caught the feminism.
Standalone I probably wouldn't have cared much, but it was painful to read as a follow up to the originals.

>She caught the feminism.
Didn't she always have it though?

You won’t find much to laugh about. It’s pretty bleak. But still my favorite series.

Can someone recommend a series like ASOIAF, but good?

she was an oldschool feminist, somehow she became a tumblrite.

Wolfblade by Jennifer Fallon

How unfortunate.
The first 3 Earthsea books have a conclusion though, right? As in, if I read only those 3 I won't feel like I read an unfinished story?

Sorry for asking here but I figured it's the best place. Are there any books that give the same feeling of terror that the Karazhan Crypts give?



Is Doctor Sleep worth reading, if only for the movie that's coming out?

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generally everything king is worth reading. his stories vary in quality but they are all pretty good overall.

I ask because it's a sequel to The Shining, one of his most popular and beloved books (which I've read and liked). I guess what I'm asking is, is it peak King like his books from the 70s and 80s or 11/22/63?



its kinda somewhere in-between. i think its worth reading. though its not as good as shining.

Is there any book with an immortal character who actually wants to keep on living or that's just different from the usual self-destructive/wiseass characters most immortal characters tend to be?

The closest example I can think of is Hohenheim from Fullmetal Alchemist.

Karl Edward Wagner's Kane

Do no fall for this cuck lovers bait.


I wouldn't know. Ask /tg/ or Yea Forums. I don't play games.

Plenty. Read more than the women's romance that have some immortal super rich guy want to give it all up for some cunny, when he literally fucked tens of thousands.

speaking of comics has anyone read prophet?

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Yep. Apparently Metabarons is similar if you want something in the same vein.

Metabarons is the shit

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Thanks for all the answers, bunch of pieces of shit

It's the same answer every thread. It's very good, very flawed, read it.

Lurk more you worthless sack of shit, the same question is asked and answered verbatim in every thread. You didn't even check the previous thread before asking your stupid fucking question.

And yes, read it. You certainly deserve to.

Why do I need to read a thread I don't even regularly visit just for one information that could be answered by anyone from said thread in just one word. ONE FUCKING WORD. Are you so fucking stupid and lazy that you find answering a question with one word tiresome? Go suck a fuking dick.

>why can't you guys keep answering the same question every fucking thread
>why do I have to search the archive when you guys can just make my work easy and answer it for me
>as a Klapistani I am entitled to things, and you have to do what I want
Kys now. No joke. Serious here. An hero asap. It's shit like you who stagnate these generals.

Yeah, I "stagnate" an entire general because I asked one question that could be answered with one word, either "Good" or "Meme". Are you so motherfucking lazy that you can't even type a 4-letter word? I bet you're a NEET virgin procrastinator, wouldn't be surprising if you're a regular on the Fantasy General. Bye, I won't be answering you dipshit anymore.

If you don't participate in the threads regularly then no one here has any reason to answer your shitty question. You don't want to be here, and no one else wants you to be here, so fuck off.

Retards like this fag don't understand context.

I have. Unfortunately it's almost entirely world-building which is the worst sin modern storytelling commits on a regular basis. BUT since it's a comic book that had really good artists working on it, and the world-building IS creative, it's more forgivable.

snow crash ch 1, or just snow crash in general

What fantasy book has the most literary merit?

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Fuck off /outerlit/

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>find a book by PKD on a shelf
>haven't even heard of it
>buy and read it anyway
>it's mindbending good shit

Always happens, how the fuck was he so consistently good?

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That's the only PKD I own that I haven't read. My cover art might beat your cover art, but I'll let others be the judge.

Is like classic PKD "Bro what even IS reality" or something a bit different?

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Jodorowsky sci-fi FTW

While I'm enjoying watching HBO's GOT crashing down in flames and the fanbase autistically reeing, it actually got me curious at trying the fatass' books, just to see how they compare.
Should I take the plunge or is it a waste of time?

