Where do I find Yea Forums people or at least people that aren't just the average boring person?

Where do I find Yea Forums people or at least people that aren't just the average boring person?

Attached: 687474~1.jpg (720x696, 56K)

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You're boring.

>people that aren't just the average boring person
No such thing.


From what I've heard the redditors are very high IQ and watch shows like Rick and Morty.

Reddit copy pasta.
Reddit go-to-thought when IQ is mentioned.
You need to go back.
Sodomites are abominations.

um, sweetie, I think you should maybe think about going to reddit so you can practice getting upvotes. That way, it will be easier to get the (you)s after you've gotten some practice as a memer ;).

Just a tip from one memester to another UwU

>frog poster
>not an average boring person


Fuck off butterfly why don't you go and post more pictures of yourself so you feel more important

>tfw no irl Yea Forums friends to hang around and drink with and write increasingly skillful literature by bouncing ideas off each other until we all /make it/
Yea Forums doesn't even count because most of you faggots are insufferable.

Seething roast, seething take

It was 2013~2015. Do you think I’m more important for posting them?

Totalitarianism in the Tundra etc.

Well I'm pretty sure you do feel important when you post garbage or almost every thread

Fpbp based bored people are boring

My fucking sides


universities or places that attract university educated people.

What questions would you ask a person to find out how 'interesting' they are?

Who are you?

>implying we’re not all autistic socially

> people that aren't just the average boring person
Not here, for sure.

>Finnegans Wake

>« Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ »
A fag's opinion
He wants to stand out so bad
His ego is huge

« Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ » « Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ » « Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ »

Yea Forums people are to busy reading to interact with others, or you can stay in academia your whole life

B a s e d

You’d be wrong

Ha! Ty

That post was made up two facts and a question. No opinion in it

Most boring question ?

Wrong. It is an interesting question, usually answered in the most boring way by boring people. It's easy to see which side you're on.

Most anons do know how to answer the question

Came here to post this

Most university people aren't Yea Forums at all though. Even people in literature/humanities courses barely read on the whole.

Holy fucking BASED