For how long have you browsed Yea Forums?

For how long have you browsed Yea Forums?

Attached: lit.png (1500x844, 1.99M)

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Years, man

Long enough to regret it.

Longer than (You)

wtf most of these shelves were on last post shelf thread

The same shelves get posted over and over again, hell even the same pictures are recycled. Yea Forums is dead.

only today

I'm honored to have my personal bookshelf in a meme image on an Atlantean organ harvesting board.

Started in 2013 when I was 17 or 18 and just getting into literary fiction.

Who’s the girl holding the second sex?

Two to three weeks

Long enough to know to go against everything Yea Forums says


>t. ebul nazi from /pol/
Stopped using /pol/ in 2014 and eventually got permanbanned on my home IP for my anti-tulpa crusade on /x/ and making pynchon meme threads here. Stopped using all of Yea Forums but /k/, started using Yea Forums right when 30 year old boomer posting started and Yea Forums again in january. Nu-/pol/ is unuseable. Thanks for listening reddit!

longer than you faggot
>not Claire

>anti-tulpa crusade on /x/
You did god's work user, the board is still kinda shit but most of the tulpa threads are gone.

I think they exaggerate how much has changed. I look into archived threads from 2010 or 2012 and you see a lot of the same stuff, with half the replies in a given thread being non-sequitur irony and the others possibly being on-topic and decent. I suppose there's more political stuff now.

I guess this may be a bad time to ask, but is the whole tulpa thing some sort of hoax?

>is the whole tulpa thing some sort of hoax?
depends on how spiritual of a person you are, but I'd say that the idea of creating an entirely new person out of imagination is a hoax. That being said, you most certainly can delude yourself into thinking you share a body with your waifu and pretend that she's talking to you, so in that sense it is kind of real.

i tried to force the kitzo hekotormos meme

Got a higher quality version of this?

Since last year.

The tulpa thing was people from /mlp/ giving themselves schizophrenia to have imaginary sex with raimbow dash yes really. At one point I pushed 8 threads off of the board posting the tulpa general OP over and over again and bumping it.

Around 2013. Also a /pol/ refugee. Would anyone believe me if I told them that Yea Forums has had a positive influence on my writing and reading habits?

shit, same here.

now tell me that you're also from central Europe

On and off since they made it in 2012? when was it

this is my first post, and my last here: now i'm going to Yea Forums, who are more intelligent

All summer.

>tfw Yea Forums sent me here because I kept trying to get them to make a book club
They talked more about books too :/

What about other aspects of life? Did you not become a delusional and self-righteous piece of shit, periods which you look back at with regret? (srs question)

I discovered Yea Forums shortly after LOST stopped airing and I wandered from Yea Forums. I don't want to know how long ago that was.

Since I was 14 or 15 and found out that Yea Forums wasn't just Yea Forums.
>mfw I remember the niggernovel
>mfw I remember seeing most of the old Yea Forums humor posts get made for the first time
>mfw OP's image uses one of my screencaps for Ted Christ

Attached: ted is christ.png (1858x885, 220K)

Remember the "Hello, Reddit" era?

yeah heres the 8k version
Also added Claire , ashamed that I forgot she existed

Attached: 1514205393726.jpg (2880x1800, 232K)


same, Yea Forums was initially Yea Forums. First board after that was Yea Forums, found it near 2013 I guess

where's the room full of books and silver fish?

>Yea Forums is his homeboard
>this is the user who replies to me
God, just take me

No, I'm the opposite of self-righteous. I'm a self-hating faggot. But since I've been browsing on Yea Forums, I've written and read more than I had in the ten years prior. I'm serious about my writing now and have a great backlog of novels.

The last 25 minutes or so.

Who is America's foremost prose stylist again?

im from syria

10 - 15 min

like a week ago

Since I was 15 (I’m 20 now)

late 09

Two years. Yea Forums has guided me pretty well but sometimes I feel I've outgrown this place. Only like 3 people here even read non-genre-fiction books. The rest are a bunch of retard 19 year olds who read wikipedia in between fortnite sessions and think that makes them an expert in a subject. People who actually have read the shit you meme about can tell.

I started in the autumn of 2014.

t. newfag

The one that got away :(

This is damn near word for word what I was going to say, but I’ve been here for 6 years. I was tricked for a while into thinking “Yea Forums doesn’t read” was truly just a meme, but it’s true, most here don’t.

For as many years as I haven't been reading anymore.

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thanks, love you

since 2010 or so
I really only remember the "the next night we ate whale" threads

This board was created in 2010.

Sometimes she appears in my dreams still.

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No way that sexy ass oriental posted here

I was here when m00t brought the board back. The first year was pretty great, but like all boards it's aged like milk.

I miss her bros

Since 2011

Years, mam.

I only started browsing lit in 2016 but I've been on the site since 2010 - hopefully I make it out before that double digit marker eh?

Long enough to be in the katie cap

First day here baby

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Started at /fit/ and wanted to add a literary pretense to my PUA game

Time and time again
I'll see her in my dreams

Since the day this board was created. You could probably count the thoughtful posts I've made about literature on one hand.

Years, man.

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