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Start here


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They're good but the prose is not the best and Martin sometimes strays away from what he's good at to do Robert Jordan'esque things. You might also consider that he's likely never going to finish the series. Even considering all that the books are still solid though.

the first three books are pretty decent. he just goes way off tangent in books four and five and everything becomes less focused and more sprawling and

Does Sanderson actually suck or is that a meme? I haven't actually read any of his books.

> everything becomes less focused and more sprawling
Definitely this. Honestly I think he became worse than Jordan ever did in WoT and much sooner.

it's basically all YA shit and most of it is very samey. the guy is just ultra prolific and releases four books a year so he has a massive fan base of people who enjoy his works (because if you like one you like them all). his characters are notoriously weak and if that's important to you then you probably won't like his books.

Depends what you're looking for.
If you like thought-through worldbuilding and plots where every little detail neatly falls into place, you'll like it.
If you're in for varied, deep characters and beautiful prose, you won't.
Try the first book of Stormlight. If you like it, you'll like the rest. If you don't, then don't bother with sanderson again.

Depends, he writes a particular kind of books and he's rather limited in his range but if you like his style then sure he's readable.

He has his flaws and for the record I do not like his style or his books but he's not an actual worthless hack like say Rothfuss or Brent Weeks who write utter garbage.

Basically, if you like Anime you'll love his books. There's a lot of extreme world building and rational, thoroughly explained magic systems and "le epic" conclusions. He also has a great work ethic and writes like a machine, so he delivers his books when he says he will. You don't have to worry about him not finishing something, if he starts something, he'll finish it in a timely manner.

Now for the bad; His autistic world building and complex magic systems come at the expense of well developed plots of which he has none, they're all shallow and his characters just like his plot lines are also similarly awful and have no depth to them. His dialogue is bland and his prose while not bad is just serviceable. He hasn't quite grasped the mantra of "show, don't tell." either, as it's all tell and tell some more with him. He's also a devout Mormon and it reflects in his books as they're all sanitized to the extreme.

Try one of his book, a standalone would be best (I think he's hardcore fans recommend Warbreaker a lot; but do check with them again) and see if you like the style. If you do you just found yourself a shit load of similarly written material to read. So yeah, he's at least worth trying once, especially if you like Anime.

I liked the first two SA books but hated the third
it was too long by half and abandoned already done character development just to give the characters the same damn arc again in book three
his books are all "le sanderson avalanche" where the entire book builds up to an epic battle but SA 3 was so fucking long that I stopped caring about the conclusion at some point and when it came it also was too damn drawn out

I have no idea why anyone woudl claim this is characteristic of anime, which is full of careless, ad-hoc world building, goofy nonsense, and non-endings while focusing far more on character and character interactions.

/sffg/ using a buzzword regardless of meaning to dismiss something they don't like? unthinkable!

Then give an example of this plenty, for fucks sake. If I'm asking is because I don't know where to look for.

It's shit for kids

Dare I ask... what's /sffg/'s favourite star wars book?

First law trilogy by ambercrombie

Star Wars has been so completely ruined for me that I can't enjoy it in any capacity and don't want to ever think about it again.

The Lord of the Rings and Book of the New Sun

Are you a woman?

None since Star Wars is fucking trash and you should hang yourself for thinking that was a question worth asking.
j/k, I haven't read a single SW book in my life

If capeshit is your favorite film genre then you would enjoy Sanderson.

X-wing series

Great world building. Passable prose. Whatever plot. God-awful characters like holy fucking shit his dialogue reads like every character is a 16 year old's OC and everyone is talking about how witty people are when they're just making fucking butt puns.
An understated strength of his is description though. Beyond the world building itself, he's fantastic at setting a scene and making it vivid in your mind down to the tiny details.

Liking Sanderson is a matter of priorities. I enjoy him despite his incredible glaring flaws because I like what he does well. But anyone who wants more character driven series isn't going to enjoy themselves, even as a fan I have to pause every time a character makes a quip to get over how awful it was.

Writing about incest is actually pretty fun.

