Well, one month till I become a wizard. Any books on becoming content as a friendless wizard that isn't mumbo jumbo buddhist crap?
Maybe fiction where a character comes to terms with his wizardhood?
Well, one month till I become a wizard. Any books on becoming content as a friendless wizard that isn't mumbo jumbo buddhist crap?
Maybe fiction where a character comes to terms with his wizardhood?
My diary desu
daily reminder that thomas bernhard, franz kafka, oswald spengler, arthur schopenhauer, friedrich nietzsche, otto weininger, immanuel kant, nikola tesla, blaise pascal, ted kaczynski and many more were volcels and you should embrace it, too.
I don't think Uncle Ted was a volcel. The rest probably were, but Teddy boy had a real disconnect from people. That's not a bad thing btw. It lead him to the truth that others refused to acknowledge
uncle ted's main hypothesis, the power principle or whatever it's called, would need a lot of studies for anything like evidence. I am very sympathetic to the idea that we evolved for an environment radically different than industrial(or even agricultural) civilization, it makes perfect sense logically, but you still need to do studies and try to find psychological evidence.
I don't need anything other than trust, which is what all knowledge rests on. Trust in empirical evidence, or trust in belief. You can do that shit if you'd like.
>Trust in empirical evidence, or trust in belief.
user pls these are not the same thing, the latter allows you to assert literally anything
What have you done with your growing magical power so far?
Well, unfounded beliefs won't benefit someone so it's their problem if they believe something stupid. But to say each belief needs an empirical database to support it is something I don't believe in
you got brain damage?
>Nikolai Tesla
Died alone in a grotty hotel room, penniless and unknown until relatively recently when everyone started "loving science" and stuck his name on a car.
>Friedrich Nietzsche
He is not someone to emulate, especially about that story where he went to a brothel but was embarrassed being there so that he started playing the piano that was there. Also I'm pretty sure he visited hookers.
>Ted Kaczynski
I don't think he was.
Possibly, when I'm not at work being angry at people, I spend the vast majority of my time in my room.
They don't seem to have appeared yet.
schoppy fucked hoes and was always strapped
Stop being obsessed with sex. Nobody cares about whether you're getting laid or not. Do something interesting instead.
Why is dying pennyless memed as such a bad thing. At the same time everyone says "You can't take it with you" so why not spend it all and die broke?
Because materialism is the predominant ideology right now
>played piano at a brothel
That's based and pathetic at the same time
I had sex a couple times and kind of regret it, pretty underwhelming.
Volcel master race
everything is memed as all things. there was a bestselling financial book years ago titled Die Broke.
That quote is based, is Gene that great regularly or is that just a fine quote amongst scifi wankery
Tbh sex is overrated so dont feel too bad user, but it is a sort of biological failure desu. Most of us here are biological failures however, sexlessness just being one of those facets.
It does however make me feel better than others on here that I've had sex and they haven't, so when I'm feeling down i like to lord it over other autists , which really is its main benefit
>At the same time everyone says "You can't take it with you" so why not spend it all and die broke?
The other guy touches on the point, I mean, Edison had something like over 100 million dollars at the time of his death and is revered while Tesla fell into obscurity despite inventing or laying the groundworks for many inventions.
I always wonder what exactly went through Tesla's mind as he spent his last days in his hotel room
It's always people who've had sex, who don't understand it's not actually about sex itself. To be a virgin at my age, you'd have to have failed a bunch of milestones that most people have passed way back when they were still relevant.
Being a virgin IN ITSELF isn't a bad thing, it's all the things that lead up to the point where you are 30 year old virgin.
I know it's not the sex itself. The problem is you're too spooked with what is considered valuable and normal by society at large. Probably you feel a strong need to be accepted.
You need to become more independent in your mind and in your emotions. It might seem like a lonely road, but at the end of the day you're not even that special. People have all kinds of fucked up past and regrets, but they go on.
>You need to become more independent in your mind and in your emotions.
As opposed to what? Besides my parents I'm not leaning on anyone nor am I emotionally attached to anyone.
>People have all kinds of fucked up past and regrets, but they go on.
To what end though? It feels like life has passed me by.
are you really ugly or is it something else?
Possibly. I kept myself to myself to avoid getting beaten up as a kid and it wasn't the nicest place growing up. I've always been wary of other people since school.
are you very set on wizardry? it sounds like you could turn it around within 1 month
What makes norms say shit like this? Is it complete ignorance, or some ingrained just-world bullshit?
oh i see why now
>it sounds like you could turn it around within 1 month
With what? Magic?
Have you heard of "Better Never to Have Been: the Harm of Coming into Existence" by David Barrater user?
sad thing is love is the most satisfying feeling there is while it lasts and women are pretty nice to be around while it lasts
you're not missing out on much if you made it this far and haven't taken the blackpill tho
time is always the issue
>time is always the issue
What you mean?
The Normie is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a cuck, retard, wageslave, profiteer; it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Normie and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
651 days until I join you, my brother. I don't understand why even care anymore. For me it stopped mattering years ago. Maybe my brain is simply shielding my fragile ego by coping.
