*writes self insert fan fiction
*writes self insert fan fiction
This is the same retarded user who still doesn’t understand what fan fiction even is, but incessantly uses the term on the daily to insult one of the greatest poets of all time. This is very low IQ in action.
Is fan fiction inherently useless or does it have any value in terms of writing practise? (Ignoring Mary Sue/self insert cancer)
... How is this a real post.
There’s no doubt in my mind that you absolutely positively love fantasy and science fiction. Ask yourself how I know that. Then kill yourself.
Ha, got eeeem. That guy is a r*dittor, and you showed him his place. go on!! Yea Forums needs more people like you to show the trannies, jannies and redditors the way out. Keep vigilant and fight the good fight, brother.
If you want to play smart, you’ll need to up your reading comprehension. None of the words you incompetently satirize were used by me. Try again.
using a multinational corporation franchise IP doesn't necesarelly needs to be bad.
most of who makes fanfiction are amateur young kids, and is a necesary step of building your skills as an amateur.
many of top tier current manga japanese artists started drawing fan fiction works of better artists.
copying other artists, usually elite professionals should be encourage among young artists as to polish their work.
All artists when they were amateur started making derivative works.
Even mozart first serious composition were nothing more than fan fiction remixes of Bach pieces.
>*places self into poetic canon and succeeds
there fixed it for you retard
God I can smell you from here
I don't see what's the issue with fanfic.
sure, is amateur as fuck, but that's not the fault of the medium.
there's plenty of professional fan art done by top tier artists.
Japanese hentai artists are usually professionals doing fan art of major works.
I suppose there's nothing stopping a world class writer from making a harry potter rippoff.
The aeneid is basically a classical fanfic of the oddysey.
There's also a second part of don quixote.
>many of top tier current manga japanese artists started drawing fan fiction works of better artists.
>Japanese hentai artists are usually professionals doing fan art of major works.
He just can’t stop. Take a shower and stop posting about literature, you don’t have the soul to comprehend it.
I'm telling you examples of professional fan art.
Even a movie adaptation of a book can be considered fan art, only that is professionally done.
The aeneid is basically fan fic as well.
Just out of curiosity, have you ever heard the phrase: "Stop while you're ahead"?
>Even a movie adaptation of a book can be considered fan art, only that is professionally done.
No, no it really truly can’t be. It’s literally just an adaption.
>The aeneid is basically fan fic as well.
No, no it’s really truly not. It shares inconsequential elements with a disgusting internet genre that came along thousands of years later, but it does not in intent nor in totality qualify as fan fucking fiction.
You’re way out of your depth.
So basically your only argument is the skill of the artist.
Is sakimichan also fan art?
Also adaptations are technically the same shit, derivative pieces of art.
Most videogames made using the same IP can also be considered fan arts, but nobody call them fan arts.
Is beethoven taking a goethe poem and using it for his nine symphony also a fan art?
If a world class writer made a fiction novel about harry potter, is that also a fanfic?
>but muh twilight shit, muh shades of gray
shades of gray started as a fanfic of a twilight fanfic.
The only diference is that in fanfic works you use other works characters usually in an amateur quality.
But the moment a professional does the same, it stops being a fanfic?
I'm not that user, but how on earth could The Aeneid be considered fanfiction? The Odyssey is very loose with geography, and Aeneas does not even really deal with the same or similar things that Odysseus does.
Maybe you could point to Dido being a parallel of Calypso or something and have a case if you look incredibly broadly - not understanding the tone, intention, or drama of the Aeneas-Dido relationship.
Also, all works are written in the heroic past, which to the Greeks and Romans was a real thing. It's not really a fictional world Homer made up like Harry Potter or some trashy fantasy shit like that.
And Dante? Dante's afterlife is in no way the heroic world of Homer. If anyone needs to explain why then ... I donno man.
again, artists skill.
shakespeare took previous works into newer ones.
or read tolkien who took previous stories into something.
or the grim tales which are fanfics of folk stories.
You completely ignored everything I wrote, didn't you?
Tolkien isn't fanfiction of Viking sagas or whatever.That's kinda retarded. Shakespeare was adapting stories, some of which are based on real events and changed like Macbeth and the histories. That's not fanfiction.
