
Lay down your book and drop 100 µg of LSD. It will teach you more than all the books in the entire world ever could.

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Other urls found in this thread:

don't think so

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nice try CIA, I only do coke and alcohol which is for based and redpilled thinkers.

No thanks, Joe.

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I don't really like drugs anymore but maybe i'll go see phish for the 4th of july

who cares, I read for fun

Joe has never done LSD

>he lives his life behind a wall of illusion

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There is time enough for both. Finished The Technological Society at work last night, finally, fellas. Pretty stoked as it had turned into kind of a slog for a bit of it. Highly recommend it even if I am as yet uncertain how I feel about his analysis in total. I have a huge backlog and am not sure what to read next. Hopefully some fiction, I guess, to ease my simple mind.

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Only 100, what you have a pussy or what?

Mushrooms are much better and we have evolved with them.

Rick and morty is masonic propaganda

>you need this (lsd) to feel that (enlightment) you can say the same of whatever you want to say.
the lsd hysteria was in the 60´s and end like the fake it was, there is no ultimate conscience. you start with this and you end with the osho master i dont need names pseudo guru "all is one" hippis are warriors bullshit.
every trophy have a shadow inside.

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When my friend sent me that picture I almost thought about not buying it because of how repulsed I am by that cartoon. I still bought a ten strip in the end. It is pretty good stuff.

How much?

I think I got it for 6/hit. I could have gotten a better deal if I got a sheet of course but I really don't have a lot of time to do it any more. I had half a vial that lasted me like a year.

Absolutely not, and 100µg? Lmao, zoomers are pathetic
>i fuckin love science & microdosing!!!!

existence is big cosmic joke, trust me, LSD is as unnecessary as anything else in life. Once you get the call you don't have to answer the phone anymore. Go with the flow now and live the most comfortable life possible.

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>oh man le epic ram das quote
kys fag

I appreciate your edginess but let that sink in a little bit. It's always too late to kill yourself, If you have to do it, you should do it before everything, before life.

Cool bro you did acid like twice and vomit up quotes from the burnouts of 50 years ago. Got any other pilfered wisdom you'd like to share? I think I've got a quarter.

holy fuggin.... BASED!!!!

The absolute state of druggies

t. CIA

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t. seething incels who aren't cool enough to be offered drugs

Dude put the book down and just look in my kaleidoscope for 12 hours. You can see everything!


t. Seething braindead drug abuser who is too burnt out to realize being offered drugs is not cool at all since it only requires having a 20 dollar bill and hanging out with low quality filth.

Meant to quote

Don't talk about things you don't know about incel, I realize this limits your topics of conversation but just think, when someone makes a thread about what it's like to be a 30 year old virgin NEET who has spent his whole life on the internet you'll be johnny on the spot

have sex

If you've never acted like a wook you're not a real drug user pal

I've never drank or done any drugs and I never will.

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read some Cioran, that'll help you out, you don't seem to understand, but again, this is Yea Forums I don't expect you to read anything, do as you wish, don't mind, don't care, have a nice life.

drink beach incel


I have used: psilocybin mushrooms, amanita mushrooms, LSD, LSA, ayahuasca, DMT, 4-ACO DMT, 2cE, 2cI, MDMA, MDA, salvia, nitrous oxide, amphetamines, cocaine, freebase cocaine, marijuana, synthetic marijuana, heroin, ketamine.

I have also had sex.

Final thoughts looking back on nearly a decade of debauchery?
Drugs are a waste of time, a health risk and a morally depraved sideshow. And sex is for married couples.

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yawn. lsd, despite being an entertaining little substance, is now regularly used and raved about by everyone and their mother. if you can come out of a trip with insights totally unlike most other trippers, then maybe you can make a case for using it recurrently.

also: the comedown was one of the most soul-crushing, melancholic experiences of my life. never again

>no you don't understand just read this author and you'll adopt my faggoty ascetic opinions on substance abuse
I hope you get hit by a semi. You retards are insufferable.

>dude psychedelics lmao

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I love it when fried out druggies try to drag other people down. "Just send your brain into chemical chaos maaan, it opens your mind. You understand so much more. Nevermind that it's just your fucked up brain thinking that. It's an expeeeeriance"

kill yourself you incel larping as a degenerate

Imagine being this much of a hipster, and a little bitch to boot.

