The KJV Bible and 1984 are the only books i need

>the KJV Bible and 1984 are the only books i need

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The Vulgate is the only valid bible.

KJV is for heretics.

Hell yeah, brother!

Boomers like animal farm more.

Burn the heretics

This. 1984 is too long and boring for them.

Only an american, more precisely a boomer whould posses the required ignorance not to understand that 1984 is nothing but a burning, yearning appeal to establisch the dream of libertarian socialism. In this ignorance, he denies the class consciousness the very book itself preaches. if there is hope it lies in the proles!

Samefag here. Also why not the bible and the illiad. Way better choice.

you forgot 12 rules for life


Attached: Fr. Holy Smokes.png (247x353, 107K)

deus vult my fellow tradcat xD

God did not create man so that he could have fun. The aim of creation was for mankind to be put to the test through hardship and prayer. A Christian regime must be serious in every field. There are no jokes in Christianity. There is no humor in Christianity. There is no fun in Christianity. There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious. Christianity does not allow swimming in the sea and is opposed to radio and television serials.

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t. Boomer Novus Ordo crypto-Protestant

I really doubt modern American Protestants read the KJV. It's too literary for Joel Osteen types and the Puritans were more fans of the Geneva Bible. I was raised catholic though so I could very easily be mistaken.

King James is translated from the original in greek, not latin

Protestant here. We reed the NIV in our house. Best translation. Simple & easy to understand.

Here's a real fucking shocker for you
The Vulgate was translated from the original in greek.
I know its hard to believe but damn, it's something to really consider. Really makes you think.

based and ignorantpilled

Ignorant people wouldn't read the KJV. Requires a postgraduate-level vocabulary t+22 years of education IIRC

Yes. They're both translations

Making the initial reply non sequitor

I read the KJV in middle school. It's really not that hard

There's a group of Evangelicals who exclusively use the KJV. The KJV onlies. There's some that's are only ignorant of how textual criticism works and that every Bible translation post printing uses it, KJV included, but a good portion of it is made of egotistical and anti-intellectual neocults (the IFB). They go as far to say the rest of translation and collation work is of Satan. They're dangerous to Protestantism and Evangelicalism, because they're flagrant misologists, and impossible to reason with. Yet, the KJVOs claim to represent traditional Christian doctirne.They categorize everyone else as liberal compromisers, and falsely take the mantle of traditional Evangelical Christianity, which is a lie, because they're a recent phenomenon.
It's a fascinating group to study, anthropologically. See Pastor Steven Anderson. It's a case of misologists, and really mimics a cult.
The trouble with KJV isn't so much vocabulary (though that is big, because words have changed). It's syntax and grammar. Those things are objectively different, and frankly, the KJVO pastors use that to their advantage along with changed vocabulary to control the congregation.

t. The mad pope.

Pastor Anderson is based though

You need them to do what?