>that part where he has all his favourite writers compliment him and consider him on their same level
lol that's exactly fanfiction. shakespeare saw those plays and thought "damn i'm not creative enough to think of that and i need money, let me steal it and put my own spin on it, with my characters and my autisms". that's literally fanfiction you absolute retard.
>caring so much about semantics
and I write again that fanfiction is a necesary step of amateur artists into developing their skills.
fanfiction by it's own nature is not mean to be professionally done, but is done by teenagers.
by definition it will be garbage because is done by teens and amateurs.
however there's nothing stopping some skilled artist from doing fan art.
see pic related, fan art that is 100% original assets, music and code, done by skilled fans.
>but is not literature
again, nothing stops a skilled writer from making a harry potter or LoTR fanfic.
I can only assume you think all fiction is fanfiction. Good luck outside of reddit, kiddo.
All literature is just reality fanfiction
He actually puts them all in Hell like a badass
>I am the first to walk through hell and into heaven
most of all works of humans are derivative and remix of previous works.
It's impossible for humans to prouce from the ether.
works which literally feature their influences in an direct way like shakespeare, dante, virgil, does is fanfiction.
>people calling works of art fanfiction even though they were written long before the conception of fandom as we know it came into existence.
You completely ignored the point, again.
mario flash back proves that fan fiction can even be superior to their original IP.
Street fighter HD remix had it's entirelly soundtrack made off ocremix music.
Ok, once more: The Illiad, Odyssey, and Aeneid are set in the heroic past the Greeks and Romans believed was real. Dante is set in a Christian world. How are any of them fanfiction if we say for sake of argument fanfiction is one work using the fictional world of another work?
If you can't give an actual argument, and instead just go 'but, but, but, fanfiction can be good!' then we are done here.
there's not real diference between modern remixes and ancient ones.
if your main argument is that they believe those stories to be truth, then most realistic fan fiction stops being fanfiction because they're realistic stories.
So most of shades of gray fan fiction stops being fanfiction because shades of gray is set on a realistic world.
>but shades of gray is fiction
same as the divine comedy, dante never though all he wrote to be real.
Also all the fanfiction about real life figures stop being fan fiction because they're real?
Are the trump and putin gay fanfics not fanfics?
Why do you say Fifty Shades of Gray is fanfiction? Fanfiction of what? Twilight? Bella and Edward appear in it? Are are you just saying it's fanfic because it started out on Fanfiction.net as a Twilight story? I don't follow your logic on that one.
So you are saying Gravity's Rainbow? Of what? WW2 fanfiction? That's not how it works, is it?
fifty shades of gray is fanfiction off the twilight fanfiction comunity.
Proof that you can do whatever you want as long you do it well.
Again, do Bella and Edward, and the vampires appear in 50 Shades of Grey?
so it stops being fan fiction when the original cast doesn't appear?
is sonichu not fanfiction?
is the Star wars extended universe not fanfiction because a lot doesn't deal with the original cast but extended universe characters who are not cannon?
are the harry potter stories with original characters not fanfiction?
Sonichu? Literally the opening is Sonic and Pikachu merging together, right? And seriously, bringing up Sonichu of all things?
You clearly aren't understanding what the point is, the thing that made Twilight the fiction it is is because it has fictional characters in the real world - if you use those fictional characters or the vampire lore in those books (which I assume you assume is fictional) then anything copying that lore and characters is fanfiction.
Star Wars is a fictional universe - and if you copy major elements of that fictional universe completely then it's fanficiton.
Take A New Hope, take out all the space stuff and the Jedi stuff, and change everything to set it all on a single planet then it's a basic heroic journey story, not Star Wars fanfiction.
If you are confusing tropes and references and fanfiction then you've profoundly misunderstood something about the creative process.
again, semantics play on words.
It's all derivate works, all art is derivative.
every work of art is derived from something the artist saw once.
Is journalism not fanfiction because they're writing about real stuff?
So the gay fanfics about WWE fighters not fanfic because is based on real life people?
Honestly, who let this pleb out of school?
so the trump and hillary porn doujins aren't fanfic because nothing there is copied from other works and is 100% realistic stuff?