>tfw you will never have a superior, genetically-engineered, slave-owning and world-conquering waifu
context below, spoilered as to spare you the sperg
Draka as a whole is about alt-universe South Africa being ruled by whitoids who want to conquer and rule the universe. First they start out with the native africans and take over about a third of Africa, then when WW2 rolls around they join the not-quite-Allies to fight the Nazis, as they see them as the biggest threat (and having, in their view, a weak, shittier variant of their own ideology). Then they have a little cold war with most of the planet before it gets hot, and then ooh, space shit. It' s not exactly great, but hey, it was interesting enough.

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Gormenghast and Little, Big.

I want to get into fantasy but I'm really picky about what I read. I've avoided fantasy for a long time because I always thought it was vapid and without substance, which is ironic because I read a lot of sci-fi which can be just as vapid.

Anyway, maybe you guys can point me to a book or series based on what I like from sci-fi?

My favorite sci-fi books are:

Snow Crash
The Expanse Series
Takeshi Kovacs Series


Frank shits on Dredd.

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Wrong. The difference between First Law and ASOIAF is that First law is boring as fuck with an incredibly bland world.

tales from the mos eisley cantina

>having a cheeky version of yourself, that fucking thing Peter Weller meets in Naked Lunch and Peter Weller from Naked Lunch on the cover

All the new PKD editions in my country have this neon blue-orange-white type cover with dark on top. Nice to look at tebehe.

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>Always happens, how the fuck was he so consistently good?
He's not. Lies, Inc is trash, and some of his lesser-known novels that I've read aren't much better.

Thoughts on the Black Company novels?

Don't bother until the fat fuck gets around to finishing the series.

The Wizard Knight

I liked the 10 I read.

First one was great, but then they just drag on and get progressively mediocre. The newest one is supposedly shit, but that consensus is coming from the usual brigade of retarded cunts on Goodreads complaining about how "misogynistic" the new book was instead of leveling any actual criticism.

Leia's Motherly Touch (how did Kevin j Anderson get away with this?)
Also I,Jedi by Michael Stackpole

There are subpar PKD novels but Lies, Inc was not one of them.



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The first four are good,only read the rest if you really like them.
Then you are probably gonna love WoT.

why is it so much easier to write 1000 words of flash fiction than 1000 words of novel? my character interactions are so goddamn and out of character it's unbelievable

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Legend by David Gemmell
Farhd and the Grey Mouser
Hawkwood's Voyage

>I've avoided fantasy for a long time because I always thought it was vapid and without substance

Nah, there's plenty of good fantasy out there. You just gotta take care with what you read. There are plenty of vapid works in any genre.


Gormenghast or Lord of The Rings: the first if you want a bunch of mad people in a castle, the second if you...well, you know LOTR. Maybe Viriconium too: this one is a somewhat balanced blend between fantasy and scifi. I think The Broken Sword might be your thing as well but I haven't read it yet.

>Snow Crash

Perdido Street Station.

>Takeshi Kovacs Series

Hm, maybe The City and the City for a detective fantasy story, and Conan for fast-paced action.

Some books I personally recommend: Little, Big, Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell, most main Chesterton novels and Borges/Calvino works.

You might like The Book of the New Sun as well, haven't read it but well, everyone loves it.

I didn't hate the one I read, but I didn't want to read more either.
The narrator spend the whole novel reminding you that they're a band of ruthless mercenaries working for the Bad Guy, and at the end he's appalled to discover their employer is a bad guy and wants to break their contract and leave. Also the only real evidence of the Bad Guy being "bad" is dealing ruthlessly with rebels and traitors.

Your high standards and perfectionism leave you too afraid of writing anything "wrong" to write anything at all for a project you actually care about. Your first draft is going to be shit, but the finished novel can't exist without it.

hi, is WoT any good or should I stick with asoiaf? thx

>literary merit
you ever just read for fun? I know, I know. But hear me out. Things can be fun, and that's what gives them value, not an elitist hivemind circlejerking each other and pretending to be clever because they recognise "shocking similarities and echoes of modern societal dysfunction" lmao

Don't be so insecure. You don't need to take such a simple question personally.

