>he didn’t study Maths at Cambridge while reading widely in literature and philosophy
Must suck not to be an intellectual
He didn’t study Maths at Cambridge while reading widely in literature and philosophy
That would be impressive if we didn't live in 2019
Recommend some books on mathematics then
I literally can't express how much better my life has been since I attended Oxford. I went to a state school and gradually became the stereotypical moody, withdrawn sensitive type who both despises the quality of his immediate culture and feels a weird pride for having been raised in a sort of anti-intellectual and brutal environment. I was all set to take my Russell Group humanities BA and spend my life working as an anonymous, insecure wageslave forever thankful of being offered a job and forever too insecure to pursue my creative ambitions. The chip on my shoulder had become something of a wedge, and I felt too out of place regardless of my environment, too resentful and bitter to even attempt to make it in the artistic world. Then I finally applied for Oxford and got in to study an English MA, with reassurance that should I work hard enough a career in academia or within one of Oxford's affiliated companies would be almost guaranteed. I turned up as apprehensive as usual, and the first few days were spent regretting my decision and desperately feigning a cultured personality. But then I realized that the people there were just interesting and that the snobbery and exclusivity I had anticipated was just a myth borne out of my working class upbringing. I've since graduated, having spend the year dining in grand halls with groups of interesting people, dating several girls (one of whom, a petite Russian whose family traces back to the aristocracy, is now my fiancee). I work four days a week at a publishing company and earn £38k a year. I regularly meet up with friends from my college and visit Oxford for nights out and for meetings with my professors. The Martin Eden-esque novel I have been writing for two years has been selected for publication at a major British publishing house and, honestly, I could not have imagined a few years ago how great life could be. I come on Yea Forums and see how pathetic you all are and just shake my head and chuckle. If I saw you guys on the street I would of course throw you a penny or discuss Bukowski or whatever "realist" writers you enjoy, but ultimately I would be able to tell within ten seconds if you're an Oxbridge grad and would dismiss you as a potential source of good company if you are not. I never thought I'd know what it was like to be objectively better than somebody else, for the value of my existence to be superior to the value of a stranger's, but now I do and I've never been happier. People are awed by power and prestige. All I need to do is mention the university I attended (if only for a year) and they immediately begin to hunch and look at their feet because they know they are in the presence of greatness.
I literally could not imagine what it would be like not to attend the illustrious, globally renowned, historically insurpassable University of Oxford. I mean, it would be so very unbearable to attend some inferior institutions where "lad culture" (and indeed "board culture") takes precedence over a life of academic curiosity and career ambition. Furthermore, it has to be said that anybody with an ounce of genetic potential should be studying at the University of Oxford. If they aren't, they should be considered an embarrassment to their family, their nation, their race and indeed themselves. I mean it would hurt me physically not to atten such an illustrious a university if I had even the slightest chance of doing so. The range of amazing colleges, the wise, witty professors, the ancient traditions and peculiar formalities which truly make an education at the University of Oxford such a Hogwarts-esque experience, while, to stay true to this particular image an education at literally any other university - barring, perhaps, Cambridge - is no more romantic or exciting than some third-rate Muggle institution such as the one Harry would have attended had he not learned of his magical abilities. Lets look at the facts: over 50% of University of Oxford undergraduates come from privately educated, Elite backgrounds; 80% of students have parents whose job is regarded as being among the most challenging and well-paid occupations in the countr, and the statistics relating to the kind of careers former University of Oxford students successfully pursue are known to all. And of those students, those English Roses and dashing young Gentlemen, how many indeed go on to marry and mate with one another, rather than risk a life of financial destitution and social ostracization by allowing themselves to be carried away by some fleeting infaturation with a member of the working class. The question is of course rhetorical, as the vast majority of University of Oxford students do coincidentally end of marrying fellow members of the Elite, genetically distinct upper class.
>if your study math your studying pure math, applied is for retards
>pure math has 0 jobs unless you study for academia
>have to be up all night writing disgustingly long proofs
>wont get into graduate school unless you literally don't sleep
>graduate school is even more aids and the research is niche and subtle yet so much work
>literally slave to academia working 24hrs around the clock to turn in proofs
>wasting 4 years of your life up all night solving equations
>maybe 2 hrs of spare-time in 4 years
>literal cancer
t. roommate was autistic math cunt that spoke in mumbles and is currently looking for a job on facebook
>0 jobs unless you study for academia
300 000k starting
Thats applied or statistics silly, which are deadend routes its the equivalent of studying technical writing. If you've been on /sci/ which im assuming you haven't, people complain about the jobless mathematics field all the time
but then again if you study in an ivy league you can get a job anywhere for 300k so I guess your right
>he's an intellectual
must suck to be gay
i hate how unique people like this think they are
This really really really pissed me off, until, thankfully, I realised it was copypasta.
The principles of mathematics by Bertrand Russell
Principia mathematica by Russell/Whitehead
Foundations of Arithmetic by Frege
Treatise on Probability by Keynes
Remarks on the Foundation of Mathematics by Wittgenstein
Principia by Newton
But I do have a math degree.
This basically describes one of my closest friends, he’s very modest about it and we have fantastic conversations
I studied mathematics at Orsay which is arguably better for that sort of thing.
And reading "widely" literature and philosophy is pretty much just a nice hobby for autists, nothing to be haughty about.
I know this is pasta but imagine the guy who entered Oxford with the insight provided with a lower-class upbringing and was so cucked he forgot all of it and became the very kind of clueless upper class fraud he should have been well-equipped to expose.
I'm sad just thinking that there really are people like that. Kudos to them for making it, but the victory tastes somewhat bitter.
There’s a reason the masters degrees there, being twice the price of those elsewhere in the UK, are class vanity degrees....
Not that that will stop me attempting lol
Sorry *called. Although, class might also work.
Why are black chicks so Hegelian bros?
I dropped out of art school and now I'm a 28 year old NEET.
>solving equations
lol nigger
so you do nothing?
>Not that that will stop me attempting lol
If you can milk it for all it's worth go for it user. Just do your best to stay self-aware.
Sit around the majority of the time with my dogs reading or doing something related to art. Or sitting at the computer. I had a job but after a month I quit it because I wanted to kill myself. That was last year.
being an auto-didact is better and prevents you being indoctrinated by leftist universities. i downloaded some translated books i saw in a charts thread on lit, that makes me intellectually superior to anyone studying at college.
well....ah stay safe. I have a job, but it wagecuck job. I might off my self one day if I hit further rock bottom and end up on the street.
People who went to college can't debate...
That's not what intellectual means, shitforbrains.
This, but unironically.
>I studied mathematics at Orsay which is arguably better for that sort of thing.
lol no
and Oxford didnt teach you not to write unreadable walls of text? Retard.
>I literally can't express
>>he didn’t study Maths at Cambridge while reading widely in literature and philosophy
actually I am studying Computer Science at ETH Zürich while reading widely in literature and philosophy. Am I still an intellectual?
>studying meme degree
Please go back to /r/books
Why would someone wear that top?
that had better be german spirit. the highest kind of spirit
Maybe you could have found out that answer yourself if you weren't an AHDH riddled kid that literally could not bring himself to finish a single paragraph of text.
This is me and I'm looking for others like it, anyone know where on the internet I'd find them? I'm already part of decently large circles of intellectuals in real life, but they're all fairly disconnected from online subculture. The topics I'm particularly interested in these days, like the whole irony culture of the internet, is uncharted territory to most of them.