Are there any good books made by black people?

Are there any good books made by black people?

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Intellectuals and Society

No. Niggers can't write after all.

No Niggers r not smart enough to write lit

starter list on the off chance OP isnt a faggot or someone actually interested stumbles in

>Invisible Man - Ralph Ellison
>Their Eyes Were Watching God - Zora Neale Hurston
>Jazz - Toni Morrison

>Disciplinary Decadence - Lewis Gordon
>Black Skin White Masks - Frantz Fanon
>Tradition and Modernity - Kwame Gyekye

The Autobiography of Malcolm X, Roots by Alex Haley.


>Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
>If Beale Street Could Talk by James Baldwin
>The Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison
>Their Eyes were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston
>Weep Not, Child by Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o
>White Teeth by Zadie Smith


Invisible Man

He said good.

The Count of Monte Cristo

What are your favorite books?

>imagine having such a shit body of literature that you have to claim mixed writers from France

The Bible

there's gonna be a lot of goalpost-moving and denial in this thread but James Ngugi (Ngugi wa Thiong'o) is fucking sick. A Grain of Wheat is rly good, super cool narration style

>white genocide! when black people mix with white people the baby should be considered black
>imagine having such a shit body of literature that you have to claim mixed authors
pick one, nazi

THIS THIS THIS every time I see a Nazi I just think about how fucking great it would be if he was murdered and his entire family was raped beaten and left for dead in an African American neighborhood to let them have some revenge
Fucking Nazis deserve to be burned alive I don't fucking care if they're man woman child whatever they are the most retarded backwards racist pieces of shit on the planet and the same goes to fascists/ Republicans/ alt-right/ conservatives/ libertarians/ whatever they're all the same damn thing just a different name to disguise their hate. Hate is a weapon and the only way to fight against it is complete and total annihilation

i've heard the autobiography of malcolm x is good, who's the author? have they written anything else?



Take your fucking pills /pol/

fuck off stormshit

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The author is both Alex Haley and Malcolm X, Haley transcribed X's explanations of his life. Alex Haley also wrote Roots.

>Roots by Alex Haley

Not many, but Ralph Ellison was a pretty good writer. I also enjoyed Derek Walcott's work.

david benatar

No, just you aren't allowed to talk about that here.

>Black Skin White Masks - Frantz Fano
I also watched a play based on this book, just majestic

《This man
The most famous ones:
>The Posthumous Memoirs of Bras Cubas
>Dom Casmurro
Pretty much everything from Machado de Assis is damn good!
>Dumping Room - Carolina Maria de Jesus

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I feel that way about gender bastards

You seem pretty hateful yourself

its a transcription of interviews Haley had with Malcolm X. It's really good; perhaps the most engaging autobiography in the American canon.

thats what swallowing thousands of TV shows propaganda look like , he thinks its moral if he used violence against wrongthinkers but a shoah if its against his group

Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell is the only one I can think of.

everything Richard Wright wrote
great novels, great nonfiction
and he was secretly the GOAT English-language haiku poet

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Remember that hypocrites words are worth nothing to nobody.


based, that's the best spivak book

He was an eighth nigger, look it up