Abstain from wanking

>abstain from wanking
>abstain from sex until marriage, if not forever
>no meat on fridays
>fasting for 40 days
>sunday mass
>lose faith every now and then
>99% of people goes to hell
>only 0.9 goes to prugatory, the small bit goes to heaven
>everyone you love is probably burning
>have to repent without presumption and to truly try not to do it again
>hard as fuck when you know the reality that you'll do it again but you presume that you will be forgiven, voiding the confession
>feel miserable as shit when sinning and not feel anything when doing "good"
>come to terms with the fact that an omnipotent being can do WHATEVER and ANYTHING they want and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it, and it will still be good
>since they are good and love itself, that means everything you do, all the skills, good things, and the love for the others that you show are not actually yours
>paranoid of dying when outside the state of grace or even within since you dont know if you actually truly repented
>any day could be the day of the apocalypse where you get decimated by angels or the person you worship
>if you go to hell and if there's a loved one in heaven, they'll just look at you in pity, and will not even recognise you like before
>almost guaranteed a ticket to hell, getting tortured in ways unimaginable since grace is absent

>christianity gives comfort
How the fuck do people think this religion gives comfort? I'd rather disappear in the void rather than eternal torment.

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What kind of God would create something only to torture it forever?

Defiantly not a God I want to worship.

You are going to hell user and I will laugh maniacally from heaven.

>abstain from wanking

not biblical, ignores context

>no meat on fridays

not biblical or mandantory

>99% of people goes to hell
>only 0.9 goes to prugatory, the small bit goes to heaven

purgatory is a catholic meme and source on those numbers?

>>paranoid of dying when outside the state of grace or even within since you dont know if you actually truly repented


>any day could be the day of the apocalypse where you get decimated by angels or the person you worship

read the bible

>>almost guaranteed a ticket to hell, getting tortured in ways unimaginable since grace is absent

no it's pretty easy, confess Jesus as lord and live life as best you can

He doesn't want torture anyone. He wants everyone to come back home to heaven. The fucking problem is that humans fuck up a lot and that by rejecting Him, they reject Good and His grace. Hell is a place where He gives them as close as they want. Since He is omnipresent, He takes away the grace.


*as to what they want.

Mormonism: the true Gospel.

>everyone receives eternal life and a so-called "degree of glory"
>there is no eternal hell in which sinners are burned and tortured
>everyone has the opportunity to receive the Truth after death
>families and relationships continue into the afterlife
>human beings have the potential to become gods themselves (theosis)
>unbaptized infants immediately go to Heaven

Need I go on?

literally proven it's founder was a fake

>God can't or doesn't work through flawed and imperfect people

Okay bud, lol.

>oh FUCK he called me on my bullshit! Quick threaten him with hell.

>laughing at someone's torment

no u are going to hell m8

>He wants everyone to come back home to heaven.
P sure it was Aquinas who said that one of the highest joys in heaven would be watching the damned suffer.

no u

Whatever I say will just sound like mental gymnastics. But the short explanation is that they don't take delight on the suffering itself, but the justice that has been done.

>laughing at someone's torment

no u are going to hell m8

>Doesn't understand the point of purgatory.
Proteshit detected.

This. The Lord wants us to express gratitude and take refuge in Him. This world is full of suffering and humans generally don't know whats best for ourselves so the rules seem daunting but they are actually for the enrichment of our own souls and closeness with God. I think an important thing to remember is that its not to God's benefit that you worship Him, its to YOUR benefit. He doesn't need us nor does He need your praise. He tells us to do it because it's for OUR OWN GOOD. But we are arrogant about it and decide to follow our own desires. I'm not exempt of course, but the myth of the "cruel God" is produced by a misunderstanding of our relationship with him and the usefulness of suffering, imo at least.

The point of of purgatory is to douse someone with fire to cleanse them of their impurity. Just because you are in a state of grace, doesn't mean you get a direct ticket to heaven though you are guaranteed. One of the differences between the people who go straight to heaven and those that don't are their contritions.

I know what purgatory is for, and it's certainly not a place for those without grace.

>cruel God
Also applies those who are sinning of despair. There's a love/hate attitude when a person is in that state.