I don't care about your goddamn fruity pills.
That line seems familiar.
28 year old virgin here. Don't feel too bad. At least you haven't willingly sabotaged every single chance you had because you're embarrased by your dick size. The funniest thing is that it's actually only slightly below average for my country, but porn had crushed my self-confidence without me even realizing it. Even though I realize this now, I'm still a volcel because I can't get over it.
>I'm still a volcel
Sounds like rationalization OP.
I'm not OP, but I guess you're right. Denying myself sex because of an issue I can't come to terms with is closer to incel than volcel.
user, I am going to give you every positive feeling I am currently feeling. I love you, OP.
Unless that feeling is a penis in a vagina you can fuck right off
No but it sounds interesting. I'll have a look into it.
Somehow, the feelings aren't transferring.
You just need to realize that you only care because you're expected to care. At least that how I cope.
I love you too, OP. I adore you.
Have you tried the usual going to the gym, lowering your standards, going to a whore?
Another wizard here. Its what says. At this point my only lasting personal connections are my parents. Once they die I'll be completely alone. I've failed to establish any worthwhile foundations or build meaningful connections that make up a life. I have an apartment, steady job etc but I still feel like an adolescent who's never accomplished anything.
I am gyming, not really for a goal just something I've started doing just cause I don't know, and I am planning to go to Amsterdam.
>lowering your standards
I don't think there's anything to lower it to, everyone around my age seems to be in a relationship. Ironically it seems like all the good-looking girls are single and the average-to-plain are all in relationships.
I don't really come into contact with many women anyway.
Echoing this guy , what I most regret is not building/having a life and a social circle in my teens and 20s when everything was still new and people had time to do stuff.
I'm slightly different in that I did make friends in college though I was too neurotic to court a girl. Then I graduated in the depth of the recession, had to move back home and basically lost everything I'd gained.
>I'm slightly different in that I did make friends in college though I was too neurotic to court a girl.
Funny thing is, I think uni was the last place I could have turned things around but I didn't cos I was way too wary of people and going home didn't take long and I could do the lectures at home.
The exact point was when I didn't sign up to the anime club during the freshers fair. I think that when geek started becoming mainstream and my interest in it began a massive decline.
Also I realised too late that uni was for networking and now I'm in a dead-end wageslave job with no prospects.
hary poterr
Tesla was a celebrity at his time tho.
You guys need a change of perspective. This worldview is too much materialistic.
It's true when they say you'll be a full wizard. What they don't say is that you'll have to hide manifestations of your power from the others to keep yourself from becoming “that obsessed person”.
shit, are you me?
How so?
You have a simple test as your life model.
Reading books is supposed to provide material for more complex models to your conscience.
Search for something worthy to live. Something that doesn't demand for external factors but only of yourself and the transcendental. An unshakeable and eternal basis. Seek Jesus unironically is my advice.
bro try reading kafkas wikipedia entry and its like some neckbeard fan is jacking off to how much he relates to him. he talked with women so he doesnt belong n the list
Well, isn't it time for you to read The Death of Ivan Ilyich?
>seek jesus
Pretty sure this is purgatory or hell.
Will do.
What's your problem OP?
Fat? Ugly? Loser? Acne?
why don't you go to Games Workshops or whatever they're called, where they paint the models and play tabletop games
seems like a place where you might ifnd fat uggo chicks willing to surrender sum puss puss
I tried volcel but failed this week. Feels bad. Came within two seconds of getting it in but did better that night at least and got her to come multiple times. Very difficult to go back to volcel now
Did this happen because you just never leave the house? Did you ever move out of your parents' home?
Just 10 more years to lichdom. If you never create life, you can never die.
> got her to come multiple times
After you realize that … the shame might help you going back.
I want to be Exalted Cyclops.
>As opposed to what?
As opposed to you accepting all normie values uncritically. Such as "I didn't get laid in college, therefore I'm a failure and I must feel bad about it."
You think like a normie, that's why you feel like shit. Stop thinking like a normie. Expand your mind. Read interesting books, go travel, do something interesting. There's more to life than just playing by normie rules.
It was not faked, first time it was after I had spent all my rounds and could go indefinately, after that it was just because I could last a long time but also she was rubbing her clit, pure vaginal orgasm is very rare
nigger please schopenhauer literally paid prostitutes to have sex with because other women didnt want to be near him. he was however based&redpilled, normies just wouldnt understand
>normie normie normie
It's normalfag you faggot.
You said you understood it's not about sex and yet that's like the only thing you've drawn from it.
>Such as "I didn't get laid in college, therefore I'm a failure and I must feel bad about it."
Kafka wrote reviews for whores in his diary like yelp reviews for a Chinese restaurant
Kafka visited every brothel in Prague, tho
>You said you understood it's not about sex and yet that's like the only thing you've drawn from it.
What? I said you/OP feeling bad is the consequence of adopting normie morality, not the absence of sex itself. I don't know how much more clearly I can spell it out.
You could just as easily be feeling bad about never having had a car or never having learned to swim or whatever the fuck.
For the ones that visited hookers, what do you think the post-nut clarity must have been like?
