The greatest poet of our generation

The greatest poet of our generation

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Other urls found in this thread:,_2002)

Why do Americans look like Oblivion character generator characters with glandular problems?

Does she write her own music? I thought her brother did.

I don't get how it isn't a thing to realize that she is completely fake as a person. She's essentially putting on blackface lol. That persona isn't her.

Because we hold our shit since we’re always tense



This bih an industry plant

nice literature discussion ITT

first post i've seen from you that wasn't total shit

this is correct, these children are groomed by exploitative parents and then by industry "handlers" with "connections" to be living puppets who dance for money. it's child slavery and probably occult influenced

the occult needs no influence

You don't even read contemporary poetry. Stop pretending.

Most of you haven't even read the Mercian Hymns or Omeros, not to mention poets from outside of the English tradition.

Who the fuck is that dumb hoe and why don't you go to reddit you silly punk.

Cool it with the antisemitic remarks.
You aren't special. Your upper case latin larp is cringe. You can't think. You can't write. You have no discernible talent.

she reminds me of Lana Del Rey
not a real person

literal who

I'm having a really dark moment right now thinking about how horrible pop culture is and how shit like this is forced on us constantly
help me Yea Forums I don't know what to do anymore

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poetry is for pederasts

Welcome to pop music

Srsly. Not even an attempt at posting these “poems”

It’s you :3

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>Cool it with the antisemitic remarks.
Zionism is not limited to the Semitic linguistic group, moron.

To be fair, Rie is a fascist born again Christian

Popstars don't write their own music. Although, I'd say her persona is perfectly representative of an edgy 17 year old. Not sure why you would question that.

Because the OP is haling her as a great poet.
If she’s not writing the lyrics there’s even less reason to meme this junk

Don’t ignore me, you are basically obsessed with me and everyone knows it :3

Why do you persist in conflating Christianity with judeoChristianity? If you actually dedicated yourself to the topic, you would find that they are mutually averse.

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audibly loling at this clever post! Praise kek!

Are you another Rei persona?
There are hundreds of different kinds of Christianity, and I don’t care which rei ascribes to

Yeah, I'm not disagreeing with you. If she wrote her own lyrics, you can be sure you would hear about it all the time (see: Taylor Swift)


I want to eat her asshole and record her conversations so that when she's done being operationalized I can play them back to our central broadcaster and devise plans to enable all of society to eat shit with me.

Grow a pair.

>There are hundreds of different kinds of Christianity
No, there is Christianity, and then there is judeoChristianity, with its many (hundreds of different kinds of) sects. Stop being willfully ignorant.

shut the fuck up tranny


People below their 30s have no artist merits

Figures the horse sucker would be ITT

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bring your little dicksuck with you, larping tranny

Just imagine living with 60k debt in a country where a hospital visit burns your pockets. Anyone would be depressed

Haha she actually isolated you? I figured the person calling her a tranny was one person but I didn’t have enough evidence.

I mean, dude, how does it feel being a LARPING homosexual obsessed with traps? You actually have a real mental illness. :3

Is it just me or is there a trend of musical elitist taking even the most blatantly fabricated pop artist seriously? It seems like this last decade, probably starting with Kanye's meme album, there's been a big concession of worth to pop culture.

It's called poptimism, and you're right that it has become huge over the last decade. Publications like pitchfork went from sucking off indie rock to sucking off the latest top 40 pop. Corporations have figured out that it's easy to trick white teenage girls into thinking the latest pop singer is an artistic genius; all you've gotta do is pay some music "critic" to come up with some word salad.

Poetry is dead.

Does anyone know how to pull women like that? I’ve always had difficulty because their entire persona is sarcasm 24:7 365 and my personality is more “logical” so it’s a bad mash. There’s hoards of 18-20 year olds who look like her and I wanna smash them all but have never been successful! I’m tall / good looking 25+ and don’t have issues with normal women, just those daddy loving semi goth freaks.