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I did LSA yesterday.
You'd have to be braindead not to know the CIA used ergot compounds on American civilians for social control.
A lot of the MKULTRA stuff is declassified now. Go read about it while you're tripping.

Yikes. I had to ear like 40 BHWR to ever get off on that and it felt like shit.

if you saw what i look like in person, you wouldn't say this. i don't intend this as some empty threat, just a casual observation based on my day-to-day social interaction

>You'd have to be braindead not to know the CIA used ergot compounds on American civilians for social control.
>A lot of the MKULTRA stuff is declassified now. Go read about it while you're tripping.
imagine being the kind of boomer who cares what the CIA does. You're boring as fuck my dude

>can't handle babbys first trip
>omg the come down guys
>gets threatened by being called a bitch online
Post blown out ears and nautical/floral sleeve

what drives people like to this to incessantly post absolutely nothing

>just look the other way while we train death squads to massacre four year old Nicaraguans and spend your tax money invading foreign countries that pose no threat because the weapons lobby bought your politicians and they need to sell more weapons
Yeah, nah

If you take too much you get really sick and trip less in my experience.

Based. I'm tired of so many people trying to push the narrative that drugs are good. It's ironic how people hate cigarettes now, but think weed is perfectly healthy.

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>It's ironic how people hate cigarettes now, but think weed is perfectly healthy.
dude we live in like, a society man!!
shut up redditor

It is odd that people refuse to acknowledge that smoke of any kind contains carcinogens. Edibles are the acceptable way to mitigate that risk with weed.

fa fawawa fa fawawa fa fa fa fawa!!!!!!!!!!

why must i make them exclusive? reading has only helped give me a physical foundation to appreciate and discuss psychedelia more than i would have if i had merely taken them as a fresh dumb soul. i get both, and both serve extremely well.
anyone done dmt?

and aren't you just so much better than everyone for pointing out the hypocrisy? Jesus christ this board is filled to the gills with 13 year olds.

Are you a libtard or something?
Anyway shut up boomer the CIA is a non entity. It means literally less than nothing to me.

Kek. I am 28.

Go fuck yourself
I'll post whatever I want

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LSD was studied for its possible use in brainwashing. It was a failure.

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As some one who likes DMT and is terrified of jimsonweed this is hilarious

Not all of Project MKULTRA is declassified, and it's a pretty big coincidence that psychedelic drugs became incredibly popular amongst the politically active right as the CIA was testing them and immediately when the drug war was beginning.

>it's a pretty big coincidence that psychedelic drugs became incredibly popular amongst the politically active right as the CIA was testing them and immediately when the drug war was beginning.

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I'm interested but I am a robot so I have no connections to buy LSD or have a tripbuddy to watch me and make sure I don't do something stupid.

The Nixon administration admitted to using the war on drugs to attack the antiwar left and the civil rights movement.
It's a little ridiculous that you think the CIA had no part whatsoever in the political aspect of the drug war when they were testing one of the most popular drugs themselves for political purposes at that very time.

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What is the claim you are making other than
a. Bad people took an interest in LSD.
b. Young people enjoy getting fucked up and took a drug that was available and for a time not illegal.
That the CIA and hippies, or whatever, were experimenting with LSD near the same time isn't all that surprising as it was invented only in 1943 and had been a prescription medication. It was new, for a drug, at the time and it had interesting effects. As well it wasn't a schedule 1 drug until the 70s.

Lots of drugs were invented right before the summer of love, but didn't become ubiquitous. LSD isn't easy to make, and the federal government had a vested interest in destabilizing and sabotaging social movements occurring the time, were already experimenting with using LSD as a tool against political opponents, and were demonstrably heavily inflitrating colleges and political groups. The CPUSA at one point in the 60s had more feds than regular members. Fred Hampton was drugged, at the direction of the FBI, by an informant the night the FBI assassinated him.
I'm saying you're being naive if you don't think that part of the reason psychedelic drugs became pervasive and why the mantra "tune in, turn on, drop out" became the political motto of that generation was social engineering.

