The proper way to read Nick Land.
The proper way to read Nick Land
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Weed is a low IQ drug.
I honestly hate drugs to be desu
They impair the brain in enjoyable ways, but they aren't worth enjoying
>buying a physical copy of FN
>not copy pasting the text file into a word document and inserting your own commentary and edits
It’s modelo time niggas
>need drugs to read the deterritorialization intent of Land
If you wanted to be funny, you should have used meth or some pills.
Also this -->
The proper way to read Immanuel Kant.
I don't understand how you could read anything high. Reading and writing while drinking is fun though.
What kind of brainlet can't read stoned? It's like saying you can't read after a cigarette or a cup of coffee
Fucking kek
This lol. Those who think weed is low IQ are just low IQ themselves
Properway is sleep deprivation and playing tetris for 30 hours straight so you hear and see geometric shapes falling when you close your eyes
These two are correct everyone else is just weak minded.
Although I find it very difficult to read on LSD but only because of the visuals.
>we are the knights of the intelect, we are strong people
Nizscheat cringy intelectual vitalism for weak people who thinks they are too good because have readed some while stoned. You are not different from pol larping pigs, retard.
>>we are the knights of the intelect, we are strong people
who are you quoting?
Im not saying that it makes a person strong or any smarter but it simply makes you look weak for calling others retards for enjoying reading high or under any other intoxicant. Your inability to experience anything other than sobriety shows a weak will and no excitement. Your words dry girls panties
I want a Karl marx with the stamp.
I read King Lear high on weed, it's possible. Being high also makes writing a lot easier.
What's a high IQ drug?
Water, sunshine and excersise
>zero calorie drink
Not good for you. Will destroy insulin sensitivity later in life and will stimulate appetite regions, one reason why skinny people never drink the stuff.
Hebrew for 666. Shouldn't drink it period. They're mocking their customers who drink it.
>reverse image search
>fucking nothing
sasuga, user
look up the Harvard study have some balls user.
Unironically I played CS:GO for 2 days straight years back and was hearing ak47's and flashbang's going off for a good day; good times
you sound like a real hit at parties
Faggot, what are you?, a young girl wanting to get her pussy fucked badly, speak like a man
I didn't you include the bottle of estrogen in the shot?
>Don't you dare to use internet slang on the internet, f-faggot!..
lol sweetie i'll speak how i please xox
Unironically you have to read him this way because he writes like an autistic duck
Go easy mate
>you sound like a real hit at parties
You sound like a midwit bugman redditor.
what are you injecting? concentrated faggotry?
You sound like a degenerate soiboy cuck.
did...did you just post a wojack at me unironically rn?
>guy really stole his grandpa's diabetic syringes to take a pic; its not even uncapped
>uncapping a syringe over a potentially dirty book
Better than being an anime poster.
salvia, most trips are bad tripd and make you confront shit about yourself you don't want to.
anime website buddy
crippling mental illness
Mushrooms will make you smarter, but only by one SD
say that to my fucking face
Weed. Low IQ. Drug.
There, I said it.
are you sure you haven't taken one too many weeds yourself?
Cocaine and LSD
Tweet this to land
Is there anything more cancerous to lit than accelerationists?
>no amphetamines
miss me with that gay shit
Fellow oldfag? That shit is whack. Got some back in my college research chem experimentation phase. Never OD'd fortunately but even recreational trips are pretty fucked.
Land is for amphetamines and disassociatives, not weed and psychedelics
Doomer starter pack
Letting your friend choke you till you pass out
at least tweet the high res version
drugs are so cringy and whenever i meet someone who is ~spiritual and takes LSD they always know the very basisc of eastern philosophy yet act as if they have been monks for 50 years.
a lot of the bad trip reports you read about were due to a vendor mislabeling their product as a different derivative that needed a much higher dosage to exhibit psychoactivity, hence the the overdoses. if you read trip reports from people who knew what it was and took the right amount, they had positive experiences. I personally liked it. Also, that structure and its inspired name is Yea Forums as fuck, let's not lie.
come on and be generous. average iq.
So? You don’t have to have a phd in eastern philosophy to be a spiritual person. Someone that grew up in a cave is more in touch with their spirituality than someone well verse in philosophy. You sound like a snob
these people are not those people.
literature board pal
Cancer itself is the Acceleration par excellence.
Is this the kind of post someone leaves behind when they are angry but have no logic to their feelings?
I feel sorry for you.
a satisfied life
>I don't understand how you could read anything high
Tip: have coffee while you do it. They counterbalance.
>played cs go for 2 days straight
You need to take breaks if you do this shit, or else you might die. it one of the most pathetic ways to die.
You can read while high? It always makes me space out and lose focus easily. If I smoke up I pretty much have to resign myself to potato mode, unable to do shit.
>Hebrew for 666. Shouldn't drink it period. They're mocking their customers who drink it.
it's literally named monster
No they don't. Isn't that speed in the picture? Caffeine or other stimulants + weed will make you space out, distracted, and anxious while reading.
Best way to read is calmly, with a green or light black tea early in the morning.
External measures of IQ are on the way of true intellect of the body.
DMT my friend
As any 'drug user' knows, like with with all drugs, different amounts of different kinds of weed effects different people differently.
If I don't smoke too much and don't get wasted, I love reading and writing on it. Makes me more 'creative' and I feel more intensely isolated in my head, I become very focused on what I'm reading/writing, ignore more external stimuli and become entranced in the world I'm dealing with.
Spend half my time writing high and half sober to maintain perspective on things and because not everything you write high turns out perfect in the real world.
>being a little faggot thinking uncapping a needle automatically makes it dirty, or laying it near a dirty book
Fuck you
Based and highIQpilled
>the favourite drug of Joe Rogan and most of his guests
>high IQ
Reminds me of my younger days playing WoW. My dreams were filled with green orcs raining hellfire upon the lands, fun times.
Better if your "friend" is also riding your dick while she strangles you
That's likely DMT of molly in the picture. Makes sense along with the acid and weed. If it's speed it's super dirty.
*or not of
extremely baste
If you really believe this you're a brainlet.
attention (intellgience) boosting drugs. Every field is doing it; if you are not, you are falling behind, kiddo.
nn-dmt, good call user
I red it all in one night on speed.
Reading off mdma is cool as well.
Read this entire book on radical Islamic terrorism one night off ecstasy, was based af
Weed is a low IQ substance
you can literally do this with weed
>lit numales and their feelgood drugs
looks like some good stuff \nm/
t. social failure
don't forget some early hardcore jungalism to get you in the right head-space.
and you best be smoking some proper oldskool dutch skunk...none of that west-coast american "muh clones" faggotry
gayboy, pussy'ole faggit