Is this even possible in today's world of existence taxes, overpopulation, and severe lack of public wilderness
Walden and Truly Off the grid, self sufficient living
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It is if you've inherited sulf-sufficient land with lakes and rivers and virgin woods from your forefathers
>failed step one already
HA! You forgot about taxes, though. I suppose that could be covered by inheritance money in your fantasy scenario
Taxes on what? Where do you live that there's a tax on simply living?
Have you never heard of "property tax"? Maybe it's an American thing. Anyhow, you'd still be required to submit tax papers every year.
What we need is overall more people, and then more people to take the Pledge™. Think about the economy!
based and bluepilled
It is possible but very difficult. I'm slowly executing a long-term plan to live in near-isolation. For 10+ acres of land, it's anywhere from $50k-200k(CAD). Takes on undeveloped places are usually quite low, like less than $500/yr. I plan to build a pre-fabbed cabin for the land - about $30k. Solar installations and basic septic come shortly after.
You'll still have to drive into town every couple weeks, but it's the best you can do unless you're a rich expert woodworker with animal dressing knowledge and a water source.
walden was partly a work of fiction, he was not that much "off the grid".
overpopulation is a spook, we have enough land and food for many more billions of peep but they will have to move from "primo locations" that are basically historical accidents: old cities built near rivers or the sea. basic income could take care of a lot of problems. I am interested in being somewhat self-sufficent but i don't want the "1%"er to feel they won over me by foisting on me the bill of their externalization for profit, social infrastructure , environmental cost and such and the obscene amount of cash they are stealing from the common good in one way or another.
we are a social animal so we should act like we are in this together ...because we are, especially from an environmental point of view (we really need to take care of this problem). dropping off society still equals a massive drop in security, longevity, quality of life in general... nobody should go through this mortification to find peace of mind and freedom.
Get a place where you can drill a water well and have a garden/small farm (chickens, goats, maybe a cow).
>wilderness living
Pick 1. Thoreau’s little cuck shed was less than a day’s walk from Concord and he made the journey multiple times a week. Ralph Waldo Emerson’s sister would bring him pies he was so near.
Read into Dick Proenneke, Agafia Lykova, or the non-fiction works of Ed Abbey for the experiences and insights you think Walden will deliver.
One of the places I'm looking at actually touches a small lake and has a small creek running through it, which should work with the proper filtration system. The agricultural aspect is very plausible, but the land is mostly treed so I would need to purchase feed.
>this American prose classic isn't really good cause he got his laundry done! S-stop reading it!
In most of the US, you're bound to be within a few miles of road or a house.
You cannot do Walden there. Otherwise it is just pretend.
Let me redpill you on New Brunswick.
- Isolated.
- Low Population Density
- Cheap Land ($1000 to $200 an acre.)
- Able to live off the grid without any hiker retards, cars, neighbors, or cell phone towers messing you up.
You could buy a cabin in the woods and live in it but you will never be able to successfully live like that alone.
Walden is clearly overrated as a model of self-suficience though.
There's actually nothing wrong with living slightly aside of mainstream society while still having regular contacts with people. But that isn't true self-suficience (for some reason the autists here worship living like a lone animal as if our ancesters ever did this).
Yes. Do some research. There are code-free counties in America.
>Walden is clearly overrated as a model of self-suficience though
That's not what it was about though
>for some reason the autists here worship living like a lone animal
It's better than living in civilisation and finding like minded people will to actually put their money where their mouth is are in short supply.
This guy managed it for decades but relied on stealing from civilization to sustain himself
Not surprised it was in Maine. Those long stretches of forest up north do something to people. You're filling up at the one gas station in 100 miles and everyone there has a sullen, lifeless look in their eyes.
government WILL fuck you over
This spooky "government" all you rightwing incels bitch about all day doesn't exist. Just shut the fuck up already
t. retard that never lived Walden Style and thinks going after some 19th century eremitical lifestyle larper is worth fucking over in the first place.
Come to Canada and live in Yukon
Cushy tech job -> save 90% of income & invest in index funds -> retire at 24 and build cabin -> live in woods, purchasing essentials from the interest
>living in a cabin
If you wish to return to society, your in luck because by the magic of compound interest, you are now a millionaire.
>massive drop in longevity
This is very true. We are truly social animals, as any anthropologist will tell you. There have been studies linking few friends and low social interaction to mortality.