Is being a bull and fucking weaker males wife/gf considered good under the master morality?

Is being a bull and fucking weaker males wife/gf considered good under the master morality?

Is being a bull the logical conclusion of following master morality ideas?

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How base. Fuck the cuck instead.



>Is being a bull and fucking weaker males wife/gf considered good under the master morality?
Not since S & W made us equal

The truly alpha thing to do would be to lift the male out of his pit of cuckery.

WTF I love Yea Forums now

You are using that term like you know what it means, but it's obvious by the question you asked you don't.

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Who is on the left?

To be a bull means you are invited into the relationship to pleasure a woman: you are bestialized to satisfy a lady's carnality within another man's fantasy of losing control per his lack of belief in his ability to satisfy her himself. Why would someone truly strong need to pander to the perversions of fuck-ups to satisfy their own desires?

jim carry


tfw no trad bookish gf

this but unironically

Licentiousness is no way to be alpha.

Strengthen your community, do not exploit its weakness.

It appears, then, that the "alpha" terminology has different applications: for animals and men.

The "alpha male" in the animal world would be extremely unlikely to forego mating opportunities in order to bolster and support lesser males.

I'd argue that a true "master morality" would have the superior man make lesser men not necessarily cucks, but vassals.

The slaves concern himself with things that he calls evil.

there's not such thing as evil in nature, and weakness should be destroyed.

you sound like a literal faggot who follow slave conditioning.

>shooting people who sleep with your love interest because they're deemed more desirable than you
wow your micropenis is showing

tfw no gothic royal blood traditional gf

Except animals are removed from the symbolic associations human beings are capable of creating.

I don't just mean the symbolism of what it means to be "alpha" or what it means to be a man.

I mean we, as human beings, have the freedom to define reality as we see it, and to choose to hold ourselves to a higher standing than simply mating in order to pass our genes on to a few generations for however temporarily they continue to further the existence of our race.

We have the ability to live "alpha" lives, good lives, right now. I don't see anything "alpha" in desperately trying to secure another vessel for your seed. Sounds to me like being enslaved to the pussy, and the cumbrain if Yea Forums's memes have any merrit.

I'm not saying I wouldn't impregnate a man's wife if they asked me to, naturally, my body and my cumbrain tell me that it's a low risk investment insofar as spreading my genes is concerned, and I have another guy raising my offspring so I have the time and resources to spend raising my other offspring with my own woman. It's just not what I'd call a "master morality", or whatever that means.

100% based alpha male shit

Says the cumbrain that follows his own hormonal conditioning.

Enjoy seeking nothing more than the chance to be a gene father for however long that lasts.

Thanks friend.

Isn't it good to be a man?


the slaves concern himself with the survival of his genes, since he has no other archievements.

the master is concerned with the survival of his works and ideas.

nobody cares slaves have other slave babies, but everyone remembers shakespeare, dante, bruce lee, all the history genius.

again, more slave arguments.

Then I don't see where we disagree.

I mean, aside from the fact that you think wanting more (You)s for saying the word slave in a post is a valid reason to reply.

cucking weaker males ensure the best genes reproduce.
monogamy ensures weak male genes get to breed.

alpha males cucking weak beta males, ensure the alpha genes reproduce more.

Again, showcasing your enslavement to the importance of "genes".

Kojima had the right idea as far as "memes" being more valuable than "genes".

I've bred another man's girlfriend and I helped my two lesbian friends conceive by being their sperm donor.

Does that make me "alpha"? I don't feel very accomplished, aside from the momentary orgasmic reward I felt when I accomplished my biological purpose.

It is no heavenly purpose, by any stretch of the imagination, take it from a true "alpha" male.

"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said in a rather scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean - neither more nor less."

"The question is," said Alice, ""whether you CAN make words mean so many different things."

"The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master-that's all."

I take "alpha" in this conversation to mean "alpha male" or the dominant male of a particular group. I don't think "alpha" means "good" and that such a usage unnecessarily obscures the point. The "alpha" terminology is only of value of us to the extent it describes our animal behavior. Yes, we are capable of creating "symbolic associations" that transcend animal experience, but we are also motivated by animal urges.

By "master" you mean "possession of great skill or proficiency" rather than "ruler of others"?

My point isn't that this is not a part of us.

My point is that we don't need to be controlled by it. I am no dog, are you?

maybe because were not fucking animals u retard

This guy gets it

We're certainly not disembodied spirits. Our bodies exert influence on all of us and complete control over some of us.

