Post your short story ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere.
Post your short story ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere
Guy from our world becomes an angel in a fantasy world where he can watch events play out from the sidelines. Falls in love with a girl. Discovers he can choose to become mortal in this world if he gives up his angel powers.
Decides not to despite being able to safe the girl he loves from dying.
I started writing a revenge story but got distracted
It's not a short story, but a novel idea I've been working on.
It's about a serial killer who confesses his personal doubts, opinions, past crimes, etc. to his victims. The novel begins with a confession from the protagonist. A thought he had on the day of his wedding, to kill his pregnant wife.
This begins an internal conflict, in which he begins to doubt his motives for killing and his sanity.
Wings of desire
And city of angels.
A man suddenly gets everything he ever wanted. Then, as a result of his notoriety, he reconnects with his long lost best friend.
I want to write a short story from the perspective of a feral cat. I haven’t written anything though
Farmer knocks up his wife with his second child. Stressed out, he over plants his fields to sell more and have money for the kid. Dust storm strikes as a result; farmer dies trying to escape the storm. Told from his sons perspective.
1930s Oklahoma. (Dust Bowl era)
I like it. Anti Tech theme?
How about instead of that, it's his son?
Thank OP. You just got me fired!
Who develops an elaborate revenge plan because some guy forgot to put whipped cream on his pumpkin pie?
I fuck up some broad chinned twat with knife and give him enough time in the hospital to reread twilight and a psychological book of his choosing. We become friends. I'm a ghost in this narrative, by the way. I fuck him up when he gets better. He doesn't know why it happens. That's the horror. Slow, steady cuts that peel and tear away at his sense of self without me. He stops being a robot when I wear his flesh. Then I bust out naked and have my way with his mom, and then his dad. Which he likes.
A book is sprinkled with magic chemicals & comes alive but the characters in it are dead and for the rest of eternity the sentient book is sad af
A schizophrenic believes that some apocalyptic event has happened and changed humanity to shallow caricatures of themeselves. Thinking he's the last human, he begins his war against the "cardboard people" with a stick and an Uzi.
You mean his pregnant manatee?
Short story follows a cannibal in a brutal world, implication is that the harsh world makes the behaviour of the character understandable. Bring the reader to relate to the cannibal in some way. A moment of redemption appears when the cannibal is in a situation that triggers memories of a different life, one with some kind of selfless values. Reader should be piping for the cannibal at this point, hoping for some kind of change that makes them forgive and relate to the cannibal. This doesn't happen and the nature of the world overcomes any single characters desires, also overcomes the readers own hopes for the story.
No speech throughout, one chapter.
I want to write a screenplay actually.
A Soldier in Afghanistan is wounded in a bomb blast and spends his recover days wandering the huge, nearly deserted airbase hes stationed at. He encounters a mysterious force in an old dilapidated warehouse which causes him to start hallucinating horribly violent scenes and atrocities. Everyone around him mistakes this for PTSD. Simultaneously, a rogue terrorist cell is planning to attack the base during an upcoming sand storm. The Soldier is eventually locked up in the hospital due to his crazy antics but escapes during the sand storm and goes back to the warehouse to confront the enemy. Along the way he sees horrible scenes of warfare from the entire history of Afghanistan (Soviets, Mongols, Brits, etc), all interspersed with real life rocket blasts and gun fire. Eventually he gets back to the warehouse and discovers the entity is an ancient vampire, a traitorous Greek left to die by Alexander the great but managed to continue living. The vampire had cursed the Soldier for trespassing in his home earlier. The both fight while the rest of the base repels the terror attack. This story includes with the Soldier walking back to HQ with the bloody severed head of the vampire, dropping it in front of the base commander who had him locked up and declaring "I told you I wasnt fuckin crazy."
A professional trip-sitter (someone yuppies pay to effectively babysit them while they trip on synthetics) is secretly a serial killer who kills her clients and stages their deaths to look like hallucinogen-induced suicides. The short story is her doing this to a client. She's done it before and she'll do it again.
what's the point of a short story idea, you might as well just write it