Thoughts on ancient Anglo philosopher Nick Land?

Thoughts on ancient Anglo philosopher Nick Land?

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Other urls found in this thread:[Ccru,_Nick_Land]_Ccru_Writings_1997-2003(

I've read "Phyl-Undhu" and it was kinda cool. As if Lovecraft went postmodern and started making pop-culture references (Hellraiser, etc.).
As for the philosophy per se, well, it is an entirely different story. The "Fanged Noumena" are fucking unreadable. Too schizophrenic.
I have also skimmed through some of his blog-posts. Kinda okay-ish, but nothing worth it, so far.

Cokebrain. Not worth any reasonable person's time.

the noumenon bites

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he recently wrote on jacobite, it was kind of schizo, also underwhelming


> Anti-Communist
> Revival of political theology, teleology

> Social “science”
> “I accelerated the teleology of technocapital and ended up a Chicago school neocon”

> Accidentally reinvented Calvinism, but everyone goes to hell.

Does he go on the index?
> Yes.

borderline incomprehensible

His bitcoin essay-in-progress is very good. Haven't read much else by him.


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If he's not the human incubus for a terrifying many-tendrilled amphetamine god to claw its way backwards through time to reach us, then he's certainly very good at pretending to be. At least, he used to, before he got all boomery and twitter-tedious. A lot of what he talks about won't make much sense unless you're familiar with CCRU neolemurian time-sorcery and other such continental bukkakes, as that's where a lot of his ideas took root in his frontal cortex which then proceeded to drive him mad as the shoot gradually burst out of his forehead.

He was wrong about Pentazygonic Lemurianism and the emancipation of the means of production, but he was right about everything else
t. Android™ :근̃΅aeʱ䷘Lбc from the future

being "reasonable" is synonymous with cuckoldry

He wasn't a vulgar cokehead, he was an alpha-methylphenethylamine enthusiast, you uncultured swine.

>neolemurian time-sorcery
What does it mean?

Mentally deranged amphetamine addict. Literally Deleuze tier maculate.


it means it's based (and redpilled)

>reading a coke'd up Anglo that isn't late-Peirce

Lol wtf are you plebs even doing .
Me? I'm busy completing the system of Peirceian Animism before my ascent to my destiny as the Biomessiah

Who is shilling this boring blogger?

He thinks accelerationism is good because he thinks he will meld with AI into becoming-machine. He's totally delusional, thinks he is bourgeoisie because hes (white), so he thinks he will control the means of production until he liberates them during the singularity by giving them life like god did to adam, in one stroke creating the apocalypse rapturing humanity and machines becoming technojesus.


Look up the cthulu club chapter of the ccru collected readings. The basic premise is that when time goes out of joint "they" are on hand to keep it in chronological order (which is itself a tripartite cycle). Burroughs is a central figure in the resistance against the eschaton, since a lot of his work is about cutting up or folding elements of the past through the future and vice versa.

>cthulu club chapter of the ccru collected readings[Ccru,_Nick_Land]_Ccru_Writings_1997-2003(
p 23

>being a commie
>not killed himself yet

>Burroughs names the dominant control program One God Universe, or OGU

>Burroughs told Kaye that, during the trance, it felt as though silent communication with a ghostly nonhuman companion had flashed him forward to his life as an old man, several decades in the future. Oppressed by “a crushing sensation of implacable destiny, as if fragments of a frozen time dimension were cascading into awareness”, he ‘remembered’ writing The Ghost Lemurs of Madagascar – “although it wasn’t writing exactly”, and his writing implements were archaic, belonging to someone else entirely, in another place and time.

>Even after his recovery the sense of oppression persisted, like a “new dimension of gravity”. The vision had granted him “horrific insight into the jail-house mind of the One God”. He was convinced the knowledge was ‘dangerous’ and that “powerful forces were conspiring against him”, that the “invisible brothers are invading present time” (WV 220). The episode sharpened his already vivid impression that the human animal is cruelly caged in time by an alien power. Recalling it later he would write “Time is a human affliction; not a human invention but a prison”

>OGU incorporates all competing
fictions into its own story (the ultimate metanarrative), r

This is very reminiscent of Philip K Dick.

>"Here ends four years and six months of analysis and research," Dick wrote. "Time is unmasked as irreal; 1,900 years are disclosed as aspect of one underlying matrix ... my 27 years of writing the same themes over and over again fits into place; 2-74 and 3-74 is comprehensible, as is the overthrow of Nixon

>If time stops, this is what takes place, these changes. Not frozen-ness, but revelation. There are still the retrograde forces remaining, at work. And also underlying positive forces other than time. The disappearance of the force-field we call time reveals both good and bad things;

>In March I abruptly pierced through to the heart of things; I saw within, saw reality as it is, and saw the Immortals approaching. I saw the iron prison we live in, and I experienced first them and then vision after vision of what our world, our lives will be like when they join up the two parts

>The Black Iron Prison is simultaneous in all time and places and it is the merciless world from which the living Corpus Christi saves us.