For all we know that user might do 90% of his reading for fun and he's looking for lit fantasy as a change of pace. No need to pounce on this.

t. utter retard
Now go back to spamming on twitter how star wars and GOT are great because the only thing that matters is that they're fun

What's some comfy SF and Fantasy? I'm not fussy, I just want something relaxing

Anything written by Lord Dunsany.

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>or Brent Weeks who write utter garbage.
Why are you so butthurt user? Did Weeks fuck your girl or something? You've been raving about Weeks for years. Give it a rest.

Punisher is shit and I never liked his comics, but at least he is better than Batman, in that he kills people.

Are you going to be the new cosmerefag, flavouranon? Are you going to post that food chart in hopes of being recognized?

So when are you all actually going to get serious about writing your Fantasy novel?

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Raccoon eye shore. Begone.

>Did Weeks fuck your girl or something?
No, it's worse than that. I read a book he wrote.

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I know who you are Breeks user, I've seen you post that exact excerpt before. Just chill with the autism.

The Inheritance Cycle

You know me, I know you, you worthless Night Angel shilling crayon eater.

But they're good for you.

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The first one is sort of fun, but don't bother with anything after that.

The entire premise of the books is that they're a mercenary company working for the big bad guy, but it quickly turns out that they're working for the lesser of two evils and the even bigger badder guy is behind the supposedly good rebellion. Don't even get me started on the cheesy romantic subplot.

>I haven't read it, and probably won't, how did he manage to make that scene boring?

Bakker's biggest crime was listening to his dumbshit shekel-grabbing publisher and splitting up the last two books. He then had to pad the remainder with philosophical rambling, so we got two 5/10 books instead of one 9/10.

The books are filled with five star moments, but they're filled-out with a lot of horseshit. Even Bakker says he wished he'd spent less time on that and more time working on minor characters.

Whatever. Fuck this gay earth.

I'm surprised to see Paolini being recommended here. I thought he would be universally hated.

That said, Eldest is a fucking bore. Eragon was derivative and shallow but at least was a very fun read. I gave up halfway through the sequel.

I hope you don't think they're being serious.

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Fantasy is for backwards wankers.

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Cringe question here.
What fantasy book has the best description of large battles. doesn't necessarily have to be Grimdark, just not glossed over. I like military history i guess

Book of the New Sun. There's only one though

I mean, the guy asked for something like ASOIAF but good, so...maybe?

Reccomend me something that has just PURE hype moments, excitement, and other things of the like.

Pic not related

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You haven't been here very long.

Hello there, welcome to 4chin's Science Fiction and Fantasy General!

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Desolate era

Thanks for the recommendations. I've been trying to do some research on my own and it's pretty hard to sift through the schlock. For example, I'm seeing stuff like Brandon Sanderson at the top of every list and from what I've seen he's not exactly what I'm looking for. Though the magic systems of Mistborn and Lightbringer seems really interesting, if I can get past the characters that those authors tend to write.

I wish Brandon Sanderson were more charming. I really like a lot about his books but his autism drips off of the pages the way his characters talk.

Think of the bindings goyim! Our poor books can’t handle being 1200 pages! Just be a good goy and buy two ok?!

Daily reminder that fantasy is actually for complete mongoloids

At one point does Desolate Era get real? I hear both that and Coiling Dragon go to shit after the god level, confirm/deny?

I enjoyed all of desolate era, didn’t read coiling dragon

Coiling Dragon is shit, Desolate Era is based.

Desolate Era actually gets hype af towards the last 25%-30% or so and this is the part when the MC becomes really strong but the strength comes with a severe price, it's not some god mode shit. And ngl that "price" leads to some really touching moments full of feels.

Anyone read William D Arand's two latest books?
The zombie harem and the urban fantasy harem?

>protagonist is called Hiro Protagonist
Not that I only read things that are 100% SERIOUS BUSINESS but is this a parody of some sort?

The Stormlight Archives are the only thing worth a damn. The Wheel of Time doesn't count as he pretty much did what Frank Herbert's son did and used old notes to finish the series.

No it's not a parody, it just has ridiculous over-the-top characters and setting. Just read it, it's one of the best sci-fi books out there.

