
Do you think he browses Yea Forums?

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Maybe sometimes. He did get the whole "YLYL" thing from Yea Forums. He even read sun and steel. I don't know many other places that talk about that book.

Get out, pewds! Don't ruin our board with your dumb videos!

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Not only that but he claims mishima is his favorite author

Stop making threads about yourself fagpie

It's clear he does. He's made videos featuring posts from Yea Forums and he reads a lot of Yea Forums memes.

Not only that but he's a far right nazi

The first ever tweet he made years ago had #kek in it. He even made a video all about greentexts where he showed a bunch of Yea Forums screenshots but kept calling it reddit to hide his power level from the mainstream media. He hosts a book review series where he discusses some of the most memed books here. And he is an edgy gamer. Do the math. He comes from here. Pewds, if you’re reading this: I love your videos so much.

Pewds Infinite Jest read along when?

Probably early next year honestly. I can feel it.

Hopefully not

Yah he's doing the Lord's work.

Yooo I didn’t realize how bad I wanted this

Fuck off, felix. We know it's you

if he does he can fuck right off and take his retards with him

he 100% does
as far as obnoxious youtubers who clearly post here go, i like him less than contrapoints but at least he seems to be making a sincere go of the whole reading thing i guess

Will IJ be able to stay in the meme trilogy when pewds makes it popular with normies?

Remember when he said nigger on stream? Why would that word float around in a swedish man's head, if not because of this site

Probably. He started on Yea Forums and ever since he started reading I wouldn't be surprised if he came here.
You're putting out good stuff these days Felix. Maybe do short story reading like Melville (Bartleby and Billy Budd are the best imo), Kafka, Joyce, Gogol, Borges, etc.

This thread is cancer. You’re all cancer.

who gives a shit about eceleb bullshit. get a fucking life

This, based. Kill, your, fucking, self OP.

i won't subscribe to your channel felix.

>make extremely trash content but say nigger and talk about literature from time to time
>become Yea Forums‘s guy
i thought you were all just 16 until I saw that that book club faggot who spams himself here was subbed to him. fuck all you faggots.

Infinite Jest is already mainstream enough thanks to that movie recently about DFW.
Wonder who told him that?

>Started with Symposium
>Didn't start with Euthyphro, Apology, and Crito
What a fucking pleb

I'm pretty sure he does. He reviewed The republic by plato, Stoner, 12 rules for life, american psycho and other books that are often mentioned here

Yes, he is known here as "butterfly"...

I don’t follow him, but he’s doing a lot to advance and promote reading quality literature. Probably more so than any single professor, scholar, or university in the world. You know civilization is on the brink when a vidya eceleb who got famous literally REEEEEING at his computer screen is more important to the advocation and promulgation of western literature than the entire western education system. If if you think he’s a massive faggot, you can’t deny that in regards to getting NEETS and zoomers to read, he is largely effective and a positive influence. It pains me to write this, but it is the truth

Is this a raid or are the threads here always so bad? Love, /diy/.

yes but i'd rather he didn't because he's a corporate sell out faggot