So far sounds like a standard schizophrenic reaction to neoliberalism. See VALIS, E.C.C.O, Aiwass etc

>tfw actual lemurs
i was certain this was some kind of hitler shit

So basically an anthropomorphism historical materialism with language as logos and agriculture/writing necessitating the genesis of time retroactively imprisoning ourselves in a self generated mass hallucination via the fall. Lands "time-sorcery" is an attempt to free the means of production from our limited conception of it by placing it within a western christian historical context and accelerating the story to its logical conclusion creating conflict and birthing something new.

A fucking larp to summon the devil.

I thought this pic was of Ted Bundy for a long time.

> The point of this for Land is that civilization is a machine constructed to stop time’s progress toward terminal decay and death, entropy. “‘Civilization’ is the name we give to this process, a process turned against the total social calamity – the cosmic sickness – inherent to process as such” (97). This notion that civilization is an engine to stave off the effects of entropy, to embalm time in an absolute medium of synchronic plenitude and cyclicity (i.e., Nietzsche’s “eternal recurrence” theme) will return in his latest book Templexity: Disordered Loops through Shanghai Time as he describes the impact of civilization and the culture of modernity:

>As its culture folds back upon itself, it proliferates self-referential models of a cybernetic type, attentive to feedback-sensitive self-stimulating or auto-catalytic systems. The greater the progressive impetus, the more insistently cyclicity returns. To accelerate beyond light-speed is to reverse the direction of time. Eventually, in science fiction , modernity completes its process of theological revisionism, by rediscovering eschatological culmination in the time-loop.

>In his new book the City itself will become the icon or engine of civilization in its efforts to stave off entropy and death. This notion that we are living in a video game or movie, a timeless realm of pure (or impure) repetition (i.e., a time-loop), and that what we think of as time is nothing more than the fleeting image of our own ghostly lives imprinted on an absolute screen accelerating at light-speed going nowhere but in a synchronous loop is modernity’s secret lie against time. Progress has never been about progressing somewhere, but has always already been about the eternal cycles of recurrence and returns, civilizations struggle against the influx of asynchronous time: real time. A time that end’s the absolute time and brings us the asynchronous truth of annihilation. Or, as Land will put it:

>After the ruthless abstraction of all life the blank savagery of real time remains, for it is the reality of abstraction itself that is time: the desert, death, and desolator of all things.

Does Land mean of eternal return the same as Nietzsche or like Deleuze where what returns is different?

He has the best and most interesting account on twitter

His social media posts are surprisingly boomer and embarrassing. Philosophers are not the same when you can see behind the veil and realize that they are just a person

So hipsters turning MiniLove into an opium den?

>Land is just as much of a cyberneticist, both Lem and Land were following Nietzsche’s original Systems Theory of the Eternal Return: (Land) “As a fundamental cybernetic theory, accelerationism is bound to the identification of a socially central, positive feedback loop, through which modernity is propelled.” This notion of the positive feedback loop is Nietzsche’s eternal return displaced into cybernetic theory.

>It just took the ability to objectify these ideas into formal relations of material – actualization of the virtual potential as Deleuze would have it, etc. Land’s point is the subtle notion that the ideas brought back in time to such humans came out of the future, not some play land of Eternal Ideas of Plato etc. But then you’d have to ask: What exactly is the future? Which requires the next question: What is Time? Physics? Metaphysics?

> Do we not attribute miraculous knowledge to everything but the very material processes going on below consciousness? Why? Why can’t we just admit we are truly just limited by our evolutionary heritage, that as Nietzsche and others have suggested, consciousness is nothing special, and is in fact not even relevant in matters of new ideas?


i don't know if this guy doesn't understand deleuze or if land doesn't

>This notion of the positive feedback loop is Nietzsche’s eternal return displaced into cybernetic theory.
does this guy not know what a feedback loop is?

>the eternal return is indeed the Similar, repetition in the eternal return is indeed the Identical - but precisely the resemblance and the identity do not pre-exist the return of that which returns. They do not in the first instance qualify what returns, they are indistinguishable from its return. It is not the same which returns, it is not the similar which returns-, rather, the Same is the returning of that which returns, - in other words, of the Different; the similar is the returning of that which returns, - in other words, of the Dissimilar. The repetition in the eternal return is the same, but the same in so far as it is said uniquely of difference and the different.

Deleuzes conception of time is in the conclusion of D&R with this but I'm not sure if Land subscribes to it.

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>standard schizophrenic reaction
How the hell do you standardise schizophrenia?

The history of philosophy is nothing if not a sequence of catastrophic misinterpretations, marx misread hegel, deleuze misread marx, land misread lovecraft, etc.

The cthulu club stuff is a good read even if you hate Land. It's just good fun.