ok this shit rocks
Ok this shit rocks
No, no it really isn’t.
I’m packing up and moving — I’m going where 3face is at , around the area. I have his area code at least, and a vague idea of where he is working right now
I read half of it and Hitler is a terrible writer.
I read the Ford translation. It was pretty good. It drones on about excusing Germany's loss in WWI, but Hitler was essentially giving a mass beerhall speech to those same veterans.
One of the reasons why it seems so poor is because it was never really edited. Hitler basically wrote these notes in prison and then gave them to Hess to clean up but he left them almost untouched, as he was afraid of misrepresenting Hitler's word (not that he'd be punished but the guy literally worshiped Hitler). Considering that its basically draft #1 its surprisingly good.
Okay but just so everyone knows this ACTUALLY isn’t her. She has literally not said anything about me putting words in her mouth.
This is -kind of- how women are. They want to be led around, controlled, etc. Anyway, it was obviously me, just a humble suggestion for her :3
No it isn't, retard
My sister has turned kinda liberal recently, but she said she likes Hitler, and she made sure to clarify what she meant. I'm kinda puzzled, honestly.
Why does everyone hate this guy again?
Epic memes about masturbation machines and mass people-incinerating roller coasters
speaking of things everyone knows, everyone knows butterfly is a man and you sucked his penis.
he said at one point that “no movement ever became great or relevant because of the written word”. What the fuck do black prisoners contribute to world literature? Rap lyrics written on toilet paper?
He was a really bad painter.
What's the deal with the masturbation machines?
it's a /pol/ meme
But whence does it hail from originally? Surely there's some hilarity to be had there.
bad by people's standards who's job is a painter, but better than 99% better than anyone else who isn't a painter. Painting was his hobby you fucking retard. No muscle, no brain aswell? Have sex..
user if he had ANY SKILLS AT ALL he wouldn't have gotten rejected.
It's shit. Even Hitler hated it.
>He dismissed it as "fantasies behind bars" that were little more than a series of articles for the Völkischer Beobachter, and later told Hans Frank that "If I had had any idea in 1924 that I would have become Reich chancellor, I never would have written the book."
>Hans Frank
WTF Hitler was friends with Anne Frank's dad???
its a jew meme
They're not sure, they were just told he's bad.
looks comfy to me
Post your art?
If someone with the language gift of Shakespeare, Melville or Thomas Browne re-wrote this book, could it become some sort of dark masterpiece?
Some jew at the height of the lampshades and soap and electrified floor holocoasters claimed there was a machine that jerked jews off to death
A lot of people tried cashing in on the holocaust by writing sensational stories, outright fabrications even. Comes from one of those. What sticks in a lot of peoples' craws is that it's survivors, or supposed survivors who've authored majority of them.
Back when the holocaust was becoming big, "survivors" would try to make money off of their experiences. Their stories often included unlikely or impossible forms of torture. I read that one guy refused to eat and drink what the Nazis served him, because he was told it had been poisoned. So to survive, he sucked on a pebble for two years, drinking nothing but the saliva his mouth produced.
>she read aryanism.net
what a poor argument
That's actually, unironically a good painting. Not amazing, but very proficient for somebody that did not go to school for it.
The perspective is wrong, but the colour palette is good and the scene is chosen well. This painting does invoke warm, homely feelings in the viewer.
it's naive and comfy art
it shows how kind his heart was
Most of his paintings were done for postcards or the like, he didn't put much effort into them.
Some guy made up one bogus story and now /pol/ uses it as "proof" that the entire Holocaust never happened.
three face kek
Pretty sure Hitler was Anne Frank's dad
>n up but he left them almost untouched
but that's not true
Itt trip nigger accidentally replies to himself with the wrong account.
Just Jews. No one actually knows or has self-thought, and so just does what they think they're expected to do. I don't know how a young man in podunk Iowa would have any negative opinion on a German Chancellor from the 30's.
that's the parody trip he fucks with the one one that has an exclamation point in the trip, that's the original. they're both fucking retarded
Are you retarded? You must be.
There aren't any tripfags in this thread, newfaggot.
I don't want to sound like a party pooper, but beyond the political content, this book is like a big complaint put into text. It has no structure, it's like chitchat or rant.
In the period just before he entered politics Hitler actually made a decent living at painting, they have his income tax records.
He also did pet portraits.
hey, thats pretty good
Sounds pretty based.