Trigger words

Is there any words that you dislike?
I mean, whenever someone use them you get disgusted?
For me it's:

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Other urls found in this thread:


agreed with user the word trigger(ed) has lost all meaning due to severe overuse on the internet, and in real life now too I suppose

I love these words in an unironic way. Especially problematic, perfect way to express the wrongness of an idea without resorting to outdated dichotomies

Being triggered by the words axiom and paradox simply comes down to not understanding what either means. Try educating yourself philistine.
>This statement is false

baka desu senpai

What word or phrase would you use to describe a paradox that has less syllables. I’ll wait.


>rhizome, rhizomatic

This nigger knows

The greatest word of the english language is 'moist'. Only virgins disagree.

I fucking hate not only the word, but the entire rhethoric around supposedly "amoral" books. Jean Jenet in particular triggered my modern literature teacher so much, he shut down the entire conversation with "You just don't understand how much damage such works do to the culture as a whole".
>muh culture gets hurt when eany-meany authors say bad things, NYEEEEH
Actually disgusting.

something odd
>boots on the ground

>Educate yourself
Instead of saying this maybe you should explain your fucking standpoint instead of giving me this verbal fucking diarrhea so that we can have a conversation on the subject matter, But no, they don't actually want to talk about it, reach mutual understanding, instead clinging to misguided principles of authoritarian systems be it Communist of Fascist. Any of the above besides this, really shows me that someone is just shouting identity politics, can't think for themselves and therefore aren't worth interacting with.

Double this
Also, accelerationism, nu-anything, nonduality

I haven’t read Jean Genet but the fuck could he have ever done to make someone so butthurt

you mean Genet? What about him triggered your teacher so much?

He mostly wrote about lowest possible class: prostitutes, thieves, murderers, and, of course, faggots. Turns out, debating the value of his work isn't even an option in my class, "ItS dIsGuStInG aNd HaS nO vAlUe".
I'm so mad just remembering the old fart saying it. His kind probably voted for Oscar Wilde to be prosecuted. It's a mystery how the uni still didn't fire him.

You ever think that you're the problem? That the person you're talking to has already explained the exact same thing to a dozen different people, and you're just #13? Nah, surely you must be special, right?

I’m still confused. Was your professor the rare conservative liberal arts teacher and faggots irked him or was he one of those leftists who think such topics are a protected venerated class beyond criticism?

>being triggered by words.
Why haven't you killed yourself yet op?

Nah. He's an old pal with archaic views on literature. We were talking modern works, I brought up Genet, we debated whether or not his works could be considered literature, the old fuck eventually gave up, called me a young impressionable audience that doesn't understand art, then proceeded to dismiss Jean as an "amoral punk" and told us his books hold no value other than utter disgust.
I'm fucking mad, man. I don't like murderers, thieves and, thanks to 4chin, don't like faggots much either. But his books are such excellent door into a societal niche that's rarely explored, how can you dismiss something like that? Legit boiling right now.

You ever think that you're the problem, believing individual #13 is individual #12 and so forth? If you don't actually believe what you're saying I suppose I can understand not wanting to say it over and over though.

Well excuse that user for wanting an explanation for something being argued, you unsanitary mongrel. There are about 600 different ways to tell somebody to look it up on their own, but "educate yourself" is just a buzzword tier term that egotistical people use to insult others. If your reasoning beyond this is "I don't care if I'm insulting that person" then congratulations, you've left yourself about 0 credibility and can't except the other person not to be a cunt towards you.

Leave this board, you gormless swine.

Read a book, sweety.

Guessing you're a retard who tries to win arguments instead of trying to educate the other person

i hate the word 'identity' insofar as it is used to deacribe collectives in any way other than taxonomically.

>any words that you dislike
you're just a fucking transvestite

>Conflating amoral with immoral
This. Morality is so often a rhetorical mask for self interest. Most useful nonfiction/philosophy books are amoral. It frustrates me to see people refusing to read thought provoking stuff, and then turn it into them believing they have moral superiority. It's disgusting. Read Machiavelli.


"ostensibly", ESPECIALLY used in place of "probably"

calm down and realize that your old dinosaur professor's opinions don't matter, & neither do yours

any word borrowed from english when talking in my language

>communist (referring to a mid leftist)
>fascist (referring to a mid rightist)
basically anything that dehumanizes someone else for daring to disagree with you on made up issues that won't matter in fifty years

If you adopt this mentality then you'll eventually end up autistically preaching nihilistic buddhism

au contraire, young joc. i am assured of my own meaning and station in life. i simply enjoy knocking others down a peg or three.

and almost anywhere it is written

>poop (i dont mind 'poo' or 'shit', but 'poop' is just a league too far for me)
>shoot the shit
>weird flex but ok

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blatantly foreign or foreign-derived words in a setting where those places don't exist
if a character in skyrim (as a Yea Forums example) calls a sword a katana, even if it blatantly is a katana, i get annoyed because "katana" is a japanese word and japanese doesn't exist in that series

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I don’t like ‘catacombs’, it creeps me out

let's see...