We're not dogs, but if we kept hungry long enough we will turn into something not unlike a dog.

Then it is your duty as a man to rise above.

Prepare yourself, your true self, lest you crack under pressure and fall into beasthood.

>donate my sperm
lmao nigger, that's literally as the same as I took a vasectomy nigger.


keep showing your beta slave morality, faggot.

males automatically put themselves in hierarchies based on competence.
inferior males will admire you if they're just begginer masters and they will be jealous or despise you if they're slaves.

slaves conform to the opinions of others and think cucking weaker males is wrong for some moral reason which is usually derived from christcuckery, a cuck religion.

Why did you take a vasectomy? You mean you got a vasectomy?

is a meme, sperm donators usually have vasectomies.

You have the same mindset as sentient yeast. The fittest genes are merely the genes that are superior at reproducing, it says nothing as to who is actually the best. Master morality has nothing to do with your science-worshipping herd mentality Darwinism. Men are more than rabbits even if that's all you are.

and yet the master morality is the ones that create all the genius and highest works of art.

slave morality can't create geniuses.

Perhaps this is the essence of a true "master morality"; not mastering some craft or profession or mastering others, but mastering oneself.

Hierarchies based on competence? Is there a meta-hierarchy for all of these hierarchies?

It was a natural donation if it helps you sleep at night, cuck fetishist.

lel, very scathing

hipergamous animals base their hierarchy on physical atributes like strenght, humans base their hierarchy on competence and mastery.

You got it.

Don't let the insecure mean on Yea Forums (on the internet, really) drag you into their mental purgatory.

You already know that the only thing you can really know is yourself. The only thing you can master is yourself.

You have mental problems.

slaves always define the master morality as evil or wrong.

>have another guy raising my offspring
There is absolutely nothing alpha about abandoning your child so that some lesser man can raise him. That’s absolutely pathetic.

“Master morality” is for insecure people who are lacking in intelligence. If a man has any intelligence he would know that morality itself is the sign of a Master. You would know this you had read Kant. When Hegel says that Germany was now the crown of the world spirit, that it had come the embody the spirit of the age, it was the zeitgeist, it’s because of the philosophy of Immanuel Kant. There is nothing more alpha than being able to intuit right from wrong and, most importantly, act in the right regardless of the consequences. That man is the zeitgeist, because he is the spirit of the world, he is immortal. “Ten thousand do not turn the scale against a single man of worth.” 2019, after the death of our Lord Jesus Christ

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116 million asians are the offspring of gengis khan.

fuck off with your slave morality christianity cuck BS.

Your obsession with master/slave morality is slave morality.

I don't care about slaves opinions and I'm working towards archieving my artistic goals and maybe being called a genius in the future, like all the guys on the canon.

you clearly weren't reading the rest of the thread, were you


Don't worry your words will never profane the canon, so rest easy.

not looking to be a writer, but I want to make my own art in another more modern medium.

Like I said... ***IF*** a man had any intelligence

I read the rest of thread before responding user. Don’t hurl insults it’s not a substitute for a strong rebuttal. Try again son, this time with effort

alpha males usually are on the top of the IQ range.

slave males tend to be average or on the lower ranges of IQ.

you're too far gone

farmes dont use the seed of the weak bulls but they use the seed of the alpha bulls.

why is inmoral to do the same we do to our animals?

IQ tests are aptitude tests. And that you define intelligence with high aptitude is by definition slave mentality. And your snarky rude attitude is not going to help you get out of the hole that you’re in. Your comments are rude, distasteful and 100% wrong. Correct yourself user or ur gonna learn the hard way. Your on an anonymous image board dedicated to literature, your rude tough guy attitude is not welcome here

Yes, and what you are selling here is not master morality, what you are selling is yeast morality.

slaves are concerned with kindness, humility and other shit they learned from slave religions.

masters only concern with the truth, beauty or the opinions of other masters.

you sound like a textbook slave morality faggot.
lmao at you.

And what has it gained them?

dont get cheeky with me

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nobody cares at the million of males that were cucked by gengis khan.

he was a winner, in biological terms, and his DNA will survive for as long as asians exist.

slaves catalog morality in terms of good vs evil, and they call evil everything that their masters who own them admire.

So everything that the master class call beauty or admire, should be considered evil and by oposition, everything that the slave class considers oposite of the master class should be considered good.

