He reads books with women in them

>he reads books with women in them

Attached: smugelf.jpg (400x268, 23K)


>fictional women bad



Name one great book without women. I'm waiting.

whale book

It's shit, I couldn't get past chapter 2. Name another

LOTR only had a single female character.

the OP picture is used for the facial expressions only

>It's shit,
invalid opinion

You have low T and are susceptible to Globalist pilpul

Recommend some books with no female characters (but also not gay)

>can't name another
I thought so

I was going to say Seven Pillars of Wisdom, but the second page can be summed up as "there was much buggery in the dessert, but in our defense, passion was high in the war and it was cleaner than trusting a whore".
There's got to be some war novels that are good.

the old man and the sea

you were already given a classic anway though you insufferable faggot

This is a dumb ass thread.

have sex

Highest IQ board ladies and gentlemen

yes tolkien is ultra based and redpilled int his regard, absolutely no jezebels in LoTR aside from Arwen and Galadriel

Anything from Konrad

do y'alll cowards even smoke pipe tobacco with weed?

there's a woman in it though

Frodo is a jezebel user don't kid yourself

>Beren & Luthien
>Children of Hurin

my diary

I want to vomit

1) He doesn’t only read books which exclusively feature lesbians

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I don’t think anything Lawerence says regarding sex should be trust, the guy was a horny homo who would have happed to gay porn 24/7 - he made plenty of shit up

Do Norse sagas/legends even have that much women? There was plenty in the Volsung saga, but that was a generational story

Mystery Island

Anything by lovecraft.

Attached: caraouselCock.jpg (404x480, 30K)

Arabian Sands

Attached: fdf.jpg (1200x767, 490K)

>Great book
Some of his stories are good but i wouldn't call them great

That board is nothing but trannies, "fembots", and homosexuals. If anything the proportion of females/males is higher there than here.

lord of the flies

Aesthetic phenotype.

Glengarry Glen Ross

Arabs can be pretty faggy one minute then shoot up the gay bar for ISIS the next.