Sophistry, sniffer, stinkeye
I like catacombs. The alliteration is like "badabing".

When people pronounce the t in "often" I instantly lose respect for them.


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I should have eaten the beans. The corn custard burrito abomination was a mistake that I will not soon forget. I struggled to maintain consciousness; constantly dropping into a fugue state - only to be jolted back to the present, gushing my lunch onto the heat of the mid day asphalt. After what must have been an hour of this affliction, I was totally parched - the only moist part of my body being my crotch; my supple nuggets steaming in the Sun. My head clearing; a rasped voice gently coaxing me; a gnarled hand tenderly easing a bottle of water to my lips.



Dude educate yourself you don’t even know what fascism is

Just say "Nigger" for fucks sake. Nobody will think you are racist because you cited a slur.

You'd benefit from reading this.

>"Like all trolls, the debate-starting man is there to suck away your time — something of which he has only too much. Don’t let him. The bogus aura of ceremonial dispute is his lone alternative to his primary pastime: intellectual masturbation. Until he figures out that he’s not entitled to anyone else’s labor, he can keep on shouting his idiocy into a soiled gym sock."

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"Meal" turns my stomach for some reason.

I get the same reaction from someone saying "meal" as I do from looking at shit in a toilet. Abbreviations like Uni for University make me annoyed too for some reason.

>Nobody will think you are racist because you cited a slur.
user, I...

real fucking original and free thinking
seriously just kill yourselves
tranvestites identify as man
transgenders identify as a woman
whats your issue
different words for different things
Why are you being purposefully misleading? or maybe you are just retarded. Do you know what "cite" means? Google "cite meaning". Poeple say n-word as matter of respect nobody will think you are racist for saying it as a quote filthy dumb /pol/ scum show me one

You suck if you use these to make yourself feel less/not racist

btw OP do you know what year it is? Do you still think sjws triggered xd is funny? Why are you still posting the same fucking image and with impact font at that

>Poeple say n-word as matter of respect nobody will think you are racist for saying it as a quote filthy dumb /pol/ scum show me one
You're not allowed to say nigger on any news program, talk show, magazine, website or anywhere else without people jeering you and starting twitter campaigns to get you barred from taking part in society ever again.


maybe a few more


>yt title bait "... and heres why"
>meme phrases

Purely because of the people who use that word. Patronizing, stick up the butts.

Show me one example of someone being called racist because they CITED the n-word. Obviously youll be fired lol you just offended 13% of the viewerbase lol not disputing that


>x, y, and you

yes, couldnt be fucked to make a close to full list, there is a lot more similar to them


This. It's a phrase most popular among the most fully indoctrinated. To them, 'educate yourself' means 'agree with everything on Snopes or Factcheck'.

Uhm.. actually yes there is a lot like.. you cant even count you know

theres stuff not worth arguing with.
see holocaust denial, homophobia, and most islamophobia. It's not worth it for the other person is a fucking retard incapable of ratonal thinking. The best course of action is telling them to pick up a book.

>Show me one example of someone being called racist because they CITED the n-word
Good ol' Mel got shoad from Hollywood for a decade because he used Nigger as an expletive in a private phone call

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you are moving the goalposts, but
>If you get raped by a pack of niggers, it will be your fault.
that seems pretty fucking racist to me

>I could give a fuck

Fucking mutts I swear to christ.

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Transvestites are pervs who get off dressing like women. They know they are men and spend most of their lives dressing as men.
Transgender are mentally ill.
I don't think those people care about being perceived as raciss those are used to get around word filters many sites use.

Doesn't seem racist at all to me.

I use faggot as an insult all the time, does that make me homophobic?

So we agree that they are different things? Then we should call them different names, no?Assuming you are the same user.
they are not mentally ill but i'm not going to argue that since it its a sterile discussion for mentally ill can mean whatever the fuck you want

Well no but he said
>pack of
I don't know it seems to imply some racism
That's like saying
>if you get aids from a disgusting faggot, it will be your fault

>I don't know it seems to imply some racism
Niggers roam in packs, they attack in packs, this is well known and naturally rolls of the tongue. A pack of niggers, a gang of chavs, a group of whores.