LSD does not teach you anything. The "revelation" you experience is just your brain's senses and workings being temporary shattered and torn to pieces. It's no different from having a dream of your friend trying to stab you, and, even when knowing it's a dream, you try and frame your friend as a potential murderer. It is just all of your memories and thoughts from your life being vomited at you, with no cohesive meaning.

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That’s pathetic honestly

You’re inherently more naive than most of the population

if it isn't an incel accusation, it's a plebbit accusation
get creative, you lazy assholes

Why don't you think dreams can teach you anything, and why do you think your unity of experience isn't also as illusory as your dreams?


I've also done acid, dat, salvia, ketamine, coke, weed, some random jungle drugs...

Basically, psychedelics just amplify whatever is already in your own head. There's a reason the biggest proponents of them are such egotistical tossers; they love have their own self echoed back to them. Kinda ironic considering psychedelics are meant to cause ego death, it's bullshit.


hey, you're being really mean. i shared a difficult experience i had and you're just making fun of it. that's not okay. i have clinical depression

and all my floral sleeves have patchouli on them, mom hasn't washed them yet. asshole

100 µg of LSD is such a small dose for a beginner. and yeah drugs are stupid don't do it

How am I naive for not doing something I know is bad for my health?

Drugs aren't bad for your health.
Toxicity is entirely a matter of dose. This is something we've know for two millenia.

you know what else is bad for your health? eating like shit and not doing exercise. Know what’s bad for your mental health? being isolated and not talking to anyone while watching anime and reading Pessoa

>not doing both
Enjoy being stuck in the 3d, fool

>isolation is bad for your mental health
Ha! Maybe if you're a faggy EXTROVERT!
>imagine being too afraid of you own mind to handle alone time

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>Fred Hampton was drugged
With LSD? No. I believe it was barbiturates, so he couldn't put up a fight. Drugging has a long and storied history as a weapon. The FBI found much better use of cocaine and heroin in disrupting black radicals. Altogether this has nothing to do with LSD being some tool of oppression.
>The CPUSA at one point in the 60s had more feds than regular members.
Yes we are all familiar with COINTELPRO. The United States government, like all governments which wish to persist, has a vested interest in disrupting and monitoring potentially troublesome groups. I think you are working on a gish gallup here.
>"tune in, turn on, drop out"
Is not a political motto. It is something retards used to say.
The CIA was actually trying to find new methods of interrogation and ways to induce false confessions (as they believed the Soviets had such techniques) and it failed. Subsequent to this, you seem to believe, they foisted this drug upon to the populace.. for what? To create a bunch of obnoxious teen boomers who thought they had figured it out, man? Wouldn't it have been more productive for them to try and shoehorn those kids into a job and a mortgage? Your theory makes no sense. If you want to destroy people and demoralize them, there are much better drugs to do that with (and they did). Getting a bunch of young people to stare at their hands for inordinate amounts of time does nothing for the CIA, especially given the fact that, although people often confusedly conflate them, the 60s New Left and the flower children were not the same people.

Yeah but it is fun and pleasant.

Everything in moderation. Social interaction is a biological necessity.

No one cares boomer.

100? Did 210, and was bored out of my hooper, never getting those 15 hours back
Don't bother with this garbage overhyped escapist bs

Dude shut the fuck up. You're just spamming bot responses. Its diseased for you to behave like this which you surely do all of the time.

You're mostly right, but I think you're greatly underestimating the potential for LSD to be socially disruptive. It absolutely isn't an effective mind control drug, but it can make a person completely ineffective and useless for hours, and make them extremely open to suggestion (much like dreaming, hence set and setting). I don't think setting up your political opponents with jobs and property is the solution. You don't want them enfranchised. In that case, the best case scenario when you can't convert your political opponents (while the new left and the hippies weren't the same, there was significant overlap, especially on protesting Vietnam) is to destabilize them and decrease their political and social effectiveness. If you're spending all day tripping and blowing bubbles on the acid you picked up from that rando at the show, you probably aren't going to make it to the march. Anyway, using LSD as a tool for social engineering doesn't preclude also using those other drugs, which you seem to be implying.
You're being rather dismissive of a reasonable conclusion about the use of LSD for social engineering. Besides, even though MKULTRA ended up concluding LSD was useless for mind control, they hadn't done so until years after the timeframe that we're talking about, so it doesn't have any bearing on whether they would attempt to use it for this purpose at this time.