Fine. Let it be the hard way

>you sound like a textbook slave morality faggot. lmao at you.
Would you take a lifetime vow of silence if the entire world gathered together and gave you a ribbon that said "I'm a master"?

Not really, don't care about what the people alive has to say.

My only concern is for my name to survive in history, and that would take for all the people alive to be forgotten.

>Imagine fully buying into some German incels fantastical moral dichotomy

Lmao look this slave has muscles

Well if you were reading you'd be able to discern that you and I have the same argument.

Only mine is better :^)

Getting pleasure out of some other man jerking off to feeling inferior to you is even gayer than if you just fucked him.

not really, I was having the same ideas in elementary school when I was like 7-8.

I remember looking back in class in like fifth grade and seeing all the kids with their heads down writing and I'm like wtf, why are we doing this, and it felt like those chinese factories where they produce chink phones.

This was clearly uncanny shit I remember from like fourth grade.

I can assure you user no one will remember you and for good reason
You are as stupid a slave as I’ve ever met. You project your own fears because you hate yourself. You deserve better. Your confident stubbornness will keep you locked in this perpetual hell.

>I don't know what master morality is but anybody who tells this is slave morality lmao
Bro you sound like a window-licking retard. It's painfully obvious to anybody who's actually read N that you're understanding of him comes from Yea Forums threads.

I only care for archieving my dreams, I'm sure in two or three years I'll start to produce my dream, and maybe It will take another decade before I reach mastery, and maybe another decade to reach historical skill of most masters.

Not really, I was forming my own ideas of NPC memes since I was a teen, and was just until I read the basics of master slave morality that everything felt in place.

he just explains nicely what I've felt all my life and what I observe in others.
I simply wasn't able to put it into words.

His failed sperm that has never since produced a man of half Chingis' quality. Not even his immediate sons.

asians can't into being genius, they're bug men.

how long has Yea Forums been back up?

>I only care for archieving my dreams, I'm sure in two or three years I'll start to produce my dream, and maybe It will take another decade before I reach mastery, and maybe another decade to reach historical skill of most masters.
The greatest of the great masters of history had an elan vitale that you will never achieve with all those cobwebs in your psyche. Many also had a love (if magnanimous) for people and humanity, not a teenage-tier angst against "NPCs".

>I already thought what he thought he just put it into words
The truest mark of a pseud.

I don't hate NPC, they just have other types of personality that make them unable to be geniuses.

It's from what I can see on normal people, they will lack a certain spark in their eyes for some reason.

As long as you view kindness and humility as traits beneath you, I can assure you that you will be a master of nothing. You may develop skills and even produce something of value, but your work will be emancipated from you. And if all you care about in this world is living on in your work, again, that’s slave mentality. Your a slave and don’t say your not. It’s life you’ve chosen to live. I only bring this up to you because you seem confused about the terms slave and master and their application, it seems like you also choosing to live the life of an idiot

pls define what you mean by slave and master morality, and then we can follow this chat.

You can follow it backward, I would append this the same way I started it

slaves are the big mass of NPC normies, normalfags, communist, marxists, followers of ideologies, followers of tribes.

they define themselves in terms of their ideological group they feel a part off (nation, videogame company, soccer team, political party).

they will always follow their group ideology.

masters form their own opinions and make their own life paths, and are concerned only with higher life goals.

Let's test these assertions.

Joseph Stalin: Slave or Master?

On the one hand, he was a follower (Lenin, Communism, etc.) but on the other hand, he became a dictator. He had his own opinions that deviated from Trotsky, Bukharin and his contemporaries and he presided over the lives and deaths of millions.

How should we classify him?

he was a slave, all the marxists are slaves.

being a dictator or having power doesn't imply if he stopped being a slave.

masters are defined by self improvement over anything.

By your definition a master could choose to be a NPC normie, a normalfag, communist, marxist, follower of ideologies, follower of tribes. Your idiocy isn’t just at the level of ideas, that’s where it’s obvious, but at syntax. Your words conflict with themselves. Obviously I disagree with your ideas, but what’s very hard to hear about what your saying is that what your saying doesn’t make any sense

Does this defining self-improvement have to be a conscious decision actively pursued in order to qualify one as a master?

I think he would say that a "master" that makes those choices would effectively be forfeiting his status.

masters form their own opinions, they always seek both the information from his own idelogy but they also are open to ideas from oposite ideologies.

