Describe this face and its features. Use the written word to re-image it for me, as though I'd never seen it before

Describe this face and its features. Use the written word to re-image it for me, as though I'd never seen it before.

Attached: 897261389123.jpg (600x434, 58K)

he is a scalene polyhedron with visible eczema

describing apperance is always impossible beyond broad strokes, no reader will imagine them the same

Old, white; everything wrong with the world. He's visibly arrogant, like a "guy" who's "seen a lot." White hair. White facial hair. Just white; white. That old European stock you don't see much in the New World. Too white. Crisp and clean. Hasn't worked a day of honest labor in his life. The lines in his face are crisp, just like the dollar bills he counts every morning. White.

chiseled by the challenge of leading convicts to patrol a cold landscape, wrinkled by time and wisdom. the blue eyes and white hair and short beard contrasted with the black uniform of the Night's Watch.

This guy's gonna be in HISDARKAMATERIALS

The Patriarchy.

pasty old white guy

A sunken grave faced man with silver whiskers stroked with gold. The man possess a broad nose and swift swept hair cropped to his large ears. His blue eyes and brow and forehead are wrinkled from many nights of strain and stress.

He was a noble man's Bukowski. Laconic, with a face chizzled as if from iron ore and shale- hair that stretched back as if it were tamped down snow, or a field of wet barley in a heavy storm. Eyes in a perpetual state of cold calculating concern. Pocked face, with clefts and divots resembling the lonely beaten side of the moon


I like it except I would remove either cold or calculating

Thanks I agree, I regreted adding that part once I posted it. It didnt make sense and it kind of screwed with the flow

Fuck off redditor

This board is part of Reddit now, faggot. Learn to live with it or fucking leave.

White boomer scum

An older, bearded Brienne of Tarth

Sorry, maybe you'll feel more eager to describe this one instead?

Attached: 89613908123.jpg (330x330, 24K)


White. Evil. Everything wrong with society.

I've seen a lot of faces trudging up and down the old cobbler trail. His features were not unlike what you'd expect from weatherbeaten men you'd pass by: cascading ridges from chin to forehead - or was it the other way around? Yet there was something else. The man has clearly been refrigerated in the God's own cooler, and his graniteous countenance took some features a cheese long in tooth usually sprouts. Yes, there were reeds and bushes and lot of it, all dried, all bleached. He was not a happy man.

decent, I agree with

a bit tryhard, doesn't really conjure an image

It has two ears, two eyes, a nose and a mouth.
This strange creature will make for the most excellent trophy to show my brothers back home.

The guy had a big fuckin' nose, but the rest of his face was so huge his nose looked small. Also a white beard. He had a white beard.

>looks like a mix between that one old guy from braveheart and renton's dad in trainspotting