Opinions on The Chronicles of Amber?

It is a parody. Just happens also to be better than the source material.

I've only read the first book so far and it's pretty alright. My only complaint is that I expected the author to go into much more detail when describing Amber itself, don't know if I'll get more of that in the next books.

Meant to quote

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No it's not, it's just very over the top, very similar to Transmetropolitan.

David Gemmell always did a great job of it, he was a military history buff. If you like heroic fantasy/sword and sorcery I’d give him a look. Robert Jordan was also good at it. RJ was a mil his buff and Vietnam vet, so military stuff was one his strengths.

What are some good books where magic actually feels like a big deal, something that doesn't show up very often but when it does it pretty much feels like reality has just broken for a bit.

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The King of Elfland's Daughter
Though depending on your taste the book can be a beautiful thing or a fucking slog to read.
I liked it.

am i going to have to read BoTNS again

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Yeah they’re ok. He’s trying to be a bit edgier, but it doesn’t quite work in Remnant. Ok beginning, weird, timeless middle, but the story finally starts moving in the last 30%. That said, the main girl is top tier, maybe one of my favorites. But that might just be because I like goat girls.
Swing shift is pretty traditional, for an urban fantasy series. The ending was pretty decent thought. So a better story, but worse girls imo.

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There was a sticky you pussy

Where do I start with the Warhammer 40k novels?

Never played the games, know absolutely nothing about the universe or lore. Always see them mentioned online, and always see stacks of the fuckers at bookstores. Like the aesthetic, big reader of sci-fi in general, generally leaning towards the more literary stuff.

Thought I'd ask you guys before looking for a list or some shit. Like to keep some pulp-ier stuff around for the summer, and want to see what Warhammer is all about

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Read Horus heresy, disregard the rest unless the bug really bites you.

Skip Horus heresy

just searched that. seems to be a series of ~90 books. Just start with the first one written or what?

Any other suggestions, then?

Last Chancers series

Any books with helper dogs/wolves like ASoIaF or MGSV?

The Knight by Gene Wolfe
Haven't read The Wizard yet but I assume Gylf is still there.

The Bacta War. I sometimes reread it in isolation of any other of the X-wing novels, because it works so well as a standalone book. I think people who have never even read Star Wars could probably enjoy it.

Tide Lords by Jennifer Fallon - the protagonist, who became immortal by mistake, is suicidal at the start of the book, but throughout the quadrilogy he comes to embrace his immortality. If we're going outside the strict /sffg/ spectrum, Louis in Interview With The Vampire seems to love life, even if he thinks immortality is as much a curse as a blessing.

Thanks lad, I'll look into these.

It's mad comfy at times. Good use of foreshadowing, some epic scenes. The characters are so and so, some likeable and some not, and some whose decisions don't seem to make sense. It's a 10+ book series user, I enjoyed it but can't say it's for everyone, or that it's worth the investment. Try the first book and see how it goes.

didnt like remnant. liked swing shift a lot.
also its totally obvious who kat and leanne are. also trish.
im happy theyre alright. theyll probably play a bigger role down the line. and felix will probably show up eventually too.

The Death Gate Cycle
The Farseer books by Robin Hobb
Horus Heresy is a newfren trap,keep away from it.
Start with Eisenhorn or the Gaunt's Ghosts books by Dan Abnett,he is one of the best 40k writers.

What self published books are you guys reading right now?

The Chad milsf author

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My diary, desu.

Makaria had solid ideas, but the ending was a bit shaky. I also don’t get much of it because I’m not a Christfag

>4,228 pages long
>198h 53m for the audiobooks

Honestly, is it worth it?

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How much does the idea of reading a story with no actual ending bother you? Because he's not going to finish them.

"Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water."

-Excerpt from A Dance with Dragons

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I wonder how the people narrating audiobooks felt when they reached that scene desu

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sounds pretty nice to me

He is.

Read Peace instead; it was his favorite novel of his own

Even GRRM knew she was a braphog

The Interrogation Team is amazing, it's military science fiction but also a horror story.

