Friday night

>Friday night
>normies out enjoying life, creating long lasting memories
>I'm inside, alone, a meek ugly beta

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Lmao have sex, incel

You should make youtube videos, like Elliot did. They were kino tbdesu.
Sadly most incels are too beta to show their face. Elliot was a real alpha incel.

>creating long lasting memories
Kek, this is so wrong

>Friday night
>Normies out having fun
>I'm inside staying up all night studying French and reading
>life's good

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tfw I was a normie last week
went out to a party and got a bit too drunk and started harassing people
I wish those memories weren't as long lasting

Value and preference. Only you define it. What brings most value ?

I am the Dali Lama Economist

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You're telling me that you don't have a comfy chair, a good book, and a hot cup of coffee to enjoy right now?
No "normies" partying on Friday night are going to remember what happened.

Reminder that normie life is massive cope and most of them are miserable

You're a fucking retard if you believe this. I used to be a normie and life was so much more enjoyable.

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Depends on your age. Young normie life is good. Beyond that it's massive cope.

sour grapes, the post

was he our generation's greatest poet?

>Cannot load link

this one is better anyway

>not the ones with his brother

Those are top comfy

>You're a fucking retard if you believe this
Do you miss youth and normalfaggotry that much? I have never been a huge normie, but from what I have experienced throughout my teens and early twenties, normie life didn't seem that great. I don't care if people say I'm coping and sour-graping: that kind of life is dumb in my opinion and it isn't sustainable anyway. If it works for you, go ahead and keep behaving like an adolescent all your life; as far as I'm concerned, I'd rather be alone and read books. Fucking prostitutes might be the only worthwhile form of social interaction.

Read 人間失格, then become happy or kill yourself

He had a brother?

This video makes me think that having state-issued girlfriends would solve a lot of societies problems.

you guys put going out on a pedestal. i used to go out every day like every other normie and desu its all mostly a blur



The fact that it's in California makes it a bit too cinematic even.
I'd like to see an Elliot Rodger from Ohio or something. I know you guys are out there too, come on.

>get invited to a party
>decline for the 200th time in a row
How do I tell my normie friends that I simply don't enjoy drinking anymore? They seem to have seriours issues with understanding even when told directly. I I love 'em to bits, but I just wish they would be willing to do some other stuff during the weekends.

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Being the number one footballer or tennis player is completely unsustainable as well.

>wanting this
You're "normal" insofar as you're average, and mediocre. Won't amount to anything if this, of all things, is what you're envious of.
I could go out tonight but choose not to. Drunken revelries are for bugmen. Panem et circenses.

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A 'authentic' normie following basic moral standards and gender norms will have a decent life. The weed and facebook addicted normie less so. (Which might be the majority)

>"Life is not fair!"
Okay, buddy, what are you gonna do about it? Shoot up a school or something? How is that going to help you? What I fail to understand is the emotional reaction of these incels. I do not question their basic assumptions about the unfairness of life: I believe that the normies who tell them to bootstrap themselves are full of shit. Life is inherently unfair, no doubt; but what are you gonna do about it? Are you gonna try to destroy other people's perceived "happiness"? How is that going to help you? You won't gain anything by it. Acting like an envious little kid who wants to destroy the toys that he cannot own won't make anything for you. To begin with, the REALLY lucky guys are out of your reach; you will never even see them as they enjoy life in their gated communities. People like Elliot believe they have been dealt a shitty hand and that their best option is to fold early. And they won't even fold quietly: they will throw a tantrum and flip the playing table; they will embarrass themselves in the attempt to ruin the game for everyone else. And when the dust has settled, a few people will have died but everyone else (billions of other people) will keep going about their lives as if nothing happened. It's all so pointless. And Elliot's hand wasn't even that shitty; he had it much better than many other people, but he still managed to fuck it up because he wouldn't be satisfied with anything less than perfect: he expected a girl (possibly a blonde one) to fall into his lap; he seemed to believe the world "owed" him a girl.

All this fuss over dumb broads because their wet holes feel good. Pathetic.

That's why jocks are dumb. Were you trying to refute me or support my claim?

lowbrow post

Stop shitting up the board with r9k seepage and elliott rodger. This board has fallen a long way to trivialize this pathetic loser, chimping out like an animal, a literal cumbrain, and killing innocents because of some fix idea of 'tfw no gf'. This is 2019 Yea Forums, and it is horrible.

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People are alieneted from their emotions and often can't deal with them or understand them, there's no real difference between incels and normies.
>Two lovers entwined pass me by
>And heaven knows I'm miserable now

>Long lasting memories
They're getting blind drunk, they won't remember anything lol. Read a good book, fuck those plebs.

Fuck off loser. Go back to r*ddit if you want to talk about Harry Potter.

