We need Romanticism to return

We need Romanticism to return

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Half of all popular culture is already a uncreative pile of shit stuck in a monetized nostalgia-loop. Making the loop bigger and sticking some historic "dis I liek" into one sector only contributes to this lack of development and vision.

Romanticism is a concept, you fool. I want a romantic spirit comeback, not the body of work nor the epoque

It never left to begin with.

pomo killed it

Explain this

For science?

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How science relates to romanticism?

Well, Goethe was a science man too

>One of Goethe's primary objectives in traveling to Italy in the late 1780s was to hunt for the Urpflanze, the primal plant that serves as the common origin and model of all other plants. To make a long story short, Goethe comes to understand, after reading Kant's Critique of Judgment and befriending Schiller and Schelling, that his Urpflanze does not actually exist empirically, but is rather an empirically valid regulative ideal. Goethe's "ideal realism" becomes a "real idealism" similar to Schelling's Naturphilosophie.

Yes, I remember he had an alternative theory to colors to what Newton proposed, Schopenhauer mentions it in World As Will And Representation.

This. We live in a hyper-romantic era.

We still judge works on their own terms instead of how close they come to a prefigured ideal; we still think of works as products of individuals' imagination, and worship those individuals; we still rate the Greeks over the Romans; we still rate Shakespeare over the french classicists; we still value negative capability over palpable design; we've still think in terms of Nature being superior to Art, even if we've stopped using those exact words.
Modernist and/or postmodernist ideology may go against these but even where it has won the theoretical battle romanticist ideology still reigns in practice.

No, modernism killed it. Pomo just made sure it would be stigmatised.

Romanticism is usually a response to an over abundance of Rationalism, so I imagine we aren’t too far away from romantic sentiments re-emerging in one medium or another (perhaps not even in literature).

I agree

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Porno certainly hasn't helped but I wouldn't say it killed romance. Especially Japanese porn is sometimes romance in nature.

PLS b b8ting

>Especially Japanese porn is sometimes romance in nature.

fucking weebs i swear....

muh japan culture


>hentai romance
>not romanticized
please be baiting

just stop

Not him but there's certainly a romantic expression within the JAV genre that you don't find in the Western counterpart. In western porn, the sex is commodified, the actors are bodies without connections, the sex parts are disorted beyond recognition (with 8 inch penises and ridiculous breasts being the 'norm'), and the act is cold and rational: male meets female, undress, fuck. No wonder the recent popular appeal of the "stepsister" genre - people are starving for emotional connection.
In JAV porn however, you find the opposite of this. The bodies are commodified, yes, but there's an attempt at emotional and creative expression that goes beyond merely fetish: you may find that even the most vanilla video is accompanied by an elaborate backstory of some sort, be it the 'uncle' who can't resist his brother's daughter, or the pervert student who finds a timestop device and fucks his hot teacher, or the nurse who's blackmailed and now has to gangbang the entire hospital, or the gameshow in which people have to "gues their relative's body parts" and depending on the outcome, they end up fucking each other; in japanese porn you find the human drama beyond the heads and bodies: you find people having sex in idealized ways, in ways that we can't find in the world, and can only dream of. If trying to transcend the cold rationality of reality isn't the core principal of romanticism then i don't know what is.

the core principal of romanticism is freedom but ok, i liked your analysis

freedom is a kind of transcendence of the cold rationality of reality

God what the fuck happens with this retard board. I start a thread about Romanticism and it degenerates into japanese porn bullshit. Please.

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welcome to fourchannel

Dawn comes after the night, brother.

As much as I love romanticism, it ultimately only serves as an anti-thesis. Man needs perhaps the romantic view and pursuit to cope with reality and rationalism, but diving too deep and solely into it is fatal. It is not real and no matter how much a man tries to evade, he is bond to the reality of his existence while the romantic has principles detached from reality in the ideal. It serves as a medicine, and like all medicine it can and most often is healing in the right amount, but you can become addict and even die by it. Romanticism is especially hard to overcome as it appeals to mans primative and aesthetic senses. As hard it is, one must eventually reach a synthesis of rationalism and romanticism. I don't think the era needs to come back for that user, I do believe it is a conflict as old as mankind and more subtely implented in culture and life than ever before.

I also enjoy it very much.
Don't think it will return though, the successful authors today are kinda gross and in your face.

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blame weebs for that, not me

This guy gets it

And how do I do romanic science? Any good introduction text in the web? An interesting book?

We need to bring back Goethean science

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Read Ernst Cassirer If you are seriously interested in this

Lehrs, Man or Matter

Barfield, Savng the Appearances

Bortoft, The Wholeness of Nature

>Anglos ITT unironically thinking Schiller and Goethe are romanticists
Please learn the differences between Weimar Classicism and Romanticism

>what were Jena Romanticism, which Schiller was one of the leaders of

get out pleb

what's the lit equivalent of late romanticist music?

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i want to be an ultra-aesthetic romanticist but i squandered my youth on Yea Forums

the sturm und drang movement

what the hell is that score from?


>Havergal Brian
wtf lmao thanks for the new name
>1 hour and 40 minute symphony
Mahler BTFO

>The maximalist boundary for symphonies (according to the authority in such matters, the Guinness Book of World Records) was set by the English composer Havergal Brian (1876–1972). His Symphony no. 2 (later renumbered as no. 1), the “Gothic,” completed in 1927, lasts somewhere over 100 minutes and requires 55 brass instruments in four antiphonal bands; 31 woodwinds; six kettle-drummers playing 22 drums; additional percussion including wind machine, thunder machine, and rattling chains; four vocal soloists; four large mixed choruses; a children’s chorus; and an organ. The last movement is an oratorio in itself—a complete setting of the Te Deum, the Christian hymn of victory. It was not performed until 1961, when the composer was eighty-five, and has had only two performances since then, which already suggests one of the pitfalls of maximalism.

Schiller later on really despised the romantics although he understood its appeal in the same way Goethe did, yet in his classicism he wanted this fall back into mans primal state to be transcended. The Maiden of Orleans shows this quite well, and you know his many theoretical works.

I came here to say this - only with more generalities and fewer examples.
everything with the potential to affect people has the ability to do it to excess; but I'd rather we as a culture suffered from a surfeit of people getting carried too far with what they've discovered than too few.