Literally middle school tier, Gary Paulsen - The Hachet series.

I've already read Laird Barron

clark ashton smith

How is this, /sffg/?
From what I understand, J.R.R. Tolkien himself wouldn't have published this but his son edited it and finished it or something? Is it good?

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>How is this, /sffg/?
I thought it was excellent, assuming you've already read The Silmarillion, Children of Húrin and Beren and Lúthien.

>From what I understand, J.R.R. Tolkien himself wouldn't have published this but his son edited it and finished it or something?
Christopher edited his fathers manuscripts to form a more consistent narrative, I'm happy he did or else those books might never have seen the light of day

Monthly reminder that Gormenghast is overrated.

Seriously, why do people keep reccomending it, I stuck through all the books because I figured it must get good at some point and it just never did.

Start from the beggining. The first five books of Horus Heresy situate you in the setting and kickstart the Heresy and so on, from then on it becomes more loose with overlapping timelines and standalone stories and such, but the first five absolutely should be read in that order.

Eisenhorn, Gaunt or first couple HH books

trying to get back into reading, reading count of etc etc rn

I plan to get black company book 1 and neuromancer, are there any other good cyberpunk books or are they all just derivative "oooheee wowee robot neon!"?

I don't like hard scifi

>I don't like hard scifi
then you dont like scifi

yeah maybe I don't, does that upset you autist?

If you enjoy reading 3 pages about the exact movment of the quarks and atoms that allows a ship to move at near light speed then more power to you

you ask for scifi recs and then say you dont like scifi, and i'm the autist? okay bud

When I told you it's shit, you listened to the other anons who were praising it. You made your bed, so lie in it.

I know you're doing this for (you)s, but I still can't let your stupidity fly.

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I'll gladly admit that the third book is not that good. The two first however. Free from Tolkien's influence, truly unique and with beautiful, vivid, descriptive prose. What's not to like?

anybody know the source of this list?

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>hard sci-fi is sci-fi
oof never go full retard. Hard sci-fi is literally the LEAST popular form of sci-fi. Barely anyone actually reads it.


I like how every writer in the top 20 is either pure shit or completely average except for based Gemmell. A bunch of bongs must have voted on this list.

This is what I like about Peake's world building and backdrop. He does his own thing and is completely original without having to rely on some stupid Tolkien inspired gimmick

Is the first law trilogy worth £15? I'm looking for a new series, haven't read a fantasy book in a while. I've also been recommended the Drenai series and Farseer.

What's some good chinkshit (wuxia and xianxia, whatever the differences are), or stuff in the style of chinkshit?
I've read some shitty web novels and the concept appeal to me, but the universal retardedly OP-from-the-start protagonists annoys me

I'm looking for a meaty series with a strong character focus that doesn't completely ignore worldbuilding. Series with intricate worlds seem to jump protags/time a lot (Malazan, Drenai), and those with great characters have barebones settings (First Law). There must be some overlooked series that do both decently.

Why a bunch of Bongs?

>comparing Drenai to Malazan
Oh man. You have no idea what you're talking about do you?

I didn't like the first law, felt like a chore to read because the world and characters are so boring.

Because Gemmell was British and was most popular in his native Bongistan for the longest time.

yet number 1 is a mutt and has ruined fantasy going forward

How is Gemmells last book ?

Please explain.

If you mean the Troy series, it's pretty good. He passed away before he could finish the last book, he had only written a part of it and his wife finished the rest. She did a decent job though so it's still worth reading.

I think I'll go with Dunsany, after cursory browsing of Yea Forums fantasy discussions he and Le Guin were the two authors who seemed most palatable.
Also my uni's rare books library has some very expensive illustrated editions of his work that it might be cool to check out.

You know there are thousands of books free from Tolkien's influence? You self-uninformed cunt kys.
You should read more books instead of the same small sample size that reinforces the narrative that everyone and their grandmother is copying Tolkien. You go and read a bunch of Tolkien clones then cry that fantasy is Tolkien clones.
>Free from Tolkien's influence
You guys that don't read always out yourselves when you talk about all fantasy being Tolkien clones.

