You are Crito. What do you say to Socrates to convince him to escape?

You are Crito. What do you say to Socrates to convince him to escape?

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Aristotle will destroy philosophy if you don't stick around

Come with me or I'll kill myself

>You like Agathon? Wait until you see the Theban boys.

I say nothing because he never existed.

I don't. The man made his decision and there is nothing i or anyone can say to convince him otherwise. Godspeed, you magnificent bearded son of a bitch. Drink some hemlock for the Gods as well.

dude who gives a shit

Wasn't he given multiple opportunities to simply walk out the prison door? Socrates was a total poser.

Nothing, if Socrates left, everything he said would be rendered worthless. Socrates knew this.

He did escape

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get the fuck out you retard they're gonna kill you

>Aristotle will fix philosophy

His reasoning was that he'd be a poser if he left

the only thing to come out of aristotle are his ethics and maybe MAYBE his works on rhetoric and poetics

This, it's hard to find a counter to his argument for staying. For him to disobey the ruling, it would mean a citizen has full right to oppose their leadership on a personal whim, so the status of the court goes from a flawed but necessary instrument of social order to a toss-up where the result is unpredictable and can only be said to degrade a society rather than improve it. I'm not too knowledgeable on Plato, but I believe it's his understanding that a Democracy is still best when its constituent parts are all functioning as they should, and some misstep like ignoring the commands of the jury would bring them closer to Tyranny than further good. That's my interpretation anyways.

wrong, wrong, wrong

And his great works on nature and science and the elements.

> I'm not too knowledgeable on Plato, but I believe it's his understanding that a Democracy is still best when its constituent parts are all functioning as they should,


This is the part where you explain why I'm wrong, user. Go ahead.

Not that guy but Plato basically says democracy isn’t that good anyway, it’s a lesser evil at best. enlightened monarchy is ‘best’, with some caveats.

The point in that dialogue is more of a moral one - 1. Socrates has accepted all other rulings that have happened during his life in Athens without looking into each one to see if they were ‘right’ and 2. he’s lived, by his account, happily thus far under the laws of the city, laws which he has readily accepted for better or worse. So he would be a double hypocrite if he tried to escape

You're an actual retard

If i looked like that i'd want to drink hemlock too


You're a pathetic fat sack of shit submitting to a corrupt system, in fact I don't even want you to leave, YOU SHOULD kill yourself, not because of "MUH VIRTUE" but because you're such a pathic slave moralist. Unironically drink hemlock you ugly cunt.

Then just walk off.

>be fat old man
>die in like two years anyways if you escape
>decide to stay just for an epic death and making your political enemies look bad even in 2015+4

*gulps hemlock*

Give Socrates a copy of "Ego and Its Own" in Ancient Greek.

“There’s a guy outside saying he’s right all the time.”

Oh man there's some guy teaching hot young boys virtue (he pretended he could that btw)

I'd say shut the fuck up combiner

Best post.



