What does your girlfriend thinks about your Yea Forumsness ?

What does your girlfriend thinks about your Yea Forumsness ?

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She probably just thinks it's a hobby. Idk I don't write anything so her straight shota hentai drawings are more artistic than anything I've ever done

girlfriends are for the WEAK

That guy is on the first page. Confirmed posing for photo op for ig

I read with her everyday :3

I hesitate to call her my girlfriend, but she thinks I’m smart and should be a teacher. Others have said the same. My curriculum would not be approved of in public schools. Though I toy with the idea of teaching young radicals some history... mostly people don’t care to engage with what I know. Sitting with certain family members I’m practically forbidden from discussing the topics I know.
Another friend gives me more respect. She’s just as well read in history. Damn shame she has a boyfriend

If it appears like anything other than "oh, my boyfriend likes to read a lot" then you're an asshole.

You’re not the real butterfly :3

Butterfly thinks I am very smart and intellectual. it is no wonder that she is so obsessed with me. :3

wait what, people here have girlfriends? fucking faggots, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, FUCK YOU ALL, I thought were all ugly losers with small penises, what the fuck bros, I want old Yea Forums back

She doesn’t even go on here anymore. That other poster is an imposter. She would only post with her tripcode and she would constantly lie about things

People were aggressive and winners. No one likes a winner that is going to take it easy.

We are all winners here, who are oddly aggressive and uncharacteristically angry despite winning so hardly


I am, and I am not interacting with you anywhere else but here, so please rename your imaginary girlfriend, 3face

speak for yourself, I'm a loser, I'm repulsive, I want to plunge a blade into my stomach, life is a mistake

Awe don’t you remember me posting about Katie after realizing you were over 40? I made a long drawn out post about her. You must have remembered that. :3

Ah who am I kidding. You’re not her.

You wouldn’t logically drop your tripcode for no reason.

Some asshole used my trip to slander me recently. What good is a trip? The board used to be fine with me just this way. I prefer it.

No. Donno who Katie is

Then. Make. One. Post. With. Your. Tripcode.


yet another thread ruined by butterfly and the serial rapist

She's my ex now, but she loved and still loves that I am Yea Forumserate. Last time I saw her at a common friend's she went straight to me with an exclamation "let's talk about books with user!" and asked me what I was reading. She sometimes look at me like I'm still getting her wet, and I wonder if my readings aren't the first reason for it.

>your girlfriend

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No, by anonymous. Open your eyes.

who the fuck is this shithead. His lack of attention really bothers other people

You’re really cute, you posted that whole thing after I talked about a girl. How do you keep being so cute.

Butterfly, I wuv wuv wuv you so so much! :3

She will respond well. She always does


what the fuck is that someone explain ? is it some fucking discord cult ?

Me and Butterfly are breaking Yea Forums

nigga can you fucking not ?

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Why are you so angry at me? I echo the sentiments of that other poster, you seem unduly angry at someone simply because they are posting a certain way.

She’s not even with you. She likes the attention. Look at this thread. I post, she IMMEDIATELY follows, and then starts talking with me back and forth. She is now masturbating to me, that’s the reason for the break in the posting. :3

There are some things you still have to catch on to, but so far so good. This name is for you, have fun.

I am masturbating.

I wonder if this LARP hasn't already gone off the deep end and if that user isn't already starting to believe his own charade.

Shuddering thought.


You lost a long time ago, buddy. :3

Nah faggot it's not cool capisce ? If you two disgusting attention whoring faggots want to talk cute do it in your faggy discord channel or whatever. I made a certain thread with a question i want to fucking discuss becasue my bitch really loves that i read shit so i wanted to know how my fellow Yea Forums bros doing with their bitches. And now what. You pop up with your retarded girl or trans t-rex i don't know who the fuck is this butt er fly but you ruined this thread and as dude before said it's not a first thread you ruined this day. Can you fucking not. Can you be polite you bitch ? Actually have a nice day man i just hope you will understand me.

Hi bitch this message dedicated to you too.

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See but this shit pisses me off too.

If people want to talk in a thread that isn’t against the rules. Also a thread can drift off topic as well. It’s not uncommon for a thread question to go unanswered for 3-4 replies simply because of off topic shit.

Deal with it.jpg :3

You seem very jealous of their love. You are a very pathetic individual.

Im okay with my thread going off topic. But what topic is it ? Discussing some trip code bitch ? is it matters ? It's not even Yea Forums you crazy pussy faggot moron fucked in a head mattress man.
Man i just wanted to discuss bitches and books. Now this two attention whoring faggots here discussing retarded shit.

Who cares if it’s not Yea Forums related. Not everything posted in a board has to be related to the board. This isn’t a forum. :3

Why you discussing shit like that in a thread and not in your private messages ? Make love somewhere else people are trying to discuss BOOGS here!!!!!!!!!

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Because we’re exhibitionists, okay? We fucking like it when people know that we are doing sexual things with each other. Huge turn on. :3

For me, I take this to the next level

My pussy juice is everywhere I am leaking all over gushing out

Do this IRL it's much better. Don't ruin people threads.

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You are literally only allowed to masturbate to me. :3 I know you have some pics saved.

Trust me, I do :3

Your thread isn't even fucking Yea Forums related.
"What does your girlfriend think about books? lololololol"
Fucking /r9k/ bullshit.

My thread..... is ruined....
I guess nothing left.....

Im ready


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I'm having a period right now and I'm masturbating and blood and semen and spit are flowing everywhere across the room.

Not her :3

>Yea Forums

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reading the first page, tv on (reflected in glasses), concrete block shelving.

certified pseud

I do not have a girlfriend nor a girl friend

no girl ive ever gotten with has ever really cared about my reading. they thought i was smart but like regular well adjusted people, they didn't put any one trait on a pedestal and just liked me for me

>tfw no Asuka gf

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to add on to this though i also make music and they're way more into that so make of that what you will

don't forget the string lights

well, she's very expressive. Every time I'm sitting in the living room reading the big N, I usually always hear "Who are you? How'd you get in here?" and "Get out of my house! I'm calling the cops!" she keeps changing the locks, that cheeky little gal

butterfly, i get that you are obsessed with me.

Our love is great and greater it will grow. I am for you and you are for me. I hope you had a good masturbation session last night.

oh, how I love thee :3

She had one today, if you followed the course of events closely, and it wasn’t even me pretending to be her

Dumbass :3

>your girlfriend

be nice to my friend nick

This is a joke pic of nick right?

Guys I sucked butterfly's feminine cock the other day until she came all over my forehead

you're becoming my least favorite poster real fast

Sorry, if it was me then I've stopped.
I was really pissed that so many new trips where starting, and I've realised that you are kinda cute.
I prefer the collective anonymity, but I don't want to scare anyone away.

my what?