This. Ram Dass, Terrence McKenna, Alan Watts and the like, all strike me now as “egotistical tossers” as you so eloquently put it. Of course, this is years after my experiences with psychedelics, and subsequent rejection of their merit. At the time, I thought they were the raddest dudes to ever live.

Look up ken kesey and the clifford ball. I'm a complete burnout but I'm not naive. Old school phish heads will warn you about spooks and their psychedelic water guns.

>Kinda ironic considering psychedelics are meant to cause ego death
They aren't meant to do anything and muh ego death is for servile wimps
>ever liking those cheesy guru hacks
You're just a born follower, this has nothing to do with drugs.

no boomer it's diseased for you to obsess over what the CIA allegedly or supposedly does in some foreign hellhole and whether they killed Juan Carlos or Mohammed or somebodies fucking dog, who gives a fuck? your supposed ethics is just a giant cope for the fact your life is going nowhere and so you obsess over the sins of some shadowy government agency that is actually a lot more banal and tame than your feeble mind would like to imagine

Log off

Quit responding to the teenager

Not even reading past your second word. Stop posting retard.

I used to be a druggie burnout, too. did tons of acid and shrooms and thought I was enlightened. I wasn’t. and looking back now, I was a fucking stupid teenage burnout.

Who's your favorite band

not an argument

>"stop posting one word responses to my shitty argument"
>gets btfo
>I'm not reading all that lol
haha kill yourself my man

>replies twice in a row to mass highlight in a desperate bid for more (you)s
Reminder to crtl+f boomer and report for spamming/flooding

one of those isn't me you dumb boomer

>being this mad you lost the argument
why don't you go suck a dick to score money for your precious weed, dude?

>the guy running D for the botposter can't even follow what's going on
what happened to this board

if you give me one more (You) I'll stop bumping this thread

yeah give him one more (You) prove you're not a seething boomer

>seeking transcendence from something material, pharmakeia worst of all
What a retard.


>Drugs are a waste of time, a health risk and a morally depraved sideshow. And sex is for married couples.

Absolutely Based.

Why are individuals in this thread conflating ethicomorally, and medically, detrimental psychoactive substances, with ethicomorally, and medically, neutral, or temporally beneficial ones? And why are individuals in this thread blaming their personal void, and deficient imagination, on the stimulative properties of the neutral/temporally beneficial psychoactive substances?

I don't understand the questoni

>what if reality is an illusion and LSD trips are real
>drugs aren't bad for your health
that means that shooting up meth is perfectly okay. take a syringe full of nicotine and kill yourself.

Why do people propound grand theories as if it's a race to see who had it all figured out sooner? Why do people feel like they need to have strong opinions at the ready about highly strange and complex and mysterious subjects? Why are people always fucking retarded and obtuse and arrogant, fuck every single one of you honestly.

based (you) baiter

>It will teach you
if you are inclined to learn
>more than all the books in the entire world ever could
by all means go ahead!
The absolute most dangerous interpretation I could imagine taking from any psychedelic experience is the notion that "you" have, in all the traditional dogmatic senses, ""gained"" """knowledge""". The first time one comes out of the cave they are bound to be impressed, so much so that they may mistake the character of being impressed for the condition of acquiring new understanding. I really hate sounding like this, because I think psychedelics have benefited me - but I do not hold that they have "benefited" ""me"". Undoubtedly there are rungs of experimentation, things that I haven't seen from psychedelics that could maybe "benefit" ""me"". It could potentially benefit many if my meat-body were eviscerated and scattered to feed the hungry. I'm extremely skeptical of anyone attempting to totalize psychedelics and especially others attempting to tell others how they are used and believing either extreme. Inb4 le radical centrist I guess

Really most of this is subsumed in the human narrative of attempting to warn others but hey I guess I'm browsing this website with my time right now. Could be actively seeking out 1000 mics to ingest instead, perhaps that would be better. Turns out God only speaks in recognizable narrative forms - thank God!