Is a desire, like a thirst of knowledge you're born with.

slaves can't understand it.
is like trying to explain colors to a blind person.

slaves get angry get you confront their social conditioning, like they do in this thread.
they become hostile and anger at the though of being slaves.

They always will claim you're arrogant or other BS I never mentioned.
I don't feel superior.
I just have a life goal that is bigger than my own personal life.

Slaves will never understand this.

As long as you define a master by being the master of his own choice then it follows that he can choose whatever he wants including “forfeiting his”, whatever that means. That you are making rules around a master, what he can and can’t do, plays into the exact description you have of “slave mentality“. Again your ideas fail at the level of syntax. You want to debate morals because you acknowledge that’s where the master functions, at the level of morals, but you can’t because your words are a cloak for feelings you have dressed up in borrowed ideas that you clearly misunderstand

I'm playing with the concept. As far as I'm concerned, there are no "masters" or "slaves" except in literal situations in which specific individuals are enslaved by other individuals or institutions, such as what's going on in Libya.

I think the "other guy" (lack of IDs complicate this somewhat) is on a Randian track, though he may have problems with adhering to an ideology as that would put him in his own "slave" category.

Not really, I'm not following anyone other ideas only the ones that will put me near my life dream.

I don't care about society or others opinions of me.
I've only met like 5 masters IRL and I formed a deep friendship with them.

They had a real soul, they felt like real humans that also shared your own ideas of being someone in life and reaching your dreams.

So if you have a spark that others don't have, what have you done with it? What have you created?

I'm still a begginer in terms of my skills, so I need more time to practice.

but so far I've been able to learn coding, writing, 3D, 2D animation, 3D animation, music composition, sound design, graphic desing, pixel art, 2D drawing, poetrhy.

I only need to work harder and practice more, but I am sure in 20 years I'll be a master in all that.

Good luck. You should be practicing instead of making shit posts.

I was watching some master morality videos and It made sense to me, is like he was talking personaly to me.

I know what he's talking about.
I never was able to properly explain why until I saw those videos.

>I was watching some master morality videos and It made sense to me, is like he was talking personaly to me.
>I know what he's talking about. I never was able to properly explain why until I saw those videos.
You played your hand.

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You don’t have any dreams beside trying to be someone your not. That’s why you’ll never be a master. Attributing kindness and humility to slaves and calling Christianity a slave religion, you obviously don’t know what your talking about, but what’s troubling is how confident your stupidity is. You talk about meeting people with real souls “real humans” because they agreed with your views but isn’t that group mentality you described as the slave mentality you oppose? but then you go on to say you don’t care what others think, that’s what masters are like, but then go onto be elated at meeting these “real people” because they are of the same opinion as you. You hurl insults at people you disagree with and call them slaves, and you esteem people who are like minded and call them masters. Your ideas and behavior insult yourself, your confidence is a reminder at how ardently ignorance cope with itself by means of aggression and hostility. Your a slave and a dumb one at that. If this feels insulting then I’d say you still have it in you to change. Do it user or your gonna learn the hard way

So you've created nothing, and you're sitting here claiming to be a master of what? You're not master of anything, you command no one, you've created nothing. "Me me me" you cry out into the void "he's talking just to me!" You thought what he thought but it took him to give you the words to say it? So in other words you couldn't create anything with "your thoughts" merely parrot the words of a greater man. Quite the master.

>Narcissism says: my situation is different. I am not like other people, who are merely automatons, shuffling towards oblivion.

You are the Last Man.

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I never could function properly in today society, I never finished high school but I received my diploma even if I droped out one year before the others finished.

I've been accepted into four diferent colleges but drop out from all.
I know the smart but lazy meme, but I feel formal education even while good, to be a factory made so you can get a job.
It's not my concern with being a wagecuck, so a degree is useless, I don't need a degre to be like ZUN making some waifu BS on steam.

I know I need to work on my discipline, but I've improved a lot in the last two years and I've improved on my discipline.
I just need to practice more.

slaves lack any natural curiosity, or dreams or any big dream to be remembered.
they're content with beign mediocre and think that they don't have to study after getting a degree and a job.
They will wagecuck for 40 years, happy to archieve a middle class standart of living.
They will indulge in eating more and will never try to go to a gym or even keep going for enough time to lose weight.
They think they don't need to learn new things beyond what they necesarelly need for getting a job.
They will spend their free time watching facebook memes, or youtube videos, or instagram whores.
They will vote base on political memes or advice they listened from their friends, or opinions they saw at the local TV news.
They will spend all their lives never creating art or music.
They will never read a book for fun, or watch some lecture on youtube for fun.