>if you get aids from a disgusting faggot, it will be your fault
There's nothing wrong with that statement, it's not homophobic at all gays are riddled with aids and other diseases.

t. An actual faggot who doesn't associate with the camp, whore faggots

They also say them

Well that's false but
just because it's true doesn't mean it's not racist you know
not making a value judgement here
it's racist
therefore people call you racist
i mean
>t. An actual faggot who doesn't associate with the camp, whore faggots
probably a larp but if not lets see how long that lasts

Axiom is overused.

>but if not lets see how long that lasts
There's a huge amount of gay men who never feel the need to tell anyone they're gay. Out and proud, campy, shallow whores aren't all gay men.

>just because it's true doesn't mean it's not racist you know

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Black criminals usually commit crimes in groups
>"true" and racist
Niggers roam in packs, they attack in packs

Netflix fired one of their top executives for saying the full word in a meeting discussing the usage of sensitive words. Then in their statement they said that it's never acceptable for white people to say nigger in any context and that's why the euphemism "n-word" exists.

So yeah, considering this is how people think now and considering you can get fired for saying the wrong thing to anyone if it makes it back to your employer, I'm not taking my chances without anonymity.

Most of this article is pretty irrelevant, since neither you nor me are high-standing authorities whose expertise on any field can be presupposed without the need for evidence. When most people start arguing some point, they generally do so with their peers, and as such no one really has authority over the other as it relates to the subject at hand (much like you would argue with your coworkers or classmates about foreign policy, or how I argue with you right now.)
In these contexts "educate yourself" is a useless phrase that is thrown out to escape a conversation that has gone awry while feeling like the intellectual superior without actually having to achieve that position. Which is why it is funny that you bring up intellectual masturbation: Never engage opposing views and just keep telling yourself how right you are, only masturbatory when those that disagree with me do it.
Now I'm not saying that you have to engage every view or individual that challenges you, nor am I suggesting that everyone willing to flap their mouths about a subject is your intellectual equal, but there are ways of getting out of a discussion that are less presumptuous and condescending if you can resist the urge to jerk off how massive your brain is compared to the drooling plebeians that dare disagree with your eminence.

It does roll of the tongue easily but I watched Scariest Places on Earth as a child and Zelda’s voice freaked me out, mainly when she said catacombs

I can feel you on meal

Anything from american internet political discourse. "Triggered" "libtard" "drumpftard" "the left" "the right" "based" "redpilled"

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>When most people start arguing some point, they generally do so with their peers

Just because you use the same medium doesn't mean you're peers. A layman can stumble across the tweets of someone with a graduate degree in the subject and want a debate. It's pointless to engage this person because they're not working with already established context and facts - you need to go back and establish fundamentals. This is exhausting.

It's like trying to discuss calculus, realizing your interlocutor isn't familiar with algebra, then having to catch them up to speed with the very basics of what you're talking about, and then moving onto a 'debate' on the extension of a topic they haven't grasped. It's not the expert's responsibility to do this for every Youtube-educated half-wit who wants to have it out with them.

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Shedding tears, gracias

Words that sound too saccharine in Russian, especially my first name's derivatives. No such words in English, though.

there's a difference between "everybody who takes a side is wrong" and "egotistical assholes are annoying"

based and redpilled

It’s constantly misused, and I cringe every time. Now I have to second-guess whenever someone is using it correctly. And there’s very little occasion to use the proper definition.

Agreed. Only a handful of words such as "decimation" are used more nearly universally wrong.

Rogan misuses "inexorable" all the time and it drives me batshit.

>Dude DMT is the answer to everything
>Expecting him not to be a cringy brainlet

exceptionally bad post

30yr old boomer
Trump 2020

And much more.

Mate, why do you bother with effortposting on Yea Forums? Just trust our lord and savior George Soros to send them to the Gulag when our time comes.




Cemetery – just say graveyard. Come to think of it, I hate unnecessary Latinates where a simple English word would’ve done.

Don't lecture the english on how to speak english, mutt

I’m not American.

axiomatic and paradoxical are fun adjectives
>burial grounds contains graves and mausoleums with a chapel that has a crypt underneath it
>"wow this is a spooky graveyard"
cemetery translates to resting place in Greek

It’s pure pseudery.


It bothers me that "gay" is the preferred word. It used to essentially mean "hedonistic," and most people who identify with the word are ignorant of that. Might as well be "immoral," "slave to desire," etc.
It's exactly what the homophobes want.