I also imagine that repeatedly taking psychedelics while under the impression that they are imparting you divine knowledge but not recognizing that they are framing it as divine knowledge would appear to me as a ticking time bomb. A ticking time bomb to who? I guess you want to relinquish your poor, earthly human parts and partake in the true LSD universe? Do you not see the spider in the corner? Or the bigger one right behind your back? Ever see that one scene from the third lotr movie? Cause (and let me sell it to you for cash) that spider is the REAL LSD EXPERIENCE.

I would like to experiment with psychodelics some day, simply because its annoying that people who have such experiences dont seem able to translate what they have learned to conventional language in any meaningful way

>what they have learned to conventional language in any meaningful way
cause you don't learn anything you just see some stuff, and I don't mean that as in you see the undeniable mathematical proof of the existence of God but oopsies can't capture it in langauge, how cooky! Its like you can look at a bunch of plants right, and you and I can look at each other and say plant to each other and we get the plant feeling from each other, its even likely that the biological structure of our eyes/brains is in some sense yielding similar "images" between the two of us, but I don't see the memories you have of plants - I see the memories I have of plants. Plants planting at me is different than plants planting at you but we can both kinda plant at each other? Then you extend this to your own thoughts thoughting at you, or should I say thotting as they vie for who gets to be spoken.

>Why do people propound grand theories
identity = advertising
Why did you post?

Because most individuals are not capable of realizing that
>highly strange and complex and mysterious subjects
must be mediated, so that the superfluities that inhere within their referents may be purged, not made more complicated. Perfect simplicity and easiness are the true attainment of Soul.

I secretly regret never trying anything like this, but I don't even know how and where I would at this point in my life. Maybe there's too much to lose for me now.

There's not really anything to lose, unless you have family history of mental illness / schizophrenia

I'm talking about getting screwed over legally. Even marijuana is still very much illegal where I live.

If you want to have a pro-social, religious experience where you're like, totally one with this tree man, take some mushrooms with friends.

If you want to have a serious, analytical examination of your unconscious mind, all the biases and assumptions it has collected, and to be able to step out of them for a moment into a new perspective (that might be useful or totally ungrounded) take LSD alone.

Obviously don't be so retarded/self-assured as to kill yourself because you didn't have a "trip sitter"

buy some bitcoin, go on a DNM and order it. LSD's the easiest and least conspicuous when it arrives in the mail

I don't think that I need LSD.

I don't make a habit of it but I think everybody (possibly minus the already schizophrenia-adjacent) should do acid once.

Like you said, it allowed me to see myself from a different perspective and I give it a lot of credit with helping me work on my depression and anxiety.
Did more for me than fucking lexapro, anyway

I feel like doing it every couple of weeks to watch a movie or listen to Pink Floyd, you know, making it a habit just because you like pretty colors kind of misses the point, but to each his own I guess

Honestly used to really like Terrence McKenna until I read enough to realize he was just lump-sum gathering a lot of different language theories together and then spicing it up with I-Ching interpretation. Shame though, if you want some science with your psychedelic crazy you could try reading Lilly (if you're at all still interested in that kind of thing, though it is very limited like you infer).

100 ug does nothing lol

I always listen to Buckethead when I take my LSD

Would definitely recommend it for depression/anxiety, or anyone who feels constrained in any way by their DMN.

Not sure I'd agree that everyone should do it though. A lot people are pretty content with the space they occupy with their consciousness, and are more interested in having some fun / bonding with friends rather than an existential crisis.

To them i'd recommend mushrooms instead, where it seems like your attention is naturally directed outwards, instead of LSD, where you still have some more freedom in directing your attention, but its not easy if you're not serious/careful about it, and can inadvertently lead to things like thought loops, bad trips, etc

I took one 100ug hit the first time and regretted not taking more. I wouldn't say it was particularly unpleasant but it wasn't nice hanging inbetween like that, I think it's better to be either tripping or sober. Three hits the second and third times were a lot of fun. Not much life insight, except for making me see the inherent light and beauty emanating from everything and making me truly not take existence for granted for the first time. At the peak life felt like a surreal cartoon. Now I've had hits of acid and some truffles sitting in the drawer for years and I haven't felt like taking them yet. When I was reading and learning about psychedelics for years I thought I'd be eating handfuls shrooms in darkness and exploring the lizard people dimension but I don't care to do that anymore. I've tried acid, shrooms and mescaline and I think mescaline is the one I'd rather stick with. It's more mellow than acid and I didn't like the hallucinations on mushrooms, they felt somehow dirty and wicked

I've done psilocybin, LSD, LSA, every imaginable form of weed/THC, nitrous, alcohol, and I've had sex.