Just read all the staples first, martial world, true martial world, renegade immortal, desolate era, world of cultivation, talisman emperor, sovereign of the three realms, immortal mortal, a will eternal, etc

>those with great characters have barebones settings (First Law).
>first law
>great characters
There was only 2 characters of note in the first law trilogy. Everyone else was a chore. Two persons of capital quality, and all the other fuken pinks were shit.

What are you guys expecting for the rest of the year?
Is tight pussy part 2, skin game, thorn of embalen, and the host of other editing hell books going to be released? Is 2019 the year?

Tight pussy part 2 comes out this fall.
I doubt the others you listed get published.

Anything about ascending to a higher plane of existence?

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Glokta and Logen?
God i found that book series such a bore couldnt make it past halfway through the second book

Utnapishtim from the Epic of Gilgamesh

It was supposed to be released last fall too.

Gloktha and west. Logen was annoying.
A decade after finishing the series and I still remember him pissing me off. Him and his got to piss friend.

The Hobbit movies were not as bad as they were made out to be. I watched the extended addition and really the only deviation from the book that I really took issue with was the Elf chick.



wow thanks fuckwit had no idea that board existed. almost like i was talking about a difference with the book

Nope. We'll hear about the release date at least 6 months in advance and since we're almost 6 months into the year I doubt any of them are coming out in 2019.

I'm only really excited for Blood of Empire which is coming out in Dec.

I suppose there's also the next Cradle book but that series is going to shit rather rapidly.

Malazan is grimderp epic fantasy with the main focus being on world-building and has an overall arching story across 10 books. Drenai is the complete opposite: there is no overall arching story across its books, it's not grimderp epic fantasy, and the focus is on the characters and stories first THEN the world-building.

it is over the top near parody stuff, but is dredd not the same? the first chapter is basically him as judge dredd delivering pizza

>h-hey guys, if you don't want film goer people to post about movies in the fucking literature board you're a discord tranny

We have a release date for Burning White, the last light bringer book. October 22.

Also fuck you, Underlord was good.

no one cares tolkien a shit

It was fine, but I only read it once years ago and I definitely remember reading certain parts and thinking, "Yea his wife definitely wrote this."

And it was August last year.
Tight pussy 2 electric bogaloo isn't coming.

Never cared for fantasy. Any time I see a synopsis for some long epic thing with its backstories and races and warriors and whatever my eyes glaze over. Never read Lord of the Rings. Only tangentially interested in GOT and kind of liking the first book for the vivid descriptions of the land and the politics. Discovered I actually do somewhat like medieval settings. Always loved the Legend of Zelda games despite telling myself I disliked sword and sorcery crap.

Recommend me a fantasy series.

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>I disliked sword and sorcery crap.
Normies referring to basic Heroic Fantasy as Sword & Sorcery will always trigger my autism.

The Broken Sword by Poul Anderson. I recommend the 1970 version since that's the version I've read.

Someone rec me some real Arthurian shit where magic comes from when another world bleeds into ours. Already read The Knight.



I like how when someone posts a question, no one responds, but as soon as I post my chart everyone is quickly telling the guy recommendations.

but the world of Malazan is boring and shit

Such prose.

What was your question lad

(infinitely expansive power gap)
everything else

Okay, this looks promising. A little basic, but promising.

Nothing on that chart interests me.

>Never cared for fantasy
>Recommend me a fantasy series
What makes people think this is not a retarded thing to ask?

This way to reach the Game of Thrones viewer support group.

Or how about some like Zelda or Etrian Odyssey fanfiction that doesn't suck or sucks so much it's funny.

Books are free now, even one peso would be overpaying.

I wrote some 4+ hours today finishing the 4th part of my first fantasy novel. Been writing for years now so i can assure you that its actually not shit.


if there is no science in the science fiction then it is just fiction

West is a shit, logen is a waifu! Mediocre book anyway dont get the fuss about it.

Science is for nerds anyway and nerds NEVER get pussy unless they stop being nerds (crypto demi-chads)