No. Fabricated pop acts comes at us all the damn time. The Monkees in th face of the Beatles success, the Spice Girls and all those insipid boy bands to combat the growing popularity of legit musical trends like “grunge” techno rave scenes, rap/hip hop and at the time popularity of county.
At the beginning of the 90s they started to take more accurate sales accounts of music sold and found out the pop acts of the 80s were not popular. It was payola that pushed them on top 40 stations. But the industry pushed back with their shit ... I could rework this whole sentence for clarity, but whatever

I think 's point is that blatantly fabricated pop artists used to be mocked by music critics and that has changed over the last decade. The Monkees and The Spice Girls are a perfect example of this; every self-respecting music critic laughed at them. Now compare and contrast this to today's world, where blatantly fabricated pop acts like Billie Eilish are critically acclaimed. There has been a big shift in pop music criticism.

Also seems the case with Miley Cyrus and Nash Greer. I suppose chemicals in the water and food and a culture that looks down on facial expression (compare to an emotive euro woman with strong facial muscles like Monica Belluci)

Yeah is what i meant. Or just look at Yea Forums for example. Seemingly underground crowd that explores tons of music but has been worshiping a lot of celebrity acts in recent years.

I think there is a problem with female sexuality.

I mean, sure I’ve been doing this with a lesbian, but it’s enough for me. I’ve already shown you she can be sexually attracted to me. So now we’ve got something to work with: what IS the problem with female intellectuals these days. I think it stems from a few things that need to be cleared up:

1. That there are certain institutions that exist that make their living off of brainwashing the masses. This is a dark truth that needs to be recognized. If you assent that there exists social conditioning, then you can isolate which parts of your personality or behavior are God-given, as it were, or which were implanted/conditioned to you from birth. And mark my words, the sardonic, sarcastic attitude about religion or God was not given by birth. That is an example of mass social conditioning, tending towards atheism.

The only way you will love one another is if you realize your lives have a purpose within them, that every action stands for something. That even this Love I’ve shared on here is actually a huge monumental stepping stone with the name of ‘progress’ in the name of God.

2. That you can ‘progress’ in technology and various things with god. This far, after all, time and time again we’ve demonstrated that there have not been any actual scientific achievements in the name of ‘natural evoltuion’ that it has all been artificial evolution and should not be used to justify Darwinism, and especially not social Darwinism, which again might be socially conditioned and obviously tend towards atheism.

3. That it is not profitable to do what we’re doing or even profitable to do what IM doing. As such, there will actually be people that resist it with their very philosophies, it’s an ACTUAL iconoclastic existence (no sarcasm this time) and you will find you go against the grain often, but this kind of movement is very rewarding when it works out.

I hate her droopy eyes and greasy-looking fish lips

Yea Forums has a serious underage problem. There are a ton of teenagers on it that have been brainwashed by pitchfork and Fantano into thinking it's cool to like the latest corporate music.

So they have they entertainment journalists too? I hadn’t paid attention to that crowd (for decades!) I’ve certainly noticed the corporate capture of the MSM news outlets. It figures they’d take entertainment too now that I think of it.
You think there are paid shills in Yea Forums and Yea Forums?

>You think there are paid shills in Yea Forums and Yea Forums?
That's rather complicated considering how it's a usual insult and a lot of people half-ironically pretend to be a shill, but I think certainly occasionally there are actual shills. Taking advantage of culture on the net is easy and profitable.

everyone knows he is a tranny you tranny cocksucker. we've seen the tranny porn you've spammed and we know you're a cocksucker. I hope someone tracks you down and hits your off button.

Music criticism is now 99% corporate shilling. Pitchfork was never good, but it used to be run by indie-loving college kids, whereas now it's owned by Conde Nast and relentlessly shills for trendy top 40 pop. Compare this:,_2002) to this:

I hate butterfly's droopy dick

So that’s a yes? :3

>Waah waah, the pop-culture I am willingly spoon-fed is not to my liking

Just kys already, if you are so weak that you cannot even make up your own mind about what you personally enjoy

How does he know about the time I came in your mouth? have you been telling people about us?