They lack natural passion about anything, or curiosity, or desire to reach the truth of the university.
They're happy following what society deem acceptable as a life path, never understanding is based on what corporations and the capitalist system markets them on their media.

They will never learn anything for fun, or create any kind of art for fun.
They're already dead inside and you can see they have dull eyes.

slaves form their opinions based on what they've been taugh in school or by their peers about what is acceptable.

even if I am a begginer, I've been able to create more than 99% of all humans, I've failed more than most people reaching my dream.

I'm still a begginer, but I've been able to archieve all I wanted, and this I just dreamed when I was a teen I'm able to make even if poorly now, later.

I'll just keep practicing, but I am sure I'll reach my dreams.

>master morality ideas
If you want to fuck another man's anything you're gay for him, that's it.

Humble yourself user and practice kindness to all people, not just those who you agree with. You deserve the best user but not when your being a hateful and hurtful. You can reach your dreams, but not like this. Not this way. Be humble, be kind, and stop hating

Print this post out, and four more like it, top it off with some erotic gay fanfic larping and you've basically got Elliot Rodgers manifesto.

Seriously, put down some plastic and tarps before you kill yourself, the cleanup is awful.

>but I feel formal education even while good, to be a factory made so you can get a job
Sure, waste your youth thinking you're extraordinary, then realize when it's too late that education is meant to broaden and deepen your outlook.

Your head is still up your ass. Another wiseguy with shit for brains, i've seen hundreds of them cutting plastic and putting beads in straws for decades, so sure they know what's up.

like I said, I don't see others as inferior.
they're just diferent, they've born diferent.
I was born as a master, they've were born as slaves.

I've tried to help slaves and they will always resent you.
Helping slaves is a waste of time, they will always hate you for trying to show them cool shit, or really beautiful things.

They will never understand beethoven, or bach, or da vinci, or bruce lee.
They always will think those geniuses were given god's gifts and were born special.

Slaves thing talent and skill are magical dust only a few are given.
They will never put effort towards reaching a level comparable to the old masters.
They will never understand what's the point of watching a lecture about some niche random topic for fun, because anything that doesn't contribute to getting a job is a waste of effort.

They will never learn something new or try new things just for the fun of learning.
They lack passion about anything and are therefore unable to make great art.
They will die and will be forgotten.

I don't have hate or think they're inferior, I just feel infinite sadness they will never have a burning passion for something beyond your mere mortal lifetime.

I feel pity, not anger or hate.

>waste your youth
I've wasted my entire 20's learning the most I can about the most topics I can for fun.
I've slowly reach a skill most normies outside of Yea Forums think is impressive, even if I think is begginer skill.

I'll be happy as a homeless if I reach what I want in life.
I'll be happy living in poverty as long as I reach my dream and be remembered.
I don't have any big material dreams, I don't desire a car, a house or children.
All I want is to reach my dream.

What’s your dream user?

be a thirld world version of ZUN, maybe japan making fan animes about my games.
but I want to make games that can compete with Shakespeare in terms of writing, with Bach in terms of music, with pixel art that looks like kof 12/13, with 3D that looks like a pixar movie.

I want to push videogames to a limit they will be taken seriously and my videogames be guarded in museums next to rembrand paintings.

I want to make videogames that phylosophy, theology, politics are discussed like they were in a college essay.

I want my videogame characters to speak in medieval rethoric inspired by shakespearean plays and written in medieval spanish, my native language.

I want every character to speak in a diferent language just for fun.
I want my music to be a combination of fugues and modern styles.
I want to make it everything being like one of wagner operas, but like FF VI.

I want to make something people will point as games being art and not just manchild entertainment.

What brings you to Yea Forums?
Shouldn’t u be in Yea Forums ?

because games are manchild entertainment and gamers are slave retards who argue about corporations and they think garbage like metal gear is the peak of storytelling.

gamers are content with beign slaves.
I've had more success trying to talk with gamedevs about the posibilities of games, but they also have the mental process I had to go through to reach this level.

they have the passion, but they wander without a more experienced master who teaches them the basics of what I now realize is master morality.

they're like a tree sprout, but they weren't given water and a place to grow, so they will be like tree seeds who'll never grow into an oak.