What's the funniest book you ever read ?

What's the funniest book you ever read ?
Intentionally or not.

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Gulliver's Travels and JR, indicentally my favorite books. Confederacy of Dunces. Calvin and Hobbes holds up as an adult from what I've re-read.

Ur diary

1. What book is this from
2. funniest book, The Fall by Albert Camus

Christian Kracht - yellow pencil

Norm Macdonald's Based on a True Story

Unironically this. It's a fantastic book. You can definitely tell Norm is a fan of Russian authors.

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Reddit humor. What's that from?

Sotweed Factor probably

Tristram Shandy

Norm's comedy album "me doing stand up" is fantastic. Brian Regan is also great.

>Confederacy of Dunces
That's probably the funniest book I've ever read. Just everything about Ignatius is hilarious. From his absolutely pathetic masturbation tendencies, to doing all of his writing on large notebook paper made for children. The whole subplot with the husband and wife and the pant factory is pretty great too.

Not a book, but a story - Gogol's "How Ivan Ivanovich Quarrelled with Ivan Nikiforovich".
Kafka in general is hilarious.

The Giving Tree

I love these images. The Original 3 are gold. I actually agree with the second one somewhat.

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Second one is based

>The Stalin haters won't believe any source
Let me guess, Grover Furr?

The Varg one always makes me chuckle.

norm has never once been funny. i pray for the day the us is nuked off this planet

Is that you, Frank Stallone?

Possibly Confederacy of Dunces or Pale Fire.
I don't really read many funny books now I think about it.

This little quip by JD is up there.

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>brian regan
based. only stand-up comedian thats both funny and doesnt insert politics into his routine