>You think like a normie, that's why you feel like shit
Absolute based spergery from Nietzsche, as expected.
>I said you/OP feeling bad is the consequence of adopting normie morality
Oh right. I see you're one of those types.
So only two books?
I agree, the power process is the least flushed out of his ideas and I don't entirely agree with it. I think the power process has more to do with controlling your own destiny and being the master of your domain (which was done through the concept of God for thousands of years, but not anymore), rather than conquering nature specifically.
>If you have schizoid personality disorder, it's likely that you:
>Prefer being alone and choose to do activities alone
>Don't want or enjoy close relationships
>Feel little if any desire for sexual relationships
>Feel like you can't experience pleasure
>Have difficulty expressing emotions and reacting appropriately to situations
>May seem humorless, indifferent or emotionally cold to others
>May appear to lack motivation and goals
>Don't react to praise or critical remarks from others
>Schizoid personality disorder usually begins by early adulthood, though some features may be noticeable during childhood. These features may cause you to have trouble functioning well in school, a job, socially or in other areas of life. However, you may do reasonably well in your job if you mostly work alone.
Go see a psychologist
I recently read The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro and it was quite enjoyable. There's also a movie adaptation, but the story is told from the perspective of the main character relating the story to the reader, so some of that is lost in the movie. Despite that it was also quite enjoyable.
Was Kafka a self-loathing kind of guy? I've only read The Trial.
Kind of, he insisted that all of his papers be burned after he died because he never thought they amounted to anything
If I say why I feel like that user from another board will come over and berate me for my reason.
Most here aren’t full blown schizoids, just losers unable to make things happen because of some malfunctioning during adolescence
Also, schizoid PD is rarely treatable, as in, treatment rarely results in a change
Stop browsing Yea Forums.
Go make friends
>What struck me on the beach and it struck me indeed, so that I staggered as at a blow - was that if the Eternal Principle had rested in that curved thorn I had carried about my neck across so many leagues, and if it now rested in the new thorn (perhaps the same thorn) I had only now put there, then it might rest in anything, and in fact probably did rest in everything, in every thorn on every bush, in every drop of water in the sea. The thorn was a sacred Claw because all thorns were sacred Claws; the sand in my boots was sacred sand because it came from a beach of sacred sand. The cenobites treasured up the relics of the sannyasins because the sannyasins had approached the Pancreator. But everything had approached and even touched the Pancreator, because everything had dropped from his hand. Everything was a relic. All the world was a relic. I drew off my boots, that had traveled with me so far, and threw them into the waves that I might not walk shod on holy ground.
Wolfe is incredibly quotable
kill yourself
Are you fucked? Kafka was sex obsessed he fucked so many hooers, he had a bunch of girlfriends he even had affairs with his girlfriend's friends. Try harder
cant really treat personality disorders
Yeah life is pretty cruel to men for no reason.
Stop watching porn
Unironically this. Since I stopped watching porn I have more energy and I'm more confident and assertive. I masturbate using my imagination thinking about women I know, like friends or coworkers, or photos I find when browsing the web, which means I masturbate less. But also I'm much more prone to being angry, which isn't so good. I'm thinking of exercising to counter that.
alternatively, have sex
Should I change my method of picking up girls at gym? I stare at the most attractive girl all throughout my workout session and make sure she knows I am staring. I do this until I am either finished with my workout or they leave, which I then tell myself "good" to make myself feel better. There was this cute girl today and she smiled at me but I instantly looked away out of habit.
You'll do this, take your time. Don't be a creep and don't watch porn. Don't take yourself too seriously. This is a journey. One day you will be ready.
"stop watching porn, improve yourself, just be yourself", all these thing are platitudes for me. Since early childhood I've been a loner, an outcast. No matter what I do, I'm always being inadequate, I feel cursed, like a cockroach. I sincerely don't know how to act with other humans, I'm scared of them.
There are 7.674.575.000 people on planet earth, you can't hate all of them. Stop being a loner, stop the self-pity attitude and be a man. Maybe you've wasted time and life was pain. But that doesn't matter. Not a single bit. What matters is now! Try to think objectively. You don't need a Limitless-Pill to be normal. This is your life and you're doing this for yourself and to yourself. For no one but you. You don't have to prove something. AND STOP WITH THE PORN GOD DAMN!
underage b&
>Maybe you've wasted time and life was pain. But that doesn't matter. Not a single bit. What matters is now!
It matters a whole fucking lot, I can't seem to progress in anything nowadays. I'm trying to learn web dev and progressing like treacle. I used to be a smart person dammit and I'm barely halfway through the online-course.
My "friend" who did a meme degree is in some IT/software job earning close to six figures, while I'm tolling away in some dead-end job with retards who aren't above sniffing glue during breaks, he suggested that I become a bus driver low-key hinting that will be my peak.
I was smart at one point, but it's obvious that my brain is completely broken now.
You should do something about it. What more can I say. At least someone has seen that you're not feeling well. But better times are ahead. Even if you lose everything you can have some sort of a happy life.
I genuinely don't know where to go from here. I can barely read books with my shrinking attention span.