What's the perfect "reading buddy" like?

What's the perfect "reading buddy" like?

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a sheet of paper and a pen

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Tried the nude bed reading with gf, it doesn't work, we just have sex over and over even though we both like literature.


I miss good magazines :(


I used to read books on the school bus with my friend, but he would read faster than me which made things a little awkward.

i used to do this with my ex girl
when it was my turn to read she'd let me read for a bit then start wanking me
fuck. i miss her

Hahaha! Same thing happened with my gf! We were reading Blood Meridian and she told me "I have a Blood Meridian as well ;^) " and then we had sex for like 7 hours(she told me she wanted to stop because my penis was too big and it hurted her)

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do you have a big cock?

Yeah, and my girlfriend has cute feet that she's always fidgeting so I'm at full sweatie mast pretty quickly

Women are so disappointing. They age fast and are too high-maintenance usually.

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You want a puppy or a snake or some fish. Stay away from women.

No, I want a ripe fruit that stays healthy and sexually attractive throughout my whole life with her. Fuck off and keep on swallowing your pink pills, faggot.

tranny! who has the meme i'm on my phone

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Maybe you could get a figurine :)

Ibuprofen is more mauve...

You do not know how to treat a woman as a human being. It seems you don’t even accept them as such. Live alone. Make us all the happier for it.

The most erotic part of a woman is her back. Hiding her breasts and her face, even wile knowing her, makes her more beatiful by knowing that she's naked, knowing that her beauty is a turn of her body away. If she's gracious, oh when she's shy, juvenal, a virgin, oh! what poetry she is, oh Sibyll, oh Muse.

That explains a lot about this godless degenerate. you're not welcome here, and as I've said before, and encourage all my fellow litizens to say to you: Kill Yourself.

I hope you don't consider yourself a woman, you transvestite.
That is true.

>You aren’t a misogynist!?
>Get out!

Get off my board, robot

Dude, you’re clearly a visitor, stop acting like you’re from here.

you know you arent a woman right? you should have dropped the trip a long time ago

>Having a problem with a trip/this hard
This bothers you more than my being an old woman? I can’t decide which is more pathetic

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Playing fast and loose with the definition of "woman" again, eh?

where's the based :3 poster?

Having a vag from birth is pretty much all it takes, bitch

I was referring to your lack of maturity and grace, you sex crazed pervert.

Based lankykong

I’m the most mature person on this board

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>my board

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Sitting with my Catholic gf on a bench in a park discussing the Bible, unsure whether I'm falling in love due to her tranquil glances at me or her autistic antisemitic rants.

I am ready to bear patiently the proud man’s costume, the insult of rude ignorance, the sarcasm of malice, the hired censure of the sycophantic critic.

You know that you are a freak of nature? You've barred yourslef from any moral and sexual maturity; you;ve given in to a lowly urge and make all you;re life revolve around what is essentially a fetish. You're degenerate, you won't be happy when you're old. There are trannies prostituting themselves near in my town, and they're the most disgraced beings you can imagine, and you also clearly haven't had a tranny hang himself in the cellar. What are you even doing? Bitching about books on lit? Spamming your inane shit? Honestly, you are a disgrace, I hope your parents aren't around to see you, I'd feel sorry for them.

>that one guy who’s been here less than 2 months thinking he’s Yea Forums

Ah, you are mistaken. I am a happy lesbian woman.

Everything he or she said remains valid.

my bf, if he existed

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you fuck cartoon frogs

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what absolute horseshit

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i hate that stupid frog

No, not really. You people are just trying to make me feel bad. Like make me wan to commit suicide. Like a little turd pulling on a girls pigtails. Internet bullying? Stupid stupid kids.

I’m here to talk about books. Why you here?

The same reason you are.

reading is an essentially solitary activity, get this meme shit out of here

>I’m here to talk about books. Why you here?
funniest shit right here.You're clearly here since you don't have a boyfriend or friends or anyone really to give you attention that you so desperately feel you need so you fill that need with random internet strangers giving you (you)s. "Happy woman" my ass lmao. If you were actually happy you wouldn't use a trip, nor hang out in this place (since you're like what, 40 now? Time runs fast huh).
>lesbian at 40
Lmao you're like a parody. Imagine being lesbian past 25 yo. Seriously get a cat or something, stop coming on Yea Forums. Nobody likes you here.

I've always wanted to use someones buttcrack to hold my kindle.

>Why you here?

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>I’m here to talk about books
I have never seen you talk about a book once. If you actually wanted to discuss anything, you wouldn't post with your trip on.

Corruption of the manners has a natural tendency to promote the Spirit. Let that sink in.

>Like make me wan to commit suicide
WHAAT? This is a scandal! Who would ever want such a wonderful, intelligent, creative poster as you to commit suicide? /s

Modern women and the Yea Forums lifestyle are incompatible

a park bench on a sunny day

Hi. Who are you?

Odd reasoning. Hope you feel better soon.

>I am here to shitpost

Go read this. I want someone to talk with about it.

I’ve noticed. Internet trolling isn’t doing you poor “incels” and “antinatalists” any good.

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giving you a blowjob

>Odd reasoning. Hope you feel better soon.
How so? Please elaborate.

Dumb terf

I don’t want to. You just have me all wrong.

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>I don’t want to. You just have me all wrong.
>Can't explain how.
>Don't want to explain how.
Really makes you think huh.

what if you accidentally cum on the book?

>all your text
>didn't read
>because of the trip target on your face
piss stinking tranny trip

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>getting THIS triggered about a trip

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It's contumely though innit?

I have never had nor want a boyfriend. I have not found lasting love with any woman, but now no longer feel so sad for it. Though I would love companionship right now, I am emotionally well equipped to deal with and appreciate my solitude.

I do waste far too much time puttering about online, I admit it. But I work, or read, or sleep, or eat, or bath, or shit, and I have so little time, I use that as an excuse to fritter the time away here.
Using a trip or using a name made me feel better, more responsible for my posts, more in touch with my humanity. In contrast, you all identify with the NPC meme and often want to kill yourselves.
I’m oddly happier now than my younger mopey/high strung semi-goth days in my teens and 20s. Age and experience have mellowed me. But reading too comforts. Time does run faster the older you get.
>Imagine being lesbian past 25 yo.
I wish I were that young again now.
>Seriously get a cat or something
I miss my cat. Can’t get one where I’m living atm
>Nobody likes you here.
Not true, but it doesn’t matter. I’m here to help you as much as you help me
>Really makes you think huh.
Hope you do

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No, not really. I would say it's small, actually, what matters is going at it long enough

Not to validate the crowd of retards who systematically grab any of your posts to insult you, but why in the world do you keep coming and respond to the morons who obviously just want you to generate shitpost over and over ? Overall you just seem to search for people to yell to, eventually everyone would get mad about you or this regular situation because of this and overall this shits on the global quality of Yea Forums (I mean, I've been away from there for about 2 or 3 months and only went from time to time and almost every time there was a trending shit thread with you shitposting in it, what the heck ?...) I don't know, cut down the internet, go out for a walk outside, go to sleep, masturbate or whatever. How could this even interest you. This is a massive waste of time.

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Now It’s War BITCH!!!!