What are some books about why good girls choose bad guys?

what are some books about why good girls choose bad guys?

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No More Mr. Nice Guy, unironically

Any book about evolution.


Sex and Character

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Elliot Rodger's manifesto


Bleeding Edge

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The Idiot

>good girls
implying those exist

>thinking anyone who browses this shithole is a "good guy". I doubt a website full of chads would be half as hateful

Because they all have at least 10 nice guys in queue


they don't, girls are only good when they have something to gain


protip: all women are conniving, histrionic whores that would fuck you over for one moment of pleasure

Chads actually have pretty much the same mindset, but the difference is that they're attractive/have more status/great social skills.

He's waiting for you, user


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>Eliot: why dont u love me im such a great guy
>Women: theres something off about that one
>Eliot: *goes on a shooting rampage*

Gee I cant think of a better example of women being bad at determining the quality of men.

Jung, animus and anima.

Most of us ARE nice but it is the normies who make us want to torture and slaughter them.

Can confirm. Am Chad. Am also raging misanthrope and misogynist.

>bad guys
You incels classify any man who has a gf as a 'bad guy'. Its a meaningless proposition. They are 'bad' in comparison to the irrelevant hypothetical partner you believe you would be if you ever got a gf

They abhor healthy masculinity because it makes them feel inadequate and weak.

They embrace and incentivize toxic masculinity because they themselves are toxic and are attracted to destructive behavior because they themselves are destructive.

They recognize this and it fills them with self loathing but instead of confronting the underlying psychological problems behind their attraction to toxicity it is easier and less ego-bruising to merely blame men and society to enable their own self destructive behavior. They will never be happy and they will continue to complain about men and toxic masculinity because of it.

Do not let a woman determine your own value. You understand your own value. Anyone who makes fun of “nice guys” are merely discrediting healthy masculinity because it makes them insecure.

'Raising the alarm', short story by Maupassant
free translation here woodrowwillow.com/2018/03/30/raising-the-alarm-a-new-translation-by-woodrow-s-charles-willow-of-the-short-story-cri-dalarme-by-guy-de-maupassant/
it's well worth reading, especially if you're an incel

Having good genes is an objectively good trait

Sounds like a retarded author kek

seething roastie

Being a Stacey really is heaven.

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Whatever woman say they want in men just assume they mean the opposite in most cases

12 rules for life

Agree, but remember there are multiple things understood by "nice guys". You have the ones that feel entitled to sex and love (toxic, but non-attractive ones), and you have the common man who is interested in building a relationship.
Healthy women understand the differences between toxic men ("nice" guys and toxic chads) and the real nice guys, and will pick the latter.

Of course you have a percentage of women that is obsessed with twitter, yaaaas guuurl, and hoeing around, and these will not recognize said differences (which ends up very bad for them once they're 30).

have sex

The Children of Hurin
That bitch elf got what she deserved for falling in love with the most annoying man in Arda.

"nice guy" is such a retarded label. Being nice is a default state of being you fucking idiots. Nobody deserves an award for being nice, it just means you passed a basic test of social interaction to not be a rude motherfucker.
"bad guys" are also nice most of the time. its just that they also have self-confidence and the ability to assert themselves.

Yeah the only reason girls get with dudes you don’t personally approve of approve is because those dudes are more attractive than you.

This. Those who call themselves nice do it because it's the best trait they can find about themselves. Anyone who thinks of themselves as a "nice guy" is covering up either a deep sense of shame or a stunning lack of traits. Those are the sources of your women problems. Face them responsibly

just shut the fuck up, redditors

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Maupassant was fucking redpilled. I feel a vague urge invigorating me when I read him. Do you know any other short stories like this?

The world has problems, they aren't just mine.

Lyric insert for The Drug in Me Is You by Falling in Reverse

Weininger had literally read every philosopher under the sun and was fluent in Latin, Ancient Greek, French, English, Italian, Spanish as well as competent in Danish and Swedish by the time he was 22, which is the age he committed suicide.

Wuthering Heights
Her heart belonged to Heathcliff

They don't. They choose risk takers.

Complicated post. Emily Bronte is widely considered one of the most masculine female writers (and coincidentally and rightfully so one of the all time greatest female writers; Her and Woolf exist in the western canon etc.)

Heathcliff was a good character who actually became bad due to Catherine's hypergamous attempt at securing Edgar Linton, whilst still loving Heathcliff.

The result being that Heathcliff got redpilled faster than the speed of light and basically did all he could to fuck up her lineage as quickly as possible, turning into a bad guy in the process.
Catherine started to claim her love for Heathcliff as soon as he became redpilled and therefore actionably "bad", becoming a widow to his love.

Emily Bronte was one of the few writers to accurately personify the: "have the cake and eat it too" attitude of women, which is so prevalent today. Women will never be happy, as soon as Catherine moved into Thrushcross Grange with all it's luxuries, she started thinking about how her life could be even better.
Young Heathcliff: No bucks / no fucks. Linton: Beta bucks. Heathcliff after realizing his whole life is a joke: Earns enough money for Catherine to notice, but can't escape or move forward because he whole life's value is in his oneitis.
It's a masterpiece.

I can't believe you took that from one of the most beautiful books ever written. Have sex
Male incels write shit like your posts while femcels write things like Wuthering Heights.

I bet you're one of those morons who thinks Emily was a feminist despite being a devout Christian


most femcels just write angry twitter posts

What people complain about when they say they're 'nice guys' is that wife-beater dickheads are having a lot more sex than they are. If you work a 50 hour week in a factory and get fuck all, you'd be angry at the banker chads who make 100x your salary with seemingly no effort, who also fuck millions out of their retirement funds. 'Nice guys' is an implorement to karma and sowing what you reap.

Imagine if we apply this logic to other aspects of society.

>You feel entitled to other people's wealth? Disgusting.

>The fact that you feel entitled to a 'living wage' is disgusting and gross. Employers have a right to monetary autonomy, you sick fuck.

Yeah he mostly wrote retarded things. Another proof that reading doesn't shield you from stupidity.

Yes, proven by all the fangirls he got after his death. Great example, brain-thinking user.

Any intro evo psych textbook. Buss is good, readable. Aggressive males are sexually selected. Also, you probably aren't thinking of "good" girls, they are just good-looking. Big difference