>anyone who describes food as sexy
otherwise I'm fine

odd way to spell joyful


it's literally just a way to point out that a statement is indirectly racist/sexist/whatever. if we don't use it, then we have to call everything vaguely suggestive of racism racist, regardless of intention

Is this post a joke?

>Now I'm not saying that you have to engage every view or individual that challenges you, nor am I suggesting that everyone willing to flap their mouths about a subject is your intellectual equal.

What a reddit-browsing, nigger-loving faggot.

Massive copout for being incapable of arguing your point. If you don't want to defend it then don't post publically online about it you fucking retard

You forgot "decadent".

I only use "problematic" as a means of gently suggesting the JQ.

I see posts of green, red pills too
I see them reeeee for me and you
And I think to myself what a wonderful non-argument

It's not that it's an invalid way to use a word, it's that it's the sort of exceptionally gay attitude towards racism I expect of a feminist twitter account. How does someone who finds it valuable to account for and condemn even 'accidental and vague' racism want to to browse this site?

Tit is a disgusting word because it sounds sharp like an old deflated breast sagging into a triangle. In contrast boob is a nice bulbous word.

This doesn't mean anything until you can define when someone is being sincere. Most definitions of 'transgender' are cyclical faggotry anyway.

>someone who finds it valuable
I don't, just providing the reasoning behind it. it's semi-useful in certain situations (like discussions of inherent bias), but those situations are rare, and the word is rarely actually used how it should

>Tit is a disgusting word because it sounds sharp like an old deflated breast sagging into a triangle. In contrast boob is a nice bulbous word.
I agree with this but I get a lot of disagreement towards this viewpoint from others.


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one of my favorite words

>implying everyone engaged in mischief is Irish


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That is totally beyond The Pale.

The word Ephemeral never sounds good when you use it the way it's meant to be used.

It's more the usage than the word itself, it used to be very common with annoying "creative" hipster types around 2010 or so.
I started primarily frequenting english-speaking communities around that same time so it must've made a powerful impression.
But fuck tummy that's awful. Fucking Hell.


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I've also begun to have a fairly solid dislike for when sentences begin with "Indeed," since I helped grade a class of undergrads, noticed them using it all of the time, realizing that I was doing the same thing in my writing, realizing that a lot of writers do the same thing in professional publications, and realizing that "Indeed," doesn't make much meaning and doesn't add much of anything to a sentence but everyone keeps using it.



Lost all meaning except as 'academic' jargon. Nice marker for knowing that the person speaking or writing isn't actually sharing ideas that they reasoned out on their own but are just spewing ideology at you.

Oh and
>Social construct
Really gets my fucking back up and was the bane of my academic experience.
Radical relativism as an idea is philosophically and empirically dead in the water but that doesn't stop swathes of academia using the above phrase at great frequency at with great arrogance and almost smugness.
The university professor Nuremberg trials can't come soon enough.

Read Ian Hacking's Social Construction of What?

You don't like the concept, not the word, you fucking idiot

what the fuck is a word but a representation of a concept you mungus

I did back in 2012 for my undergrad thesis thanks. These faggots annoyed me enough that I chose their bullshit as a focus for my last year of study.

The sound of the words trigger me and I'm giving you the reason why. The triggering isn't on a conceptual level any more it's Pavlovian.

>alternative rock



For me it's the russian word for "look".

You're not supposed to capitalize every other letter like an autist. Use some variation instead.

"the n word" so so so SO gay. I can't believe that people have accepted that it's normal to say this, there are other more dignified ways of avoiding "nigger" if you don't want to say it. It's like we live in harry potter and are afraid of saying Voldemort. How can this stupid cowardly civilization even pretend to be rational.

i like you
your rage reminds me of who i was before i became old and tired

if we are anything alike, you should leave this swamp of despair and go write

i all for letting "nigger" die, but if someone actually says "the n word" i immediately tag them as a slave

>harry potter analogy
Outside of that, I agree.

why do we need to defend our viewpoints on the internet you fucking faggot? we are communicating with like minded people and rational opposition, i am in no obligation of replying to underage /pol/ nigger nonsense

If you don't feel like arguing then don't. If you're a baby that is compelled to defend your honor then declare that you don't feel like arguing. But you're a pretty major faggot for running away while trying to shout the last word over your shoulder and pretending your non-argument is worth something.

Not a word but i have an irrational hatred of people using emoticons.

that is not a citation you dumb cunt

more like sementery

it's just pattern recognition user

"Exactly", as a reaction to others seeing your point of view. It's a pointless exclamation and always sounds like a closing statement, even when it's not trying to be.


Every FAGGOT American anti-President wretch learned the word at the same time.