On my final mushroom trip I came to the same conclusion: it's all a huge waste of time. People who are obsessed with shilling psychedelics are usually narcissists who like to massage their egos by putting themselves above people who haven't experienced psychedelics. Psychedelics can be helpful to get yourself out of a rut, but once you get the message, hang up the phone. It's 99% a masturbatory waste of time.

All it did was make me schizophrenic.
Thanks LSD!


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im terrified of having a psychotic break from doing any drugs
i already get a bit wonky from getting drunk
on 2 meds for deprosso/anxeeto/bipolo II and then stimulants

if you have imagination you dont be too surprised by acid. only materialistic people or people with a dry inner world get really hot with the possibilities of acid.

My grandmother is possibly schizo, but I haven't had any symptoms of the schiz my entire life. Am I safe to do acid?

No one knows. Is the risk worth it to you? I'd recommend against it.

Not even close to microdosing though

I was partying on amphetamines and extasy, smoked 40 cigs on one night, cause you can smoke like lucky luke on that substances. But my behaviour was starting to get a litte bit psychotic. I also drank so much alcohol, like 25 beers a night, haha. My weight was somewhere around 69Kg. I was partying like a bot. And I could jerk off to porn until my brain had started to feeling like chewing gum. I was so fucking obsessed, like a demon. But I had the biggest comedown of my life. Imagine anxiety and depression on the highest level possible. It was a real fight man! I even started to hear voices and I tought everyone was laughing at me, hahaha. I've felt completely worthless. Even lost my apartment. It was a lesson for life.

So don't get scared, you can try it if you want to. You will not die.
But I never took LSD.

I've never done LSD but planning to after looking after some friends in their first trip.

Is there really so little of a point?

>It's ironic how people hate cigarettes now, but think weed is perfectly healthy.
from my experience most people who smoke weed also smoke cigs

this isn't literature

this thread itself is written word and therefore literature, and therefore literature, and therefore literature, and therefore literature, and therefore literature...

your post is a paradox

I guarantee you have had caffeine before.

Hello? I stopped masturbating...


I'll take your side user, as someone who has done a bunch of drugs + drinking.
Intoxication is categorically not good.

everyone knows the glowing niggers tried it and it failed at mind control

weed usually causes less deaths because nobody rolls and smokes 20 joints every day like a pack a day cig smoker. they're both toxic but only smoking 1 or 2 max a day of either won't harm you much if youre healthy otherwise.

hey guys how about this: both drugs and books are cool

at this point, ayahuasca is mainly used by rich kids who want a "natural, spiritual" psychedelic and are afraid of dmt because it's refined.

>because nobody rolls and smokes 20 joints every day
i do.

LSD and any other drug doesnt teach you anything. It is an experience that alters your state of consciousness. It merely offers, or forces, a different perspective on reality to the one using it. Its really up to the individual to interpret and learn anything from that experience, just like any other experience.

Psychedelics are just like a sledge hammer that can change your perspectice, for better or worse, quickly.

You faggots who have never taken psychedelics cant comment on it at all. Fucking newbs.

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Where to source lsd online?
>t cia

silkroad mr gov

t. Dude who bought a long expired tab of NBOMe and had a shit trip

seems more like a boldfaced lie than a paradox

If you live in like Singapore then i'd also be concerned, but if you're in a western country and you get caught trying to buy two tabs of acid, 95% of the time in most places, your only punishment will be a condescending tone and maybe a warning on your record.

I think weed is way worse for psychotic potentials than acid, I and many people I know have had some pretty bad experiences high (or after getting high on acid) but I haven't had a particularly bad trips on just acid, I wouldn't recommend it if you think theres a chance, but something to consider if you've smoked plenty of weed and haven't had any serious anxiety attacks or anything

That's what the drug lords want you to believe.

