>tfw all the greatest writers, and even artists, throughout history have been Catholics
How do (((they))) even cope?
>tfw all the greatest writers, and even artists, throughout history have been Catholics
How do (((they))) even cope?
It’s sad that there will be people who take this bait.
Well, (((they))) created the Catholics, and Christias gave (((them))) infinite power so I'm not sure why (((they))) would care
A thread died for this.
Many of great (ethnically) Jewish writers were also Catholic, what’s your point? I don’t think Jews have anything against catholics
Stop watching anime.
What about the Russians
Herman Melville was a Calvinist/Agnostic Christian
>tfw all of the most prolific child rapists throughout history have been Catholics
Stay mad, Schlomo.
Yeah right.
It’s sad that people will take this bait
a jesus died for you
Blessed by thy trips
Blessed post
Holy trips.
God himself has blessed this post with trips
They were orthodox tho. Strong belivers. and we are ok with the orthobros. We just friendly banter.
Even Hemingway converted to catholisism.
>and even artists,
and scientists.
>Greatest writers were Catholic
>Herman Melville wasn't Catholic
Most of them are philosophers.
They were very influential on western thought and culture.
you're a pseud
Maybe the greatest were catholic, but also the bad ones, the people who provided the filthiest, poorest and most useless works ever created. Take your mother, for example.