>abstain from sex until marriage, if not forever
This is such a good thing.

>no meat on fridays
This is not mandatory. It is morally praiseworthy, but not a sin if you don't obey the guideline. I forget where I found it.

>99% of people goes to hell

>hard as fuck when you know the reality that you'll do it again but you presume that you will be forgiven, voiding the confession
Do not depend on God's mercy. Depend on his grace, to give you strength to sin no more.

>since they are good and love itself, that means everything you do, all the skills, good things, and the love for the others that you show are not actually yours
You are a created being, and God's instrument in the world. You are worthy, and not a robot.

>not understanding that God isn't some mother who loves you unconditionally
>not realizing he is a Father because you must prove you are worthy of His Grace

I bet you're the first to ask "If God real, why bad thing happen?". Because there is duality in all things.

Infinite punishment for finite sin
How do Christians defend this while also claiming that God is good? Honest question.

>This is such a good thing.
i find no fault in this, but because of that, the sin of masturbation becomes more tempting
>This is not mandatory.
Meat itself is not mandatory, but a penance is required
It just might be my current state that has me thinking like this, but it's the longest one.
>Depend on his grace, to give you strength to sin no more.
I wish I can understand that and apply it.
>You are worthy, and not a robot.

is it really punishment if that's what people wanted? A place without Him.
There's no numbers. Either you sin or you don't. You reject Good or you don't.In life, you are on a scale tipping from one place to another. Before you die, you would have all the chances to follow Him, to tip yourself to the right and dall to His hands. The moment you die is the moment you fell into one of the two. There is no turning back and you would have never choses any different if you got more time.

>Spend your entire life being a perfect paragon of virtue to please God
>have a split second of weakness as you lust after a hot chick walking down the street
>truck mows you down
>get sent straight to hell
God sure is a great

Protestants aren't Christian, they're just Muslims.

>Either you sin or you don't.
We are all sinners, compadre.


It is only through God's divine mercy and faith and good works that we may gain salvation.

>dude there is nothing wrong with masturbation
Protestant scum detected. People are attracted to Catholicism because they know this habit keeps them in bondage.

Yes, we are sinners. I should have been more clear. Either we commit a sin or don't.

You need urgent mental healthcare before you start snapping and killing people.

So was Saul of Tarsus. What's your point?

Have sex

t. American nu-Christian

There are different levels of sins, fool. Certainly killing a man and committing adultery are far greater sins than taking the Lord's name in vain. Just the same as spreading blasphemy and accidentally over sleeping and missing mass due to working late the night before, are on different levels.

a mortal sin only cpunts if it's deliberate

What did he mean by this?

>no meat on fridays
>only 0.9 goes to purgatory, the small bit goes to heaven

>sunday mass

Enjoy your crypto-pagan cult bucko, just buy the paper pass to heaven that the pope is selling for half off for a limited time.

>masturbation is ok
nice try Satan

As a faithul and practicing Catholic, lol.

Muh comforts

I don't care if all my friends end up in hell. Anyone there deserves it, even me.

This is why I think everyone should read the Bible all the way through at least once. Then you'll know when people are lying about it.

I don't keep a holy book, all my religious doctrine is safely stored in my head.

When you have a book that anyone can read those insidious atheists will do just that to try trap you in some sort of logic quandary. Can't do that to me if I don't give them access to my playbook.

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You are already coming at it from the assumption that religion is just wish-fulfillment fantasy, and then acting shocked when it doesn't conform to that. You have left no room for the idea that Christianity is in large part DESCRIPTIVE, and has merely personified and embodied primal forces of nature like all good mythology does.
You could try to think like this: we find ourselves in a cruel and complicated world, it's almost like we are being punished for something it's that bad. Christianity can be seen as an attempt to create a narrative for our situation which emboldens the BEST possible interpretation of our situation, and then maybe to show how to exist as if that interpretation was true. For bad things to happen to you less, living a certain life is a necessary feature, but it's not sufficient because there is still an arbitrary element to life and all of your efforts can lead to nothing.
It's not religion's fault that human life is the nexus of a dozen different kinds of suffering. Religion is trying to advance the most optimistic interpretation of that, nested in a mythological narrative. Stop being such a little bitch.