Elliots life is so fucking comic. A guy that shot up a street because he couldn't get any pussy.

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Clown world at its finest. He had a nice car and he wasn't that ugly, yet he couldn't get laid. I've known fat, ugly midgets who had no car and were slaying pussy on the regular. Elliot had no excuse for being such a loser.

Oh no, the horror, what a great loss.

>You won't waste £100 on alcohol in one night
>You won't get to grind up on some gonorrhea ridden chavvy slag
>You won't get so drunk it's not fun anymore and you just want the world to stop spinning long enough for you to fall asleep
>You won't be dragged to places you don't want to go to until 3am just for the CHANCE to get a terrible blowjob from a complete whore

I grew out of the "why won't people be my friend" phase at 13 and realised I'd rather be alone and enjoy solitude rather than fight against the reality that people just didn't really like me very much and didn't want me around because I wasn't like them. I wasn't extroverted, I wasn't interested in what was on the tv/radio at the time, I didn't dress like them, I had weird hobbies and I was quiet and clever and never had anything to say to anyone because I found them as boring as they found me.

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at least they have a cope for being miserable

incels have a containment board for a reason

A lot of it is forced and fake. It's not as amazing as you're making it out to be. There are good moments sure, but nostalgia exaggerates it. Still, try to get yourself out there but don't put it on a pedestal, regardless of what you end up doing.

I don't hate women for not fucking me, I'm apathetic towards humanity in general because I don't see the world how most people do

>defending, worshipping a sexually frustrated tantrum throwing murder childman
>calling someone else a loser
Go suck your mommy'ss diddly dong boy

Go back to /pol/

>>defending, worshipping
Wow, projecting much? What a small minded prick, you must be really insecure about yourself.
Why can't someone appreciate Elliot simply for the cinematic character that he is?

>tfw developed a pick up system based on Ernest Hemingway and Miguel de Cervantes while going out

Do you want me to tell you the story of how I broke my leg? They always want to hear the story. I don't mind foreshadowing the ending. I would end it like "I jumped and the jump was a little bit short." The rest is left to imagination.

There's also the addition of Steve Martin's punchline-less humor. I yet have to improve this one because it's a little bit harder. The general idea is to keep the story at the edge but never jumping off and to say stuff that the other person will recognize as being funny long after parting with me.

Does anyone have a similar system in place or do I sound like an autist?

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A little too misogynistic but I agree 100% with your overall sentiment. Normies jump through hoops, Chads walk around them.

I don't disagree, but to all you guys
must ask the question: is it better to be a happy, ineffectual, passive consumer, or a bitter, challenged, passionate loser?

>liquor, chavvy slags, world's spinning, terrible 3Am blowjobs
We don't ALL have the privilege of living in London. Quit bragging.

I'm gonna need a couple examples of the Steve Martin you mean like a shaggy-dog story with a couple small peaks along the way with no satisfying result?

Holy based. Stay strong, fren

>women can do no wrong
Please just fucking off yourself. I don't know or care if you're being ironic or not, but please stop anyhow

It isn't that great user, I promise. You are a more authentic person than most people, and I would spend time with you faster than a lifetime of normiedom.

There's a Martin Short interview where he talks about it. He said that Steve Martin bombed for 2 years trying to pull it off and called it punchlineless humor. The idea behind it is raising the tension to such a degree that people don't know at what point to laugh and end up laughing whenever they want.

This video, 2:26, is my favorite joke, I fucked with my mind the first time I heard it:

When I was developing my system, I said "This is what I want, punchlines are too easy."

>he says, but quickly returns to his life of normiehood and ignoring weirdos and making fun of incels

I'm gonna go fuck my nigress whore tonight and probably make her take it in the ass this time because I'm starting to get bored of her

That's not what I said. You're just putting in on too strong.

Why don't people report these off-topic threads?

It isn't true, friend. Don't think of yourself as anything less than exceptional, because you are.

>Yea Forums - Wojack Blogposting Pitywhores

I like books too

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There's one mod on Yea Forums and he's here 5 minutes a day while he takes a shit and phoneposts

>tfw saw two girls hanging around on a parking lot in their car on Friday night

God damn, that looked so comfy. I wanted to be there with them.

Once I find a girlfriend I'm going to do that with her. Maybe we can get out of the car, play some music and dance awkwardly in the night while we hear, but ignore, the sounds of the living city. Maybe I'll modify that one Böll short story, saying that this is the perfect place where romantic pairs can sit, talk, drink wine and kiss, before I attempt to kiss her for the first time.

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Anyone who un-ironically uses the word "misogynistic" needs to die. Plain and simple

What books do you like?