LSD is in a league of its own. It pretty much single handedly fixed my life.

I have used psylocibin, lsd, mdma, mda, and mescaline

They were all very very interesting experiences.
The mescaline trip changed my life entirely.

Why does everyone have to say X is COMPLETELY NO GOOD.. everyone has different paths in life, man.

the amount of understanding that a psychedelic can provide is mostly dependent on the things you already know. They don't provide information, they enable you to change your perspective. A well-read person will get more out of a dose than you.
also, blotter acid is peasant shit.

>I abused drugs therefore everyone else who does drugs are abusers

God damn you're retarded.

I'd recommend against it. But what
Says about weed is correct. Weed is much worse for your psyche if you have a family history of mental illness.

LSD is much different to MDMA/Ecstasy.
The comedowns aren't nearly as bad, and are often introspective rather than depressing and anxiety-inducing as the case can be for MDMA and amphetamines.
In my experience your emotional mindset on LSD almost becomes like a child's (in a good sense - you don't become as dumb as one), and a lot of random things can trigger weird emotional response, usually irrational ones that make you happy, sad or melancholy (Again, based on my experience - it's almost always different for everyone).

I've done LSD a handful of times and I do agree that it depends on the one using it, and it's up to the individual to interpret the experience.
I think if you're looking for enlightenment to some higher intelligence when you take it - it's most likely not what you'll find. It's a fun, spiritual experience but it's not going to change you as a person unless you, yourself are willing to change anyway.

Anyone here done DXM?
It basically got me back into reading.

I take a mid-3rd plateau dose, lie down in the dark, put on some music and relax.
The amount of vivid details about stories I can make up in my head is insane (i mean like i can visualise a scene, and then the words to describe the scenery come to me easily). I often want to write them down, but I never get around to it.

Everything in this post is correct

I don't know if Terence Mckenna said this or if I heard it somewhere, but the true psychedelics are humanizing agents you might say. They make people more compassionate, aware and self-aware and thoughtful, they don't change who you are but amplify it. Everything in your brain becomes amplified and loosened simultaneously. It was a very fun and teaching and spiritual experience, and it did make me turned on or awakaned in some way. I'm not enlightened but I'm more here and more myself than I was before. I definitely wouldn't recommend tripping to anyone, depressed idiots and people who are already a little loose should probably stay away from it. I'd say it's for people already on the way of philosophy and spirituality who just need a little push, some may be progressed enough to not need it ever

I'll lay my book down on your head at 400 miles per second and shatter your drugged addled cumbrain into atoms you fucking nigger

>high speed
dont let this tranny behind the wheel

Magic mushrooms are technology. Aliens used magic mushrooms and other advanced technology to cultivate our consciousness. We're literally a space farm of people and consciousness cultivated by clone hybrid insectoid creatures maybe from another dimension controlled by another reptillian species whose purpose we don't understand

If LSD is so good, why did hippies destroy the West?

unironically instagram

read this instead
>The Doors of Perception is a book by Aldous Huxley. Published in 1954, it elaborates on his psychedelic experience under the influence of mescaline in May 1953. The book takes its title from a phrase in William Blake's 1793 poem The Marriage of Heaven and Hell.[1] Huxley recalls the insights he experienced, ranging from the "purely aesthetic" to "sacramental vision",[2] and reflects on their philosophical and intellectual implications.

Attached: DoorsofPerception.jpg (262x380, 20K)

fuck off back to Italy then, mamma mia!

It was okay. Trip reports are gay.

>why did hippies destroy the West?

They didn't. Woodstock *cough* and the general time period were just about people getting together, listening to music, and enjoying life. Hippies (except for Charles Manson) are generally nice people afaik, not that I've met many hippies.

Hippies were an MKULTRA experiment and under the rhetoric they're a bunch of egotistical burnouts
>t. ex tour rat

Nice people with no values are shit people to make a society with.