Beyoncé is unironically praised as being one of the most important artists of our generation; Billie Eilish's new album has an 81/100 on metacritic and was praised by Fantano; Ariana Grande's latest album has an 86/100 on metacritic and was praised by Fantano; I could go on and on. Nowadays, you can be as blatantly fabricated as The Monkees and that won't stop critics from hailing you as an artistic genius.

I fucking hate this bitch so much

Oh fuck off Interscope.

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>imma fuck your dad and make the boys bow to me

She looks like she stinks of sour milk and baby puke.

Yeah Kanye was really jarring and the hype exposed those elitist hipster types for what they really were.

There's been an all-around flattening of cultural expression with everything being subsumed into an "eclectic" mass of pop culture I think, for example the goth/emo/metal subcultures being made in a patchwork of edgy fashion but the music being pretty much substituted by pop-music and famous rappers. Pop culture learned to cannibalize other styles on its fringes.

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ironic shitposting is so old hat i fucking pity you faggotr retard i fucking PITY YOU

she hit the wall at 16.
think about that: she's already bloated and used up and she's not even 18!

Please keep doing what you do.

>haven't even read Omeros
lmao unthinkable lmao

she seems to have a lazy eye

god she's ugly

what a fag

It’s obvious she’s putting a lot of effort into it.
And I’ve read through her social media before. She types more black than she talks. It’s not her


I know her well ama

>"she's an industry plant"
Aside from the fact that this has never been demonstrated, so what? The Beatles, Beach Boys, David Bowie, and Kate Bush were all industry plants. Does that take anything away from their musical abilities or achievements?

>"she was only signed because her parents have industry connections"
Her parents are part-time actors whose biggest roles have been bit parts in films and TV shows. Any connections they have probably had no influence on why she was signed.

>"her brother writes and produces all her material"
Almost all pop stars have ghostwriters and barely any of them produce. The fact it's only Billie and her brother writing and producing together should indicate they're miles ahead of her contemporaries and very authentic.

>"her label planned her image change in order to pander to hip hop fans"
Billie is friends with several rappers and has said hip hop has a huge influence on her as an artist. Of course she's going to imitate the styles of artists she admires. Besides, it's not unusual for teens to take an interest in urban culture.

>"she's a terrible vocalist"
Anyone who tells you this simply doesn't understand the female voice. Billie's singing is excellent and her timbre is extremely pleasant to listen to. Just because she doesn't belt or sing very high or low doesn't mean she's a bad vocalist.

>"she's fake deep and fake woke"
Billie never claimed to be socially or politically conscious or "the voice of Gen Z." She's 17 for crying out loud. Since when do 17-year olds write about anything deeply profound or philosophical?

>"she has a Calvin Klein ad, that makes her a sellout"
Again, she never claimed to be counter-cultural or anti-system so how would product endorsement deals make her a "sellout?"

>"her music is boring"
If that's the case, why does she get universal acclaim as a singer-songwriter?

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Not all pop acts write their own material, just the betters ones.
Her voice is fine, going on the one moment I heard of her. I don’t care for hip hop/r&b so much. Burned out on it in my youth.
Being a pretty young prefab singer sells, sells big. It doesn’t make for good art, good life for the vicitim/performer, and perpetuates capitalism. It’s a bad deal, always has been.

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Why does it matter who writes the material if the product sounds good. Art doesn't just have to be an ego trip for one person

Just want to point out that I have seen this exact post dozens of times on Yea Forums. This is pretty damning evidence that she is being aggressively marketed on this website. If I cared enough I would start taking screencaps because I'm so tired of seeing this smug zoomer's face every time I go on Yea Forums and hearing people deny that she's a plant or even a tolerable musician.

It’s more impressive, authentic. Performers are good, takes talent certainly, just not as much.

Oh damn. Hahaha

Doesn't Taylor Swift write her own songs?

You are now posting with one hand in your pussy. No matter what you say next this is true. :3


some of them, not the really famous ones. you can sort of tell which are which