Why are there so many shameless nameniggers and tripfags on Yea Forums?
Why are there so many shameless nameniggers and tripfags on Yea Forums?
They only started popping up in the last few months. They'll dissapear before long, they always do.
how queer, is it just the allure of being a psued?
bitch i will doxx you
we live in a society where people who choose to go anonymously on the internet are more respected than people who identify themselves with a tripcode for the sake of continuity of discussion across threads,,,
thiss ays al ot about our society,,,
The same reason they always pop up: desperate begging for attention.
and YET we live in it.
we need to RISE UP
This place is full of self obsessed cunts who think that they’re genius because they Read a book, tripfags are the hight of self-obsession
I declare a toast;
To Gamers!
Lit is a small, slow board, so tripfags get more attention which allows them to develop their own gay little attention whoring personalities and people notice it more because not much else goes on here
most tripfags are failed twittards. bless this mess
Liberal pseuds from reddit.
Yea Forums isn't slow. It's proportionally faster to the influx of users. Probably like 5 times as fast as it used to be.
they probably found some stirner memes on reddit funny, saw Yea Forums meming about philosophers and decided to join. they'll leave once they've learned all they can about the common philosophers from memes, and realize they have to start reading.
That graph has literally nothing to do with anything.
>they'll leave once they've learned all they can about the common philosophers from memes,
most of them will stay and turn this board into Yea Forums for books. it's been happening for years.
because the unspeakable faggots hear keep replying to them
There are less than other boards
short of Lolita, what literature do we really have to offer Yea Forums?
I could keep going but I hope you get the point
holy hell you're right, what in the world spurred this migration?
Honestly I only come to /lit to torture the fuck out of that one abomination of a tranny tripfag. The other ones don't even register to me, as shitty as they are.