Uggghh get this incel trash off this board, nobody cares about you faggots. Either hang yourself or shut the fuck up
>Waaaahhhhh no girl wants to touch my peepee
>Life so hard and unfair maiinnn
>The pillars of my reality are based on contemporary societies obsession with youth and sex but they are normies hahahaha I'm cool and special and """blackpilled""" even though my perspective fits the mainstream paragram to a T but I only failed to obtain it

Not literature
You're not smart or special
You're just a timid sex obsessed faggot
Watching those videos was the first time I actually heard Elliot Rogers voice and thank God that loser put a bullet in his head, lowest of the lows. I'll rather hang out with a schizo homeless man that smells like piss

>user discovers that robots are mentally ill and unlikable
profound insight

He was trying to refute you and he implicitly makes a strong point; you be a normie for the enjoyment and the rush of it. Being a normie means that you are more likely to end up in any number of opportunities despite you haveing a short margin to take action on them. This point makes more sense under the lens of social fitness.

Nope complete misinterpretion. They are not 'robots' they are failed normies. They have the exact needs, desires, beliefs, interests, and reality as the rest of the world, they only failed to obtain them. And I don't give a fuck about giving a profound insight on loser incels, nobody cares about them, they aren't cool weirdos and they aren't fun well adjusted people either, only disgusting subhumans who should be quarantined and off this board.
Not literature
Hang yourself

>They have the exact needs, desires, beliefs, interests, and reality as the rest of the world, they only failed to obtain them.
yes user that's how being a robot works, it's a matter of dysfunction, is this your first week on Yea Forums?

I canceled going to a cabin retreat at the last minute today. It's for my church's youth group. I was afraid of getting attached to any of the girls up there and having that be used against me. Feels bad

>learn an instrument
>read non-fiction
>go to Church
There's zero reason to ever be miserable. Start investing in yourself and you won't feel so worthless

>Friday night
>I stay in writing landmark literature and enjoying splendid apéritifs
>meanwhile normies are squandering their life energy pursuing empty carnal desires

Ironic, you're completely wrong. robots are weirdos who can fit in must social situations just fine, in between the true normies and the ones too far gone. They have a unique perspective on both sides of the equation. Incels are literally just ugly normies, exactly why they are so bitter about not obtaining sex. Incel r9k invasion circa 2016 changes nothing. They are just a miscarriage of a normie

It's been 3 hours since I reported this post. The mods truly do not exist, not even a janni.

inb4 incel scum sharts a cope post
"Going out on a Friday night"
Boring, literally the only benefit is sex at the end of it, everything else sucks dick and I can get sex easily without all the work of physically driving to an open meat market. It's 2019, the internet exists

>robots are weirdos who can fit in must social situations just fine
what about all those piss bottle memes, were they only memes

t.seething inarticulate failed normie

>can get sex easily
Sure you can honey

>“During one particularly harrowing moment, Hannah was describing a moment of violence that was all too familiar to women, particularly those in the LGBTIQ community,” McCann wrote. “The room was silent. Then, a lone male voice from the back of the room shouted ‘Where’s the bloody jokes?'”

>According to McCann, the audience, which included a large contingent of women from a Canberra queer women’s group, immediately shouted down the heckler.

>“Everyone is yelling,” she recalled. “One amazing woman who looked like she could snap me like a twig jumps up from her seat in front of us and was looking back into the crowd as if she was personally going to go find the guy. All the frustration and repressed anger of the night unleashed at once.”

>“Through all this Hannah is standing on the stage, mic in hand, waiting out the crowd’s anger,” McCann continued. “Here’s this woman who is telling the most viscerally sad and confronting story I’d ever heard on stage and this one guy thought he was entitled enough to interject. I’d be furious.”

>“She wasn’t. When she eventually speaks it’s to direct the ushers to remove him. ‘I don’t want you here,’ she says, calmly. ‘I’ll donate the money from your ticket to a charity that helps victims of domestic violence. Get out, mate.’ Then she went straight back into her set.”

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Why are autistic COPErs more annoying than incels?

Just go outside, then.

how to deal with irrational hatred towards people? i hate everyone except imaginary people in my head. are there any books about this (not pop psychology)?

Agony of Eros. You indulge too much in yourself. You view others simply as adumbrations of your self. You hate your self.

Therapy. Growing up. Learning to exceed your stale grudges. Any combination of the above.

wow, shocking... it's almost like not being a normie largely comes down to nature and genetics/neurochemistry, not physical appearance or your parents' wealth?

nice chief, nothing as good as when you've got a girl wrapped around your finger and can practically make her a slave to your desires in bed

Notes from Underground

>almost like not being a normie largely comes down to nature and genetics/neurochemistry,

Issue #1: stop blaming your circumstances for being a loser. Victim this victim that. Pussy mentality

extremely based post

>>normies out enjoying life, creating long lasting memories

YOU DO realize that nobody is stopping you from
a. enjoying life
b. creating long lasting memories that AREN'T posting on Yea Forums