>Trip reports are gay.

ultimate onions cope

Attached: 1558830438589.jpg (720x542, 89K)

Then why all people i know became retarded after using psychedelics? That shit just destroys your mind

don't listen to the fun police, it's a fine drug

you'd think a board that is ostensibly obsessed with the greeks would know that moderation is a virtue in all things. binging and abstinence are both forms of overindulgence, it's better to take your drugs but also be able to not overdo it

>check out this kaleidoscope i have found, it has all the answers to every question ever asked.
What does it teach you?

Scared of drugs, often times smoked weed way too late in life
Drinks alcohol to overcome social anxiety
Used to drink and smoke weed, doesnt do either anymore
Does hard drugs on occasion, but usually sober (no caffeine either)

>dude tradlarp lmao

haha, def this

Great game

>I hope you get hit by a semi.

Attached: vVkoPPU.gif (250x250, 992K)

Stay away from psychedelics long enough and you'll become disillusioned by the "knowledge" they give you. I feel more at ease "spiritually" after years without drugs than I ever did dropping LSD, smoking DMT, or eating mushrooms.


>cares what the CIA does

Attached: gregisad.png (435x654, 544K)

Shut up, GOOBER

I haven't jacked off since doing LSD for the first time in december. I think it turned me into an incel.

My friend wants me to do mushrooms with him. Should I?

I've done my fair share of drugs and done my fair share of writing. Reading, going to museums, and talking to other writers has been immeasurably more helpful than dropping acid (which was fun in its own way.)

well 100ug is good for beginners

I took that much the first time and it barely did anything, it was like one hit of weed with no body high

Then you didn't really take 100ug


The problem is people mistake the drugs as holy grail of knowledge that can give you the truth (i use to think like that). But honestly, meditation is probably a better way of gaining new insight and knowledge. It is easier to reach ego death on psychs doe.

Does the guy in the pic just lack any self-awareness?

No one cannot have any values you retard. All you did was say that the hippies didnt have any values because they didnt align with your values.
>if you dont have the same values as me, can you reall say they're actually values?

read everything here including the bad trip reports, know what you're in for

Its not LARP. My life has changed and continues to change.

I was like 10,000 before me. I thought I was a brave explorer of a new frontier. I read Aldous Huxley's Doors of Perception when I was 16. All I wanted to do was trip, to "have the experience", to "explore the psyche."

The trips were intense. I cracked whippets on an eighth of shrooms. I smoked DMT multiple times. I took such a large dose of 2cE that I forgot my name, where I lived, and who my best friends were-- for several hours.

I always wanted to go deeper, go get to some deeper truth. I would plan exotic trips in the forest, or walking through a crowded city. I went to the evolution exhibit in a major city's science museum.

I came close to freaking out in public multiple times. I once cut myself with a knife to "prove that I was indeed alive." I am lucky nothing bad ever happened.

But even still, my point is that its nothing meaningful. There is no truth to be known from the trips. They just throw your sensory perceptions into a bizarre and novel configuration. The first times seem to be meaningful. You come away thinking "Theres something here, something I was only of the cusp of, something I almost grasped in my hands...but what was it?"

So you keep trying to go further down the rabbit hole. And yet you always come back down. And "real life" begins to haunt you as if it, and not drugs, is somehow besides the point.

You begin to wish you were existing in some magical drug trance every time you go for a hike. You begin to long for intensities of sensation-- sex on drugs, music on drugs, love on drugs, reading on drugs, movies on drugs, shows on drugs...

And now your mind is just racing to get to the end of a shift, or the end of a semester, or to some sketchy location where you can buy magical powders and crystals. You start reading about drugs in your spare time, watching Terrence McKenna lectures, reading Erowid reports. All you want is your fucking mind blown and you can have it, baby. And blow it will. And soon the trip reality invades the sober reality. You can no longer make head or tail of what you believe. You are ready to start a revolution. You are ready to join a hippie commune. You are ready to change everything, everything MUST change!

And just like that you have made your own mind, and your own life, and your own stale person... intolerable. And what truth did you learn? Just a little further down the rabbit hole and it is surely there...

Paraphrasing Hunter Thompson: you cannot buy truth, or enlightenment, for 5 bucks a hit.

It's a frenzy of arrows. They point everywhere. They point nowhere.

i'd argue psychedelics are green pilled.